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Baht Bus drivers asking for more than 10 baht


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I live in Jomtien. I take Baht buses from home to pattaya. When getting off in North Pattaya, I have had several drivers recently try to get me to pay 20 baht, saying that I came from Jomtien.

It is my understanding that when getting on a baht bus that is on a route, as opposed to one you hire, that it is a 10 baht ride.

Am I right?

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From what I have read, on here 20 Baht appears to be the going rate


I think 10 Baht premium is well worth it, rather than walking all that way in the heat


ps. I am no lover of baht bus drivers although  "baht buses" are a brilliant concept....,...in moderation ?

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1 minute ago, DD13 said:

From what I have read, on here 20 Baht appears to be the going rate


I think 10 Baht premium is well worth it, rather than walking all that way in the heat


ps. I am no lover of baht bus drivers although  "baht buses" are a brilliant concept....,...in moderation ?

In fairness (or fareness)


Jomtiem to Central 20B


Jomtiem to Dolpin  Roundabout 30B


Jomtiem to Naklua. 40B


Surely wouldn't be too much to ask

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To the O.P.

Ignore the voices of "first world guilt" that you should pay more than the actual fare.


The fare from Jomtien to Pattaya as far as Pattaya Klang is 10 baht. 

Pay exact change and over 99 percent of drivers will accept it. That is the fare.


If you get one of those scamming drivers charging 20 before Klang, it's your choice whether to pay it or not.  I think the odds of them pushing back it if you don't very low and getting violent even lower. 


Things get more grey after you pass Pattaya Klang, for example to Marina Mall. 


Then the fare changes to 20 baht, but many drivers will still accept 10 baht. So if you like a bit of sport you can pay 10 baht past Pattaya Klang and then see their reaction. In that case, I suggest if they don't accept 10, just always pay the 20. If you don't, past Klang you are risking a violent response. Definitely not worth it. A much higher percentage of drivers will not accept 10 after Klang. Because of that, personally I just pay 20 after Klang. 


However, I'm sure that some still accept the 10 for that. The other night I was in the middle of helping some very lost Russian tourists that got off the bus after going the wrong direction, and I paid 10 all the way to Marina Mall, and it was accepted.


So if someone wants to make a study of trying 100 rides from Jomtien well past Klang, and say what percentage won't accept 10 baht, please do. In the meantime, I'm suggesting just paying 20 past Klang.


My very rough guess is that at least 50 percent of drivers will demand 20 past Klang (such as to Marina) if they know you boarded in Jomtien, and they probably do. 


Now when I say "past" Klang please don't take that fully literally. If you ring the buzzer just past Klang and get off there, it's DEFINITELY still TEN BAHT. 



Edited by Jingthing
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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, but the cutoff is generally Pattaya Klang.

Many people incorrectly think the cutoff is Pattaya Tai. It is not. 

Central Festival was my impression......but as its only 150 metres from klang,who is to argue :whistling:

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2 minutes ago, petermik said:

Central Festival was my impression......but as its only 150 metres from klang,who is to argue :whistling:

Many people think that. That is incorrect. It is definitely Pattaya Klang, and like I said you can ring the buzzer just as the truck passes Pattaya Klang and still be within the 10 baht zone. 


During high season, more drivers will play games assuming everyone is a dumb tourist. I think that's where these myths start. Somebody has a bad experience with an outlying rogue driver and think it's a general rule. For example occasionally you'll get a driver that passes Pattaya Tai and stops the bus and kicks off everyone that doesn't agree to pay 20 after. These drivers are just scammers. They know the fare is 10 baht. 

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7 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

From Jomtien to North Pattaya must be at least 20 km.


Anyone arguing about a 20 baht fare for that distance is the biggest cheapskate on the planet, and there seem to be plenty of those active in this thread.

I don,t see anyone arguing about the cost....just enquiring.........and regarding your "estimated" distance of 20 kms,its actually less than 10 kms...:cheesy:

Ignore the topic if you find it beneath your dignity :thumbsup:


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I am completely bereft of "first world guilt". I look at value for money. If I can get a 4-8 km ride for 20 baht, while avoiding car and moto taxi mafia, that's cheap, and more so, a steal in Thai terms. That 4-8 km range in BKK taxi is 50 to 70 baht. A 2 km ride on a soi moto is 20 baht. 

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24 minutes ago, Kaoboi Bebobp said:

I am completely bereft of "first world guilt". I look at value for money. If I can get a 4-8 km ride for 20 baht, while avoiding car and moto taxi mafia, that's cheap, and more so, a steal in Thai terms. That 4-8 km range in BKK taxi is 50 to 70 baht. A 2 km ride on a soi moto is 20 baht. 

You can "get it" for 10 baht. That's the fare up until just past Pattaya Klang. I find people that insist on paying double or more bizarre. Let's go to 7-11 and pay double for the beer. Just silly. I was being polite saying first world guilt. I really meant white guilt. Maybe that doesn't apply to you. There is also the tourist rationalization factor. That would be five dollars back home. (NOT RELEVANT HERE.) The fare is 10 baht. It's irrational to pay more. But you can if you want.  I'd call it a TIP. 

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26 minutes ago, barmatt said:

After Klang its more and I dont mind paying the extra.

I totally agree. I suggest paying 20 baht after Klang. I was just saying for those that like a little sport, they can try paying 10 baht and see the reaction. The reality is under the current law (announced by the military) there is no fare allowed over 10 baht. But the long standing custom known by most locals, is 20 baht after Klang coming from Jomtien. 

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1 hour ago, janclaes47 said:

From Jomtien to North Pattaya must be at least 20 km.


Anyone arguing about a 20 baht fare for that distance is the biggest cheapskate on the planet, and there seem to be plenty of those active in this thread.

Makes me laugh when people expect to keep paying 10 baht. In Chiang Mai, any distance is at least 30 baht- standard rate. Going the equivalent distance from Jomptien to Sth Pattaya would be minimum 50 baht.

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3 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

From Jomtien to North Pattaya must be at least 20 km.


Anyone arguing about a 20 baht fare for that distance is the biggest cheapskate on the planet, and there seem to be plenty of those active in this thread.


What's wrong with paying the actual, set fare? It isn't the amount, it is not willing to be a mark, not wanting to be scammed. The cost from Jomtien until Klang is 10 baht, and that's what we all should pay. If you don't mind being scammed, feel free to pay double everywhere - movie tickets, restaurant bills, maybe pay double the rent if landlord bills you double next month, but I wouldn't. Preferring to be treated honestly does not make you a cheapskate. 


Also, then you have no right to complain about taxi drivers not using a meter, and instead charging arbitrary amount, after all it's not much, especially in Western terms, and we can all easily afford it. 

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Baht buses in Pattaya are pretty much the only thing that hasn't been screwed up in this city over the years. There is a sure way to change this, and is over paying the official, set fee. People who are willing to pay double today may be happy to pay triple tomorrow. Then drivers realize why stop at double, lets ask 200 baht from each passenger, after all, what is the tourist going to do? Walk? 

This is how they screwed up Phuket, it's lawless mess, and it seems impossible to get it under control, once it's a cartel. There is a comment here how in Ching Mai baht buses cost more than Pattaya, is that an argumnet for rising prices in Pattaya? 

Lets keep paying the set price, and keep the one thing that works well here! It's 10 baht from Jomtien until Klang! If you wish to tip, give to some charity!

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Whatever is the correct fare.....common sense would be for the authorities to have a notice printed.....showing the various fare stages.... Then insist that it is displayed in the passenger area of the vehicle

Too organized for Pattaya . Besides that would discourage the people that want to pay 100 for a 10 baht fare. Can't have that!
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13 hours ago, DD13 said:

In fairness (or fareness)


Jomtiem to Central 20B


Jomtiem to Dolpin  Roundabout 30B


Jomtiem to Naklua. 40B


Surely wouldn't be too much to ask

Is surely is.


each time you overpay the rate increases.


Not rocket science really.


take a look at Phuket if you want an example of what overpaying and letting it slide can do.


carry exact change and walk away. That's what I do.

Edited by Jim Turner Mad Punx
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3 hours ago, Jim Turner Mad Punx said:

take a look at Phuket if you want an example of what overpaying and letting it slide can do.


carry exact change and walk away. That's what I do.

Very true. Having said that I often pay with a twenty and always get change back. 

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In fairness (or fareness)


Jomtiem to Central 20B


Jomtiem to Dolpin  Roundabout 30B


Jomtiem to Naklua. 40B


Surely wouldn't be too much to ask

It's 10THB I do it all the time. But occasionally I am charged 20THB when I go past Pattaya Klang. I asked a Driver once and he politely told me that's the case. I am not sure if I was being Scammed or if the other Drivers just forget where I got on. So now I just give them 10THB. And I haven't been charged 20 for a long time. I once had 1 try to charge me 30THB the way back from the roundabout to central. His excuse was that he just charged some Indians 30THB for the same journey. My response was well they don't know the right price like me and you and just walked of. So I really don't care to tell the Truth if it's a 20THB journey and I am paying 10THB.the amount of times I have given them 20THB for a 10THB journey And they wait a split second to see if I am expecting any change proves that none of them are honest anyway.


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Is surely is.
each time you overpay the rate increases.
Not rocket science really.
take a look at Phuket if you want an example of what overpaying and letting it slide can do.
carry exact change and walk away. That's what I do.
That's the main reason I don't go to Phuket anymore. I don't drive a motorbike and I don't want to deal with the Taxi mafia.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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16 hours ago, whitemouse said:

Baht buses in Pattaya are pretty much the only thing that hasn't been screwed up in this city over the years. There is a sure way to change this, and is over paying the official, set fee. People who are willing to pay double today may be happy to pay triple tomorrow. Then drivers realize why stop at double, lets ask 200 baht from each passenger, after all, what is the tourist going to do? Walk? 

This is how they screwed up Phuket, it's lawless mess, and it seems impossible to get it under control, once it's a cartel. There is a comment here how in Ching Mai baht buses cost more than Pattaya, is that an argumnet for rising prices in Pattaya? 

Lets keep paying the set price, and keep the one thing that works well here! It's 10 baht from Jomtien until Klang! If you wish to tip, give to some charity!

Baht buses in Pattaya have been same price since the 90s. IMO it's reasonable to increase it to 20 baht. Even baht bus drivers have to be able to afford to live. Still below anywhere else.

To advocate for prices to stay at 10 baht is wanting something that no one on here would accept for themselves. In the UK the government were just forced to remove the 1% pay cap, and that's been in effect a lot less time than baht bus fares in Pattaya.

IMO increase the price, or get drivers taking matters into their own hands.

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26 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Baht buses in Pattaya have been same price since the 90s. IMO it's reasonable to increase it to 20 baht. Even baht bus drivers have to be able to afford to live. Still below anywhere else.

To advocate for prices to stay at 10 baht is wanting something that no one on here would accept for themselves. In the UK the government were just forced to remove the 1% pay cap, and that's been in effect a lot less time than baht bus fares in Pattaya.

IMO increase the price, or get drivers taking matters into their own hands.

Obviously you can't understand a situation beyond your own circumstances. Thais, those people who are native to this country, also use this transportation. Many of them make not much more than ฿300 a day. They don't need migrants lobbying to double their costs. What if some rich Arab advocated for train fares to 2x in your country? 

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40 minutes ago, pegman said:

Obviously you can't understand a situation beyond your own circumstances. Thais, those people who are native to this country, also use this transportation. Many of them make not much more than ฿300 a day. They don't need migrants lobbying to double their costs. What if some rich Arab advocated for train fares to 2x in your country? 


Thais use public transport in every habitation in Thailand, and it usually costs more than 10 baht. A Thai trying to get a red songtheaw in Chiang Mai for 10 baht would be in for a shock. Pattaya is unusual.

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