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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. And there still is. Plenty of motorcycle taxis waiting.
  2. KhunBENQ

    AI HUB

    Bring AI to the pickups. Drastic reduction of fatalities.
  3. There has been no word about U-Tapao in this and previous reports. "Pattaya" is just used as a trademark(!), misleading and surprising really.
  4. Regret every accident but I guess such happens about a hundred times a day over Thailand. 30 to 50 killed on motorcycles daily.
  5. After the link to the article has been fixed things look better 😊
  6. It's gone and I have 11 pages of notifications now. Not that it costs me a cent but is there any impact on performance (open notifications)?
  7. Would make the story more credible if there was any link to a trip report. At these times of war it must be even more difficult to do such a trip.
  8. It's bad enough that these toys with no license/insurance whatever are driven in the village by kids. Easy doing 40 km/h or so. But turning in to an open highway is a death wish. Fortunately not seen yet in our area. Only in the lawless zone called village.
  9. Agree. Solar energy adding to the general mix is OK. Plenty of solar farms in the country, one 60 MW not far from us. But why add expensive decentralized solar installation in a fully developed area? Such things make sense in remote places where a new electrical installation would cost more. Here we have that out in the farm land for water pumps and the like.
  10. What nationality? Where does he live? Asking because income letter might be obtained by some (honorary) consulates on a personal visit same day.
  11. Would be good news. Don't need another drought year like 2014. Difficult to bear. The test here will be around NYE and first half of January when the coldest night temperatures appear. In a neighboring province it easily goes down to single digit Celsius (< 50 F).
  12. Stupid comment of the day. A housing village in Pattaya is safe then, not in the sticks? How many foreigners have been killed in hot spot areas? Done to death with a machete, baseball bat, iron rod... I live in the sticks with the family and NOT in a housing village cramped with strangers. Zero tensions with the neighbors.
  13. Yep, who believes that an Amazon business wouldn't do a cash audit at the end of the shift?
  14. One granddaughter went to a college for two years. Some kind of commercial education. I once browsed through the hundreds of pages of printed material she got. Unbelievable amount of detailed stuff remote from life. Never ever would a college student master such huge amount of material.
  15. They want sheep who silently endure their fate and don't make trouble. Adequate educations is available to the upper class and those who have sponsors for the better schools. From the linked article: 1%! from top schools. The village school is down the road. First hour in the morning is flag call and singing anthems. A poor victim (student) has to "sing" however bad the voice is. After that a lenghty speech from a teacher/rector. Two long holiday periods (6? weeks each) plus the maximum amount of public holidays. Lots of boy/girls scout stuff, endless drill for parades, sport festival. Sport field is dusty and bumpy. Nets for volleyball are torn apart most of the year. Just some impressions. I never looked into the classrooms. Hardly a teacher whom you could have an everyday conversation in English. Students average English: good morning (in the afternoon), what's your name... Thats it. Payment for teachers start at ? 15k?
  16. Quite strange. "card without chip" would make sense. These were cancelled. Free exchange was offered. But hasn't that been finished years ago?? How old is your card? Expiry date? Any damages on the card or chip? Might be a singular case that the ATM could not read the chip? Haven't used my card for a while. If withdrawing from SCB I use cardless withdrawal. But really this would make a big wave if "card with chips" wouldn't work anymore.
  17. Legally, waiting for an approval is not an overstay. (I am sure that ubonjoe had stated that in a similar case) On the other hand when I waited for an approval of a Non O >visa< in KK I had some paper with the date. I went early and it was ready
  18. Not worth more than a laughter. The yearly clown show Well described in post above.
  19. Obvious. It's the hospital that refused the Taiwanese tourist for emergency treatment (victim of a hit and run nearby). He died later after being carted to a public hospital 10 km away. While the name was withheld in the respecting thread here it is all over in Thai language sources. See here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1314240-taiwan-seeking-answers-over-hit-and-run-death-in-bangkok/
  20. KhunBENQ

    Internet wifi

    You can buy and then register as I appended. I bought my internet SIM online and after receiving did register online. But thanks for contribution.
  21. KhunBENQ

    Internet wifi

    You might need to register the SIM to your name though. Best at provider shop with passport.
  22. KhunBENQ

    Internet wifi

    Test SIMs? You can get a prepaid SIM for each provider (AIS, DTAC, True) for little money like 100 Baht or so at about every mobile phone booth or shop. With them you can first test the signal strength at your location(s). After that you can check with the provider for a one day package with max or some high speed. Then do speed tests. Not sure whether I got your question right.
  23. From the web (correct or not): Tor Tor 3 is an outdated name for what is today referred to as an FET (foreign exchange transaction form) which is a necessary document for the land office. Kind of strange that your lawyer uses tt3.
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