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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. A 6 year old Pattaya thread might not get too much attention by Phuket experts? Why not start a new thread for Phuket?
  2. Somewhat unlikely. China is the biggest cotton producer in the world with about 6.6 million tons. India 2nd with 5.6, USA 3rd with 3.1. Super cheap junk sold in Germany comes from Indian cotton.
  3. Yes. Stupid as I am I fell into the trap of the misleading picture. The whole thing has nothing to do with a high speed railway.
  4. Go now, as soon as you have all documents ready. In case something is missing you don't get in time pressure. Non O-A, so you still need health insurance.
  5. Thread from five days ago. Is it out of fashion in news nowadays to specify date/time? https://aseannow.com/topic/1329087-german-tourists-fatal-fall-at-pattaya-hotel-shocks-visitors/
  6. This morning???? Posted 56 minutes ago. Video uploaded an hour ago. Driving me nuts!!
  7. I had edited after your quote but yes it will be long weekend with big influx from Bangkok to Pattaya. The topic starter did not mention he is Pattaya.
  8. I consulted THE reference (https://www.myhora.com) And it's all more complicated. Saturday 20 July: Asanha Bucha Day Sunday 21 July: Khao Phansa Day Monday 22 July: compensation day I feel OK to be corrected but both July 20 and 21 are alcohol ban days. A complete lost weekend for the entertainment businesses.
  9. This term "Vassa" surprised me. Correct for some countries but never heard here. In Thailand it's usually referred to as "Wan Khao Phansa" (transcripts differ). And your calendar is somewhat wrong as Khao Phansa is on 21st of July this year, a Sunday. Just trying to figure out what date is correct Wait for more..
  10. Dump question. Will that go through Khon Kaen so that a proper train to Bangkok is in sight? I had given to see that in my lifetime.
  11. For a change I would expect that the picture is related to the article?
  12. I hate any online storage of payment methods/details. From time to time I search through my accounts to clean up (that includes Google). And I use foreign credit card online only when unavoidable. Domestic stuff all with domestic debit cards or QR code payment. I still don't understand why people who live here use and carry around a foreign credit card. In 12 years only had my German credit card locked once. I have only a vague idea why: ordered stuff at a US online store, paying in Thai Baht with the German (EUR) card. Maybe this triggered some alarm. Although the purchase went fine?
  13. I use "dmp Baby Bath", yellow color. I find it at MAKRO much cheaper than the fairly overpriced other baby shampoos ("Baby mild" etc.). Don't know which other shops have it. To my satisfaction both wife and daughter have switched to it after using the highly perfumed stuff for all the years. The English text in the picture is Google translated.
  14. Have you done that multiple times this calendar month? Usually you can withdraw four times at another bank's ATM per calendar month.
  15. For the cautious: go first work day after expiry (sober from your birthday party) and use some transport to get to the office or have someone with a license drive you in your car (best option).
  16. June 15th at 2 AM Thai time.
  17. You were faster. Just stumbled upon his video. Big harassment. 17 year old account had to be registered with US authority. All electronic transfer and ATM withdrawal blocked. About the experiences that have been shared in the forum.
  18. Ok. Far from my retired expat horizon. I read about the PITA of opening a bank account which seems to affect US citizens worse than others?
  19. Income letter for immigration? Has been stopped long ago. While other countries still get.
  20. The difference is only the print on the keyboard caps. You could type Thai on an "English" keyboard "blindly" (a bit of a challenge ). A keyboard is fairly dumb piece of HW consisting of a matrix (rows/columns). Simplified: I tells the keyboard driver which row/column crossing point has been "hit" by a key. What happens from there is all SW/setup. And as others said, if you do not intend to type Thai or very occasionally opt for an English print only. For occasional typing in Thai with Windows you can use the on screen keyboard. Of course you need to install/setup Windows for Thai language keyboard layout first. I have three different languages setup which I can change between.
  21. This is obviously a forum support question? Totally misplaced. I had similar experience with another forum recently with the security questions. Gave up after 10 attempts, contacted the admins via mail. No response.
  22. But there was no error message after Submit? I entered last Sunday and got the receive confirmation. But the Approval ended in the spam folder! Always useful to do status check on the immigration site and check your Spam folder.
  23. Here he seems to wear the missing object. The car is a customers car, a Merc E63 about 600 HP/PS.
  24. What's so funny? From his FB profile it seems he has a successful business, handles luxury cars of all brands and obviously not a Toyota driver (like me ). For a Patek Philippe the price is still far from the upper limit (judging from prices outside Thailand). No idea how much you have to add for a legally imported watch. What is worth a laughter is his lack of street wise behavior. Walking in public with precious stuff in one of the most crime ridden cities in Germany is quite careless. A Nautilus, about 200'000 Euro and for a factory new you have to apply to queue:
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