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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. It's measured in mg/gr or percent. 2.32% is 23.2 mg/gr of cream. Usual "Difelene" brand in Thailand is 1%. As far as I know OTC stuff in Germany is limited to 1%. Pills can have up to 100(!) mg of Diclofenac. Be aware of the side effects particularly on the liver.
  2. The box says 8 gr as shown in self taken picture above.
  3. And are you looking at a certain example (flights, airport)?
  4. Recently read a rule of thumb. (from Europe) While your shadow is shorter than you, sun is strong enough to build Vitamin D. About 15 min in the sun is enough. Don't take Vitamin D for no reason! Too much risk with overdosing. As the sun in Thailand can be so high up you might have to sunbath/lie down or you just burn your skulp 😊
  5. That's regular Kellogg's as sold in Thailand:
  6. Did some search and both regular Kellogs as well as Nestle contain about 8 to 10 grams of sugar per 100 gram. If you chew them dry you will notice that it must be sweetened. Much less though than the choco stuff etc. I eat Kellogs and will continue. 100 grams is much more than a serving. The few grams are far from what I consume with chocolate etc. (I am an addict). To me it looks like Kellogs is made from drum rolled corn while Nestle is some extruder product from corn porridge. Just to uniform and lot of fine bubbles included ("foamy"). Tried it and don't like it.
  7. Severe drought? Shortage in sugar? Sounds strange to me suffering from the endless queues behind the huge sugar cane trucks. Many passing along the house. If there is shortage of sugar I assume it's more from the fact that it ends as ethanol for fuel. Bought sugar about 10 days ago and no sign of shortage. Must be new.
  8. My thought too. Sold next morning. Walking in the night with such precious stuff? No comment.
  9. That's really interesting. I am always concerned about the possible loss of the phone. What a hassle to get back to normal.
  10. Hypocrisy to the max. One 17 year old cheating her way into that club. Thousands of under 20 in clubs and brothels every night. They know very well. I bet this was a staged event by a competitor or old enemy.
  11. You forgot Villa and TOPS at Central which are MY two most important spots. That western food shop "Cheese 2 Meat You" has some interesting stuff too.
  12. Since I while I was bothered by the WISE app about installing an "authenticator". Another mythical number generating app connected to other apps. Google again seems to flood the place with its Authenticator app? After some research I decided against and setup "Authy" from a company named "Twilio". Account "hard wired" to my Thai phone number it seems. Never heard these names before and now hope the the next WISE transfer will go smooth. Anyone has own experience with such apps? How does it add to security? I have not quite understood the extra benefit.
  13. Not much worse then now. Who fishes for the purse? They fish for their mobile, search for the bank app, search for the QR code scan and then... hopefully it will work. Payment always comes as a surprise. (sorry for repeating the boring reality) Extra steps... It becomes more and more a PITA to use online transactions. Just think about the introduction of face scan. Brilliant. Not only here. 2FA hunts you. But that leads too far.
  14. And this happens unhindered since such devices exist. First story was from a mate who bought a USB stick with some high capacity (at the time) and soon realized that his data gets lost. And that was in the 200x years.
  15. A computer illiterate friend in Jomtien called me for help as his new external 1 TB HDD (3.5") could not be formatted (bought online somewhere...). After looking at screenshot and head scratching I found that this c.ap identified as 10(!!) TB 😁 Price though was really good at 800 Baht. But for a paperweight too much. I told him for his next shopping at Friendship to walk another 100 m to Advice and buy a working piece.
  16. If it gives consolation: very similar experiences with Germany. Easily six days for "customs clearance/check" at Frankfurt airport.
  17. You were faster. Of course these numbers are lower than average over the year. Just creating some important sounding headlines. Yesterday I drove with the bike over some minor rural roads (4 digit road numbers) with very little traffic like a bigger vehicle every five minutes. But they have set up the well known "traffic checkpoints" (tent camping). Such a joke!
  18. We welcome a newbie moderator Brazen nonsense!
  19. And you don't get detailed reports about the xx others every day. Repeating the reasons for the blood shed becomes a boring time waste.
  20. That would be great. I only know from tales of the past when you could have a bottle of champagne or wine for an acceptable price. in the 80s?
  21. The whole action is just stunning. On one side leading a crusade against alcohol with silly sales restrictions etc. Now abolish alcohol taxes. Which other country has lowered alcohol tax? (serious question) And to no surprise applies to LOCALLY produced alcohol only. As if much wanted high spending tourists are attracted by saving a few Baht on LEO 😖
  22. Indeed a complete mess. The "," in the Thai Baht numbers is of course NOT a decimal separator.
  23. Just seen a video of the evacuation. It shows the right side of the plane with no fire at the time. Evacuation all through the two very wide slides in front. From the rear left you see the fire shining.
  24. Am a bit confused. This fire fighting scene is about 11 minutes after the impact.
  25. All out from the JAL A350. Their second birthday,
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