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Video: Trouble at the "Monkey House" - foreign hoods launch attack at Surin bar


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45 minutes ago, RandolphGB said:

Biker gangs are pathetic. Grown men prancing about in leather jackets showing off their motorbikes. Don't these people ever grow up? Get jobs, families, responsibilities?  Complete losers. One on one I'm sure anyone could fight them.

*** Not sure about that last comment. I have known some bikers and tangled with one. Normally they won't come at you mano a mano but some are more than willing and able to. A big Harley weighs in at 826 to close to 900 pounds, takes a pretty strong guy to handle that weight.    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturgis_Motorcycle_Rally

Many bikers are grown up have families and regular jobs ---if you clik on the link you will see that as many as 714,000 bikers from all over the USA gather to show off their bikes every year in Sturgis




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2 minutes ago, Stevemercer said:

It's just the way it is. If a guy is wearing his colours and you want to take the piss...go for it. But you are taking on the whole motorcycle club.


If you want to dob in a member to the cops, go for it, but make sure you watch your back for the rest of your life. 

We don't need these kind of people, except maybe in the Army or Marines..... so it is best we get rid of them before they 'multiply...........

COLORS....... They think that makes them 'something'...........

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15 minutes ago, Stevemercer said:

It's just the way it is. If a guy is wearing his colours and you want to take the piss...go for it. But you are taking on the whole motorcycle club.


If you want to dob in a member to the cops, go for it, but make sure you watch your back for the rest of your life. 

Thanks............ I just sit back and watch the news, and smile as i read about them getting their 'elementary education' from the law every once in a while...... I'm all smiles........

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The next time I am in Surin I would like to go and have a drink at the Monkey House...........

I was just in Surin last week............ I will be back in a month or so and I would like to stop in and be a friend with that owner. 

Can anybody give me a location of the bar?????

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15 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

The next time I am in Surin I would like to go and have a drink at the Monkey House...........

I was just in Surin last week............ I will be back in a month or so and I would like to stop in and be a friend with that owner. 

Can anybody give me a location of the bar?????

In the square near the bus station oposite a Thai Nightclub

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1 hour ago, thaiguzzi said:

Really? All of them sell drugs and prostitute women?

Wow, I learn something new every day here.

So all the ones I've known for the last 35 years and counting can't have been.... er "bikies" then. Because 99.5% of them did not prostitute women and 90% of them did not sell drugs.

Strange innit? Generalizations....

Go watch some more tv documentaries, it must be true 'cos the tv told me it was....

I'm talking about outlaw motorcycle gangs like the Hells Angels, not the God Squad. If you are a member of a criminal organisation, you are a criminal by default.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Depending on the documentaries they will also tell you those figures your talking about. Not all are hardcore criminals, that is actually a minority.  

Are you suggesting that you can be a member of a criminal organisation, but not play any part in, or be aware of their criminal activities? 

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1 hour ago, Stevemercer said:

There is a big difference between a 'biker gang' and an incorporated Motorcycle Club (MC).


The whole point of being in a MC, and getting your colours, is that you join a brotherhood. Part of the creed is you take on an individual biker, you take on the whole MC. That has always been the way.


If you beat up a MC member, one on one, you have to be prepared to fight all members of the club. If you're not, well, just stay out of it.

As a biker I enjoy riding bikes, not so much now, 'age'.

I don't get the whole 'have to dress the same and ride a Harley thing'. 

What does the ability to be able to fight one member or all members of the club have to do with the enjoyment of riding a bike????


I really don't get it.

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6 hours ago, observer90210 said:

So these ruffians are the "quality tourists" the Thai Immigration is wanting to facilitate the sojourn in the kingdom?


I bet none of these farang crooks were ever harassed on Arrival at Suvarnabhumi....


and paradoxically the authorities seem to prefer to harass the quality tourists or the decent well off expats who own property....jealousy perhaps?

So you are maintaining he is a quality tourist or a decent well-off expat who owns property. When he is actually a pimp with his prostitutes and bar brothel

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8 hours ago, robblok said:

Id love to see you say that in the face of one of them. I already can predict the next news piece then. OAP beat up by biker gang member.


These guys are NOT pussies because they are crazy. They don't care about consequences.

Sorry but you are totally wrong. Same as thai taxi that wants trouble when hes at his stand with his buddies. Several times ive encounted taxibike <deleted> and just laughed at them because the played tough guy but alone. The never sat of the bike but loudmouthed they were. And regarding bikegangs.... You think the tough guys enlist there lol. 


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They will be Black listed or called in for questioning now that it has FB and TV posting. Those guys are a danger not to mess with. Egos. If someone would notice, in CM the Hells Angels took their circular plastic logo on the front top of the bar down. Guess to attract less to no attention of being a biker house. Although I personally don't have anything against the HA. Always been nice to me, THANK GOD!

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2 hours ago, Stevemercer said:

There is a big difference between a 'biker gang' and an incorporated Motorcycle Club (MC).


The whole point of being in a MC, and getting your colours, is that you join a brotherhood. Part of the creed is you take on an individual biker, you take on the whole MC. That has always been the way.


If you beat up a MC member, one on one, you have to be prepared to fight all members of the club. If you're not, well, just stay out of it.

Sounds like they belong in Thailand then.

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shock to see this, the Monkey House owner i know and drank in one of his other bars in Pattaya, fantastic guy, great host, and never shy to buy his customers a drink...Had many a great night there,,, as for the outlaws, anyone that knows the score, they do many protection rackets in bars, save the police from getting their hands dirty, which is why police turn a blind eye..they are quite serious for all the keyboard warriors on here..they dont mess around,, they have a massive following of farangs and thais..and some really nasty people, so i would think twice about crossing them....have seen them at work in a bar in bangkok i used to frequent, and this other wanabees soon got the message..game over very quickly

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These quality tourists used to have a couple of bars in Bangkok, also called Crossed Pistons. One was on Nana in the Rajah Hotel complex and the other in Queen's Park Plaza. That was about 4 years ago I think. Lasted about a year. I used to walk past the one in the Rajah all the time. First time I saw it I honestly thought it was a gay bar, then I learned it was something more sinister when I saw the Outlaw members hanging around outside in full costume. The location is currently a Mexican restaurant.


It only lasted for about a year during which time they were apparently all over Nana Plaza. I guess the authorities finally got sick of them and told them to get outta Dodge. Time for them to do the same in Surin apparently.

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2 hours ago, Jip99 said:


You keep making banal opinions, and personal insults, but add nothing to the discussion on this thread.



Your input is pointless.



yes, and so could I ask politely and respectfully if the mods are sleeping? :biggrin:

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