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A Chinese tourist injured after fall from parasail ride on Patong Beach

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A Chinese tourist injured after fall from parasail ride on Patong Beach

By Nattha Thepbamrung and Kritsada Mueanhawong



Parasail landing on Patong Beach (file photo)


Late morning today (September 19), 62 year old Zhao Jianying fell from a parasailing ride on Patong Beach’s sandy ground.


He injured his left hip. A team of Patong Lifeguard applied first aid before rushing him to Patong Hospital. After the X-ray, doctors revealed that he only ended up with a bruise from the fall. The parasailing operator took full responsibility for the hospital bill.


Full Story: https://www.phuketgazette.net/news/chinese-tourist-injured-fall-parasail-ride-patong-beach

-- © Copyright Phuket Gazette 2017-9-19

Greed is clearly a more important consideration than safety, as these people have shown us once again. They obviously knew the wind was blowing before they took the fellas money, when they should have stopped operating until conditions improved. Accidents with Parasailing will happen again here. Very fortunate only minor injuries this time.

7 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Looks like they didn't take much notice of the last death a few months ago ?

It,s only farang,s....collateral damage :unsure:

31 minutes ago, petermik said:

It,s only farang,s....collateral damage :unsure:

Strange comment since this accident involved a Chinese national.

1 hour ago, stevenl said:

Strange comment since this accident involved a Chinese national.

Although strictly speaking, you're right, he was not a Farang, he was Chinese; don't you think that petermilk was using it in a much broader sense meaning that he was non-Thai?


Was his comment so strange that you couldn't get the gist of what he was trying to say?


Sometimes pedanticism is not a good trait.


I really hope the tourists get a wif of this and stop going up on these death traps, in other words boycotting them all together, in a similar way to the jet-ski's although they were a scam, so is this, no insurance, old equipment, and should never be launched from the shores of the beach, should be off a platform out in the water, away from people below.


Won't be long before someone drops onto someone below and gets killed, and until, unfortunately someone with balls, steps in, it ain't going to happen fast, oops, sorry forgot they don't have balls, or do they ?

3 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Looks like they didn't take much notice of the last death a few months ago ?

And it's only about two months ago.

Unfortunately you can only advice to refrain from all such activities.

I was at this beach just a couple of days ago and when I watched those parasails I could not get this deadly accident off my mind.




Unbelievable, not long after the Chinese and his little daughter,the Australian man who fell and died.....it is never going to end, and Phuket authorities are solely to blame for failing to stop this carnage. Talk is cheap !


Need to shut down the parasailing and jetski business on all public lands/beaches.


They literally takeover a huge area of public beach without paying any rent, and they are a danger to the beach users and swimmers and the parasail riders. 


They wont be missed by anyone.


Where is the army to stop them?


Parasailing and jet ski's have carried on unabated over the last few weeks on Patong beach, even on the stormy days of rain, wind and high surf. I walk the beach each morning end to end, two weeks ago I observed yet another young chinese girl about six years old landing in a Parasail, just her and the monkey rider on the guide lines (she was not in distress but I remember thinking, shows they don't give a hoot about anything or anyone in their quest for a quick tourist dollar) 


How Jet skis are allowed to operate in high surf on a beach known for rips, well says it all really, and over two weeks I have not seen one official in sight while these tourist death traps operate....


WHAT GOES UP . . . . . C'mon everybody. It doesn't matter how failsafe, how good the equipment is, how rotten the managers of the "business" are of putting people 'in the air', 

. . . MUST come DOWN. 

I love flying, planes, parachuting and a bit of danger

anybody that does this, must know, that one MUST

At some point EXPECT the worst. 

And still it is safer doing all these things than driving to the beach.


We take our risks

14 hours ago, Maggusoil said:

WHAT GOES UP . . . . . C'mon everybody. It doesn't matter how failsafe, how good the equipment is, how rotten the managers of the "business" are of putting people 'in the air', 

. . . MUST come DOWN. 

I love flying, planes, parachuting and a bit of danger

anybody that does this, must know, that one MUST

At some point EXPECT the worst. 

And still it is safer doing all these things than driving to the beach.


We take our risks

Personally, whilst taking risks, I try to calculate them... factor in such things as risk awareness, risk management and even risk avoidance. (maybe it's just because I don't bounce as well, these days)


anywho.... a punter on the beach should have the right to expect that the operator has done his due diligence, and that the risk of personal injury has been reduced to "as low as reasonably possible"


clearly this was not not the case, and the operator should be sued for willfully endangering his clientele....( we all know what the weathers been like over the past week) 


and whilst recognising that the drive may be the more dangerous part, this does not excuse others from their responsibilities (tourist operators). Devolving to the lowest common denominator is a pretty low bar to set.

4 hours ago, farcanell said:

Personally, whilst taking risks, I try to calculate them... factor in such things as risk awareness, risk management and even risk avoidance. (maybe it's just because I don't bounce as well, these days)


anywho.... a punter on the beach should have the right to expect that the operator has done his due diligence, and that the risk of personal injury has been reduced to "as low as reasonably possible"


clearly this was not not the case, and the operator should be sued for willfully endangering his clientele....( we all know what the weathers been like over the past week) 


and whilst recognising that the drive may be the more dangerous part, this does not excuse others from their responsibilities (tourist operators). Devolving to the lowest common denominator is a pretty low bar to set.

Yes and doing any of these things in South East Asia is a bit suss anyway. 

Not a good reputation

Just now, wakeupplease said:

I thought one of the cowboys (those in control) had retrained all these ops on the beach. Oh I forgot training is carried out by those who need training

I thought all these ops on the beach were made illegal by said cowboys :whistling:

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