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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. And those who come from other cold countries in Europe have to fight with the electronic tourist visa application to beg for 60 days (proof of residence, accommodation in Thailand, flight booking, financials bla bla). Worse for 90 day Non-O with health insurance. The non PC savvy often can't get it right without help. Completely outrageous a.. kissing. How many legit Russian tourists with their devalued currency have the money for a 90 day family holiday? Everybody knows what they are fleeing from and their "innovative ideas" to finance the stay.
  2. No. Same like ID card, driving license: picture taken with digital camera at the office. Bio-metric data incl. fingerprint and iris scan(?) is transmitted electronically to Bangkok office.
  3. I just checked for mid to end November.
  4. Check hotel bookings after mid November for popular hotels. I was a bit perplexed. Maybe I am spoiled from my tours during COVID.
  5. Average pension for Swiss male is about 50000 CHF/year. Well over 4000 CHF/month. Exchange rate about 40. Expect more Swiss on Phuket or Samui????
  6. Quite a number. Swiss pioneering Pattaya in the early years with restaurants and some bars (Soi Diamond, Soi 7 area). With the extremely overrated Swiss Franc and the average pension Swiss have a good standard here. Might drive tears to some British pensioners in comparison.
  7. Absolutely. More like a tourist assistance. Nothing targeted to expats.
  8. Occasionally you read about some celebrity staying in a high end resort in Phuket or renting villas. All in the upper 5 digit Thai Baht per day.
  9. Some years ago a guy photo-shopped his Thai pink ID card to proof his argument. Too bad he didn't know that there is checksum which didn't match in his photo-shop If only it was that easy with all the squabblers.
  10. Towards Khon Kaen and Udon Thani there are road blocks on an arbitrary basis. They have laser speed checking devices before the checkpoints. So besides the usual tax/overloaded trucks they make good money from speed violations. 1000 Baht is the minimum fine now. But as most checkpoints are at fixed locations the experienced locals aren't bothered.
  11. Camp ground is the minimum standard to look for. Some organized site. There is overnight camping/sleeping in tents in the national parks. But I never saw that for the beaches.
  12. Thailand is still comparably safe for tourists in terms of crime. But sleeping in a tent on the beach? No thanks. I can't comment on the legality.
  13. If you try to use an "open" WiFi (often the case at public/hotel WiFi) the app fails silently. Just does not come up. SCB is paranoid with their security measures. No (copy) paste (sooo convenient for account no. etc). Developer functions on Android must be turned off. Still the worst/ugliest of the Thai banking apps that I have (Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn, SCB). They are still not able to setup face recognition for foreign passport holders. Stupidos. So after a lenghty talk to customer service in Bangkok (me sitting at the branch) I got a waiver. So far so mediocre. Didn't even notice the "French touch" until now : Open issue: two days ago I wanted to do card-less withdrawal. Enter my phone number at the ATM and get some "not registered for ..." message. Worked before. Phone number used since years for internet banking. I am just too lazy for another branch visit with passport and bankbook and receive some blank stares and discussion among the staff
  14. That's what I understand is their intention. When logged in with your Google account they will notice you using adblockers and sooner or later they might lock your account out from youtube. What browser are you using and what device? Above I described a method which seems too complicated for some. It's basically using an alternate browser that is free any blockers (logging in to your Google account) and just search/browse for videos that interest you (from your subscribed channels e.g.) Copy link (no need to open video) and watch video in yet another browser named "Brave" in incognito mode. So far it works fine. Next resort: copy link and use a down-loader like "WinX".
  15. They don't on my X app on Android. Exactly like in the OP. Is it about the app version? Mine comes as "Version 2" only?
  16. It's not the first thread on this and maybe not the last. Up to now I can get around by using unspoiled Chrome (no blockers) to search/browse for videos (incl. my subscribed channels). Then copy the link and watch it in a Brave (browser) incognito window. Last resort if that fails too would be pasting the link to WinX Youtube downloader and watch the video with an external viewer (VLC). If that fails... I bite my desk. If they look at the IP address another try would be using VPN (very inconvenient). Just "invented" the idea this morning and can't guarantee it will work in all cases. Now it's hackers of the world against Google to circumvent.
  17. Too little detail to give a meaningful answer. Seven days incl travel to and from? 30 hour flight from the US? NO
  18. I was not in the US but at Google and being quite puzzled that "Wireless Emergency Alerts" comes up as US specific alert system? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_Emergency_Alerts It does not look like the system that I heard about called "Cell Broadcast" which has just recently been tested in Germany. (same as planned for Thailand following post above) To the OP: you don't have a second SIM in the phone? You have not been in the US with the phone? You have not purchased and used the phone in the US?
  19. That might be a part of the problem. Relying on Google for each and everything. I stumble upon so many faults. There is really no shortage of pharmacies in Pattaya. But indeed some may have gone. One (of two) in Soi Diana made way for a bar. About half of dozen on one leg of Soi Buakhao. Forget the pharmacies in the malls. Indeed often no pharmacist on duty. An annoyance.
  20. Didn't want to spoil the thread about the student massacres. Just a coincidence in the date. Last Friday was the anniversary of the 36 people killed, the majority of them sleeping children in a nursery. Reminds me of the deadliest thread to humans being humans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Nong_Bua_Lamphu_massacre
  21. Check your calendar! It's now Friday morning Oct 6, 8 AM. A video of the "late night event" had been uploaded 17 hours ago.
  22. 0.73% AEON 150 Baht but limited to 20000 Baht makes 0.75%.
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