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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Heavy rain for four days now. On/off. Irrigation channels overflow. Low lying roads offer wheel washing for free. First glimpse of sun this afternoon, an hour or so. For me it's enough now, thanks! Move south.
  2. But the exact opposite would be necessary. Lower fare, even more pressure to the tiny overcrowded BTS trains. More trains, more staff! The capacity of those trains could serve a Disney park rail but not a huge metropolitan mass transport. It's five years that I experienced BTS. And that was a mess finalizing in a complete breakdown in the evening due to technical issues. Doubt that things have improved?
  3. Making it even harder to hide their beauty in the dark.
  4. Indeed there seems room for expansion? Found two flights today (AirAsia to DMK). That even undercuts U-Tapao.
  5. Last time at Suvarnabhumi there was free internet WiFi available. So you can start from there. I don't have the details at hand. Really funny method by DTAC. Whether this magic code will list all available internet packages? *104*851*9# Maybe a DTAC user knows more.
  6. Don't want to be misunderstood. Doing a runner is a criminal act. In many countries this can bring you to prison. But here...
  7. Not everyone using an agent uses an illegitimate route. Some just save the hassle at IO as you describe. Others even use an agent to do 90 day report! Never seen an IO in person. If money doesn't matter...
  8. The damned illegal makeshift sidecars. At 1:30 AM even more dangerous than anyway. Close to none has proper lighting or at least some reflector on the sidecar. Pure deathwish to ride in the night on a highway.
  9. I don't miss anything. Just commenting on the terms used. And I made it clear that I did not need it in the beginning.
  10. No. (about her arithmetic: why do it easy if you can do it a hard way ) The due date is 25 September. The grace period for reporting in person would end Oct 1st (a Sunday). So effectively Sep 29th. Have you tried online reporting yet? I would stubbornly apply online NOW.
  11. "Pink card" and "yellow book". Can be easy or a big headache to get depending on amphoe (very erratic). During my first year it was always good enough to have the wife with me for proof of residence with her blue book (that was for retirement)
  12. You have a bank account with 400k+? Guess you left out the obvious requirements like the marriage status certificate from the amphoe (district office)? (kor ror 22?). Photos from the house etc.pp. Indeed very confusing requirements like photo with wife on TM7?
  13. Seems another ridiculous transcript/naming. Not even all knowing Google can find this. How much developed is medical helicopter transport in Thailand? How often have you seen one?
  14. Delivery driver fiddling with his phone/GPS while riding. What can you say?Commonplace, everyday, everywhere.
  15. And I can tell you that there are plans for another one just parallel to the existing. Why do you think he talks about completion by 2029. https://opendevelopmentmekong.net/news/thailand-plans-to-build-bridge-linking-with-laos-across-mekong-river/
  16. Have three browsers in use on the PC. FF used mainly, Chrome and Brave occasionally. Can't remember last time that one of them crashed. Now on mobile using Chrome just for being lazy to install anything else.
  17. Only in Pattaya. More reporters and tabloids than newsworthy events????
  18. KhunBENQ


    ? Could you elaborate your valuable contribution.
  19. KhunBENQ


    Can't get far. Just that ฝัก stands for a gourd/pumpkin. หมู is pork, no question. Is it the name of a dish?
  20. Random computerized calls. There were more than one warnings about calls from certain country codes. Particularly for this 617 code. Thai sites full of that. Also random calls from Bangkok numbers. It's a pest analog to mail spam. Your number: if they don't say sawatdee but call by your name and talk in English then! it's time for concern ????
  21. Haven't followed the lengthy discussion about nationality of the deceased. YES of course, he was an Austrian citizen (from German language sources). And I thought it was just a bargirl joke that they can't distinct
  22. It would not cost a fortune to install floodlights at this frequented U-turn. Just for a start. A direct entry to the MAKRO secured with traffic lights? Too much.
  23. After years I did another attempt to find unsweetened condensed milk. Gave up. Sweetened, sweetened AND mixed with palm oil (another "healthy" highlight) or completely from palm oil (faking). So I remain tied to coffee mate. Made of: palm oil ☹️
  24. I used this U-turn yesterday morning (as so often). No more remains to be seen. Allowed speed is 90 km/h (highway 12). And speeding way above is not rare. Traffic is fast as no lights or stops for many kilometers. Even in daylight it's a challenge to pass the two oncoming lanes. There is no special lighting at this U-turn. Signage and some flash light. Good enough for a careful driver.
  25. Absolutely crazy. Diesel is already favored and gasoline users pay the price. Tell that to the "environmental activists" in the west, a country that promotes cheaper Diesel. In Germany " old" Diesel cars are banned from the inner cities. Old like 6 years old.
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