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Irresponsible Thai parents slammed: Why have kids if you can't teach them right from wrong?


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1 hour ago, kwonitoy said:

I get looked at strangely by Thais when I'm in the shops with my 6 year old son and I tell him no when he points at something. One lady asked me how I can say no to my son in a puzzled way. I told her no problem, I'm the DAD he's the little boy, dad gets to say no. She was mystified by my answer

 It's no big deal to him he knows Dad doesn't buy everything he wants but he still tries it on, its part of raising a kid. The nanny buys him whatever he wants even though I have repeatedly told her not to. I can't say no is her answer.

I have gotten compliments in a falang restaurant on how well mannered my son is, so some of what I do is working I guess.


I encountered the similar look just the other day. 


At a relaxed outdoor restaurant sat at a large table of about 10 of us my 3 year old son was placing his feet on the table stretcher (cross member between the table legs), the table kept sliding forwards a few inches, not a big deal, however after asking my son not to do this for the third time I took him away from the table and sat him down for a time out...

I received a few stares from Thai's on nearby tables - I can only imagine what they were thinking, but I'm assuming they thought I was being too harsh. 

After my Son's time out, I explained why I had disciplined him, we returned to the table and he was once again very well behaved. 


My Wife also thought I was a little harsh, however, I explained that next time my son could end up tipping the table up and the glasses or plates could fall off the table etc... I was stopping the issue while it was still small, before something became a larger issue. 


My son is well behaved and we too have been complimented on his behavior, on flights in restaurants etc... but he is still a little boy, he needs to be occupied, needs guidance and support, he needs to have fun too... the idea is to make a night out as relaxing for all of us as possible and if this involves a few small words or a little minor discipline then so be it, he knows consistent boundaries and knows how and where to behave and where he can be free to go wild... 


This is all a facet of responsible parenting, its extremely easy when done right, but those lazy parents who fail to handle their children responsibly make life incredibly difficult for themselves. 

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1 hour ago, Thian said:

I've also met farang with his young son in the Emquartier supermarket, the son was pushing the mini shoppingcart but expected me to jump aside for him, which i wouldn't. So he was jokingly threatening me to push it against me if i wouldn't move when i told him jokingly i would kick him if he did. The farang dad (it might have been you) didn't say anything but the boy understood my message and went around me. I thought that was rude as well (from dad) but hey this is how we teach kids in Europe...if they annoy people they have to hear the consequences themselves.


I'm certain it wasn't me, (go keyboard warrior mode) no one has ever had to face the consequences of threatening my children !... :post-4641-1156693976:


OK.... So if I'm not mistaken, a toddler was pushing a small childs shopping cart and you refused to step aside ?.... you then joked that you would kick the child and forced him to go around you?... and you thought the Dad was rude?


Some people really do lack the humility and intelligence to appreciate a little balance... Its a kid for-effs-sake... just have a little smile, step aside, remember your humanity.







Edited by richard_smith237
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38 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Some people really do lack the humility and intelligence to appreciate a little balance... Its a kid for-effs-sake... just have a little smile, step aside, remember your humanity.


I was ordering something from the butcher  while the farang dad and his son also came there as well.


I see it the other way, some (farang) daddies really lack any decency, they really can't understand that not everybody likes children and sure not when they think it's fun to drive into them with a mini cart...I might just have had surgery on my knees or whatever, and when i'm shopping i'm not really in the mood to teach another persons kiddo's some manners, that's the parents duty.


And i don't care if it's a kid or a dog or whatever, just leave me alone when i'm ordering in a shop...that's my point for eff's-sake.


I thought this was the ultimate moment to teach that kiddo some manners by not moving for him and the cart. I could hear him thinking about what i said to him and he was wise enough to not test me out anymore...Small boys have to learn to show respect for very big ones..


But maybe he thought i was family or so because i'm white as well...The kiddo's from our thai neighbours went to pattaya first time in their lives and asked mum if all those white guys there were my brothers/sisters 55555.

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Back when I was a lad or 12 years old, I threw a stone at my brother but missed him and hit my dad's car instead. Not much damage, just a tiny dent and a scratch, but my pocket money was stopped for a year to pay for the damage. I was told that if I wanted money I would have to find a part time job - so I did - I got a paper round. One year later I asked for my pocket money to be re-instated but my dad refused, with the words "you don't need pocket money any more, you're earning your own money now". I blame my brother for moving. 


One of life's lessons. A true story.  

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6 minutes ago, Media1 said:

Most have no care and give birth for a hobby. They never had good parents themselves and don't know black from white. Simple

& as I found out they all think that having a baby as soon as possible is a good thing ie wifes sister daughter 17.

So it's like kids looking after babies 

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3 hours ago, Ossy said:

Why have kids if you can't teach them right from wrong?


Too many Thais don't even want kids, let alone the 'hassle' of trying to teach moral values. All they want, probably after a whiskey or a Full Moon too many, is SEX and to hell with the consequences . . . our folks will sort out whatever mess we leave.

Would you say the same about British Jamaicans or African Americans? I doubt it as you statement is a racist stereotype.

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The levels of Thai bashing on this thread are astounding. Kids in the UK and Europe are just as spoiled. If you compare the behavior of Thai teenagers to those in the UK Thais are much more polite and respectful. Thai kids don't, in general, drinks cans of cheap lager and take over public train stations like teens do in England.Just one example... I could go on... The anger and hostility that most people show on this forum is startling considering that they have CHOSEN to live here. I wonder how they feel about immigrants in their own country who show similar attitudes to their 'hosts'...

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9 minutes ago, claffey said:

The levels of Thai bashing on this thread are astounding. Kids in the UK and Europe are just as spoiled. If you compare the behavior of Thai teenagers to those in the UK Thais are much more polite and respectful. Thai kids don't, in general, drinks cans of cheap lager and take over public train stations like teens do in England.Just one example... I could go on... The anger and hostility that most people show on this forum is startling considering that they have CHOSEN to live here. I wonder how they feel about immigrants in their own country who show similar attitudes to their 'hosts'...

I agree about the western teenagers but not about the kids under 10 yo. Young western kids have far better manners.


And nasty western teenagers sometimes get beaten up by passers by who are annoyed or shopowners where they annoy their customers....in Thailand even the "security" will never correct them...and the police, oh well....555555

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2 hours ago, Ossy said:

Why . . . do you run painting classes?

As part of my job...yes I do.


However my point is that up to a certain age children find it hard to judge right from wrong, they learn through experience.


The parents should take the opportunity to use this as a learning experience in creating this understanding.


However judging by their alleged reaction to this incident, I doubt they will.

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4 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

This is becoming an epidemic here and altos in my birth country, the UK. Modern day parents seem to lack the skill of parenting and are also looking to blame others. A total lack of responsibility. This article is a classic example.


I have my theories why this has happened and perhaps needs a new thread but the poor parenting is having a negative affect on the world and schools.


It is coming to a point that I believe parents should have to do a course to justify that they can take care of children properly. Only recently I saw a 4 year old kicking kiss parents whilst they laugh and say nothing, shrugging the incident off. What are they teaching this child? To be a violent, aggressive adult. people need to wake up and take some action.


Modern day parents seem to think putting a phone or IPad into a child's face is the answer for curtailing poor behavior. It is not. Your making your kids stupid and teaching them the wrong values.

Arree, kids need their Parents time, not money and what it buys

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if someone elses  kid  set fire to their house then their parents claimed it has nothing to do with them I bet they would get extremely upset, when it come to  parenting or accepting responsibility some of these people are really pathetic, kid needs their arse kicked and parents made to pay restitution

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1 hour ago, GarryP said:

 . . . .

1 hour ago, GarryP said:


I threw a stone at my brother but missed him and hit my dad's car instead . . . I blame my brother for moving

But it seems you didn't tell your dad that . . . either very noble or very stupid.

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7 hours ago, regedit said:

"While the police seemed equally unwilling to do much - according to Thai Rath they asked where is the video evidence?

The disgruntled car owner pointed out that the child was covered in yellow paint too."


Not exactly caught red-handed then !

Hmm,...would Yellow handed be more correct ?

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As my experiance in Thailand: Thais won't take responsibility for what they are doing! And that's the problem and way how they teach their children and even they can see the action of the parents.....

So what can you expect from these children!

The whole country is running like take! And nothing is ending in consequences that will hurt: only thats the way to learn lessons!

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45 minutes ago, manhood said:

As my experiance in Thailand: Thais won't take responsibility for what they are doing! And that's the problem and way how they teach their children and even they can see the action of the parents.....

So what can you expect from these children!

The whole country is running like take! And nothing is ending in consequences that will hurt: only thats the way to learn lessons!

About 68 million kids in Thailand of all ages.

So no chance of anybody taking  responsibility  for anything. :jap:

Amazing Thailand  :passifier::passifier::passifier: 

Edited by stanleycoin
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Most Thai children that I've met, including family, are essentially held as blameless, innocents that should be allow to run free.  Then you wonder why so many young Thai adults, especially young men, have serious issues.  They were never taught to accept responsibility for their actions.  My daughter at 18 had ten to fifteen years of maturity on most Thai young adults.  Why?  She had limits and responsibilities.  She started working and earning money at 15.  Her choice.  Who was she emulating?  Myself and her stepmother's work ethic.  My Thai stepson?  Married and didn't hold down a steady job until this year, and he's 23.  Why?  His mom gave him everything he wanted and never expected him to take care of himself.  That carried right over into his marriage.  His wife worked, he didn't.  Well, until Mom finally told him to get off his butt.  A little late for that though, but to the kid's credit, he is finally working a steady job with a good company.  Big difference between US culture and Thai culture!  So yeah, I'm not too fond of snotty-nosed Thai kids acting out in public.  

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I have seen spoiled kids in Thaland, the USA and in my county of Canada. There are

adults in the world who should not be parents as they have never grown up themselves.

  Some parents watched Dr. Seuss and believe that they should not discipline their

little angels  at all. It is a sad world we live in. Seems like it really is going to hell.


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Woman files complaint against Facebook user for defamation

By Thai PBS




The mother of a four-year-old boy, who caused damage to a car by painting colour on it, has filed a complaint against a Facebook user for allegedly defaming her.


The woman filed the complaint with Bang Phli police in Samut Prakan today (Sept 19), accusing a Facebook user by the name of Nut Khaijeo of defaming her in the social media in violation of the Computer Crime Act.


The woman said her four-year-old son and a friend painted colour on a car out of naughtiness.  She asked the owner of the car to take it for repair at a shop and she would pay for the work.  


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/woman-files-complaint-facebook-user-defamation/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2017-09-20
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19 hours ago, Ossy said:

Why have kids if you can't teach them right from wrong?


Too many Thais don't even want kids, let alone the 'hassle' of trying to teach moral values. All they want, probably after a whiskey or a Full Moon too many, is SEX and to hell with the consequences . . . our folks will sort out whatever mess we leave.

Not just Thais.


18 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

This is becoming an epidemic here and altos in my birth country, the UK. Modern day parents seem to lack the skill of parenting and are also looking to blame others. A total lack of responsibility. This article is a classic example.


I have my theories why this has happened and perhaps needs a new thread but the poor parenting is having a negative affect on the world and schools.


It is coming to a point that I believe parents should have to do a course to justify that they can take care of children properly. Only recently I saw a 4 year old kicking kiss parents whilst they laugh and say nothing, shrugging the incident off. What are they teaching this child? To be a violent, aggressive adult. people need to wake up and take some action.


Modern day parents seem to think putting a phone or IPad into a child's face is the answer for curtailing poor behavior. It is not. Your making your kids stupid and teaching them the wrong values.

Narcissism epidemic.

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Woman files complaint against Facebook user for defamation

By Thai PBS




The mother of a four-year-old boy, who caused damage to a car by painting colour on it, has filed a complaint against a Facebook user for allegedly defaming her.


The woman filed the complaint with Bang Phli police in Samut Prakan today (Sept 19), accusing a Facebook user by the name of Nut Khaijeo of defaming her in the social media in violation of the Computer Crime Act.


The woman said her four-year-old son and a friend painted colour on a car out of naughtiness.  She asked the owner of the car to take it for repair at a shop and she would pay for the work.  


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/woman-files-complaint-facebook-user-defamation/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2017-09-20

Bring it to a shop? I would bring it to the official dealer only....also ask them for a replacement car of similar size and send her that bill as well...plus she had to pay for my lost time...


Why didn't she offer this right after it happened? Did Fayboo make her wake up??? 

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