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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. What messenger is that? In the past I noticed that some downloaded videos (Instagram downloads) sent through Signal messenger have strange effects like slow motion playback. Just now I tried to send a music video in MP4 format with Signal (using attachment function) and it obviously does not even upload anything. Black box with the play button and nothing happens. If I send it using the file send function the outcome plays OK. I have a Samsung but not an S24.
  2. For consolation, there are worse places on earth: (Delhi, India) And you can always put a station curbside to a major highway at 0.5 m above ground and produce huge values.
  3. "Worst" value (55) on Phuket is at the Municipal Health Center Value at our district town (nearest station) is 38. A few km away near the sugar mill it's 65.
  4. Wasn't successful searching for. Do you have one typical link?
  5. Why more afraid than now being out to China? Formally he accepted the invitations to Thailand and Vietnam for next year. Wait and see. Hope they shift to Phuket. Hell what a mess that would be in Bangkok. Stay home holiday. Closed airport etc.etc.
  6. A bunch of ignorant posts here. Having no idea why these people go to work overseas and not studying the world risk map before. Thousands will stay anyway. Work in Thailand... Safe country... Their mistake... Unbelievable ignorance.
  7. Ignorant BS Millions of Thais have LINE in every corner of the country. And the topic is not a local but a technical topic. One more for the list.
  8. New phone, unchanged phone number? Wish I could remember how I did it. But I didn't need to visit the branch. Was it with using the debit card number? And the PIN that I use is identical with the ATM PIN.
  9. In the visa forum there is a thread (no replies yet) from "Guest". Is that an intended new feature? https://aseannow.com/topic/1309721-extention-non-immigrant-visa-o/
  10. You can do the usual spam checks: 1) check the sender address (not the display name which might be "Facebook....") by using "detail view" or whatever it is called by your mail provider. On the PC it might be enough to move the mouse over the sender field. 2) does the mail address you with personal details or is it just a "Dear Facebook user..." type? 3) does the mail contain links and where do they point to?
  11. Ok. Need a hammer 😁 Unplugging needs a winch. I'll ask mods to close the thread.
  12. (no idea about duplicate pictures, upload error occured, I should not try on the mobile, total mess) About the above: Yesterday bought this flat Häko outlet. Is this normal that the plug won't sink completely?
  13. Some are lucky like me. 5 hours until approval today. Others not. A mate living nearby always gets reject without comment. And that after it worked for him in the past. And even worse: no one at KK office is willing or capable to tell what the problem is. The guy has never left the country or moved residence since about 15 years!
  14. https://aseannow.com/topic/1309606-clear-notifications/ Might produce more duplicates.
  15. Fine, so the sheiks can drive electric solar powered and have more oil left over to exp(t)ort.
  16. (noticed post above too late) Are you serious? A Tunisian kills two arbitrary Swedish football fans in Brussels? He is on the flight but 99% identified from a confession video on the net. Claiming to be inspired by ISIS. Swedes targeted as revenge for Koran burning in Sweden. A denied asylum seeker that should have been evicted. Same s.it everywhere.
  17. When did you last hear the anthem at 6 PM and people "freezing"?
  18. Sounds like a necessary measure with the repeated cloud error messages.
  19. The rule set/laws/taxes regarding motor traffic is a complete outdated joke. Don't know where to start. Instead of shuffling billions around to manipulate fuel prices encourage people to buy fuel saving cars and don't advantage bulky Diesel pickups. Some of the most boring "mix" of vehicles on the roads. Comes just after Afghanistan ????
  20. Bangkok prices. Prices for rest of country easily 0.50 Baht higher, islands maybe more. Diesel price fixed by subsidies/preferences at the expense of petrol/gasoline users.
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