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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Oh no! Last report I remember was a Chinese woman being hit on Sukhumvit. Would you cross a motorway/freeway in your country? Yes Suk. is not one but feels like one. Racers with 120 km/h (75 mph) is not rare on Suk. Top speeds higher. I hesitate to swerve over to a U-turn on a small bike not to think of walking!!
  2. And it's about sending money TO UK using a KBank virtual credit card. Quite different from "mainstream" sending money to Thailand. And I always thought it's still another task to send Thai Baht to another country? WISE works flawlessly for me. Did my monthly transfer ("for long term stay") to Bangkok Bank just this week. Arrived next day 2 PM as usual. Yesterday I did a test to KBank ("for personal expense") and it arrived in 7 seconds.
  3. Correct and surprising how many clueless there are.
  4. Too much... The daily "crashed into parked vehicle".
  5. Maybe the biker was on a "major road" by customs and therefore expect right of way. Otherwise it's vehicle coming from left had right of way. BUT: the biker could see the pickup far enough for a safe stop/slowdown. That's what I would do because here rule #1 applies: bigger vehicle first 😊
  6. And this IS what I would call a curve.
  7. This Daily Mail seems as ignorant as the drunk Brit. And here lies the surprise. Clueless newbies are often fooled by "one for my friend" until you "entertain" the whole bar. That can add up to a few thousand Baht even in an average beer bar. It's years that I have been to a fancy Gogo. But at the time you had to sign every lady drink bill. No excuse for the unknowing.
  8. How can that happen in the award winning beautiful destination?
  9. Not able to manage the "curve" on Thappraya rd.? (a long mild bend) What would happen if there is a real curve?
  10. "on the morning" Still dark or not? It feels like there is a "crashed into parked truck" report daily...
  11. "just an hour from Bangkok" (while you might need an hour to reach the motorway) When an article starts like that I know what to expect. Unworldly drivel. How can you use words like "eco" and "sustainable" for a center of air polluting terrible traffic and mountains of styrofoam takeaways.
  12. So Naklua rd is easy for you. Tortis would be my first spot. It's after 14/1 when coming from roundabout. https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076127750130
  13. Good German/Swiss that I know are all quite far. On Naklua Rd. there is "Tortis Biergarten" (beer garden). But the 3 course menu of the day is too big for me. Be warned😊 A nice place I can recommend far on the eastside is "Samis International Restaurant". A mate swears for "Mickey Restaurant" on the eastside. Popular, often crowded. Dinnertime only. Meeting point on the eastside I only know from breakfast. Often too lazy to scoot from central Pattaya.
  14. X as usual a source of posts which have to be critically checked. One obviously fake (22yr old...). Another saying: "From what I've gathered, it was a Swedish hunter with a gun license who got fed up with criminal Arab gangs shooting and bombing all over the country. He snapped, and started shooting at innocent immigrants who were learning the Swedish language at a school."
  15. 35yr old, having a weapons license. Not been in police files before. I would not bet. Could in turn be a "Swedish Breivik". Or just a other psycho/looser. Source refers to local media reports.
  16. Of course. Limit 50. So he was just over the limit. Could have even challenged with a blood test (refusing breathalyzer). Maybe Mohammed was not well adapted to booze.
  17. I think it's not different from what you have to sign at account opening. If you are not a US citizen it should be straightforward .
  18. https://aseannow.com/topic/1344388-k-bank-e-mail-with-tax-forms-attached/ Got it. Filled in Nov 24, uploaded and have not heard from them since.
  19. I hesitate to challenge you but isn't it spelt: HbA1c I did this test twice (5.x result) and will do again this month. It cost me 350 Baht at Lifecarelab in Pattaya.
  20. If your phone number is registered to two accounts of which one is not yours and for specific reason this is detected at the bank then AIS will give you 24h to verify your identity for the number else number suspended. (first hand experience, message from AIS in Thai language only) There was news some time ago that ALL banks have to make sure that the phone is registered for account holder. Bet they get the data from the network operators.
  21. Totally exaggerated publicity stunt to make news. Are they desperate to make an "arrest quota"?
  22. If you refer to the annoying "in other news" then refer to it explicitly. The headline is about a 34 yr old Thai woman.
  23. This strange wording for a foreign transfer is indeed used by Kbank. Should be known to immigration. Next time request a statement in Thai language where they use a more plausible term. It has been discussed in another thread. Can't search now.
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