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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Your post is black on white for me like previous ones. Have absolute zero idea. Are you writing on a PC or mobile?
  2. Who doesn't? Unusual? Much less unusual than watch collector for example and billionaire Ferrari cops etc. Sure he evaded tax when selling his business. In the west this is common practice and a fool would you be called if paying tax.
  3. https://aseannow.com/topic/1301862-member-signatures-temporarily-disabled
  4. Temporarily disabled as announced by admin George. Let me search for the thread...
  5. You can't be serious. This sealed unripe stuff that will never develop any typical flavor?
  6. Last registered letter to Germany took 4 days to arrive at Germans customs clearance. Took another 5 days to final delivery. Not bad compared to previous experiences. Once a letter took three weeks from Germany to here. A mate's letter from 19. July took 7 days to German customs clearance and not yet delivered. At least one more day in Thailand compared to mine.
  7. I am not surprised that many Thais have no insight in Buddism. As far as I know there is no religious education in school. It's all "learning by doing" following what the elders do. The Catholics had decided to switch from Latin language to living language that common people can understand and follow. Here all the sermons are in Pali, an archaic language. I often here the monks doing the sermon at sundown for a deceased. It's a "sing a song" that none of the common people understands. So how can they dig deeper. Before I try to explain what Asanha Bucha is, start here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asalha_Puja Don't be confused by the different transcripts. His first sermon after his "enlightenment". And it's definitely not Buddhas birthday!
  8. Looks like the forum support desk is the place to use? https://aseannow.com/forum/19-forum-support-desk/
  9. Found threads from 2018! about the change. Hope the thread is not about some useless expired plastic.
  10. As far as I remember all Thai bank ATM cards had to be changed to new cards with 6 digit pin quite long ago. That was a full blown campaign incl reminders being shown on the ATM. How old is your card and what's the expiry date?
  11. Won't be easy to surpass Villa Market and TOPS but BigC Extra on Pattaya Klang is worth a visit.
  12. It's not only AN posters who shake head about such chaotic decision. Wise move to ignore.
  13. If BoT website is to be trusted, banks should be open July 31st and August 2nd. https://www.bot.or.th/en/financial-institutions-holiday.html There is this subtle difference between national public holiday and government holiday.
  14. Yes. Multiple holiday threads now and after the 31st was donated on short note as an extra government holiday it's easy: 6 day closure 28th to 2nd. Have fun on the 3rd.
  15. 20000, 25000, 30000 (in reality 20 notes, 25 notes, 30 notes). If there are not enough 1000 Baht notes in the safe you are unlucky. I know from experience that nowadays you might get more, had 50k from a Kasikorn ATM. No idea whether they could impose a daily limit on a foreign card. I think this will be up to your issuing bank.
  16. I think that this is connected with Google translate on Android. I usually go through Google translate and the camera symbol therein. You can also continue to open a picture file. I often take the effort to take a picture, crop to the desired text and then feed to Google translate. It also offers to copy the recognized Thai text. There is an app called "SayHi" which often gives better results in translation. Have not used it with OCR so far (seems not provided).
  17. I overlooked that this is answered (from Bangkok).
  18. Where you start? You know that Friday (effectively Thursday evening) the 6 day holiday break starts? Do you know what that means in terms of traffic and domestic tourism to wherever you go? Years ago I made a similar assumption: start a day or two after this late July long weekend. Won't be that bad. Hell, what I have experienced made me firm in: NEVER AGAIN!
  19. Totally surprised ???? And now can someone do a study for Thailand? Guess the super wealthy might be underrepresented in Thai universities as they are sent abroad to US, Switzerland, UK and where else.
  20. Quite likely you will be forced into a health insurance following their guidelines. On one hand there still seem to be "pro-forma" insurances with extreme excess (self payment). Price for such waste paper seems to go down to the four digit range. On the other consider to cancel your Non O-A with a border run and visa exempt entry. That's what I and others did. This route is only recommended if you do your extension on the base of 800k in the bank. Multiple threads in the forum if you are interested.
  21. A local delivery truck with enough diesel for a 920 km trip? (approx.) Almost 600 miles for our nonmetrics
  22. Yes my statement has been voided by the late decision of 31st being extra holiday. Decided yesterday!
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