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If threatened, U.S. will 'totally destroy' North Korea, Trump vows


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yup, that's the spirit. one guy pisses off il douchebag and he wants to get even by smoking 25,999,000 Asians, 25,999,990 of whom would jump ship in a heartbeat given the opportunity. and we all know how welcome they would be if they showed up in a boat on the shores of our homelands. not to mention that rocket guy could probably get off enough rounds to add another 50,000,000 or so to the tally. <deleted>, they ain't white folk, so, what, me worry?


 sounds like another flabby big mouth from our illustrious past


humans, the smart ones. 

Il Duce Il Douchebag.jpg

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24 minutes ago, habanero said:

Let me get this straight. You are comparing a quarrel between condo owners and the possibility that a nut job in N. Korea could potentially kill millions of people? Do I have this right?  You need some serious help! You remind me of an old western where the townspeople all hid in their houses while the sheriff had to fight it out with the outlaws that threatened the town. All the cowards hid until it was all over and then tried to act like they had something to do with ridding the town of the bad guys. 

Let me gat this straight. You are all in for military solutions to diplomatic issues? The analogy was meant for you to see the absurdity of violent vs negotiated solutions. Although the scale is different the two situations are comparable. Needless death and destruction can be avoided - not necessary to plunge in guns ablazin' in either situation.


The only nut job threatening to kill millions is 45. Un was relatively happy playing with his toys all by himself until 45's rhetoric stirred him up. Un actually realizes nukes are a deterrent, conversely, 45's first question to "his" generals was, "why don't we use nukes."


I am happy and able to defend my family, home, neighbors, friends and countrymen from outside threats. I have no interest whatsoever in taking my butt to lands end to forcibly and violently inflict my values on others when negotiation and diplomacy are what's needed.


You remind me of a sheeple who doesn't bother to think for yourself. Other than WWII there were no legitimate conflicts in the last century which could not have been resolved with negotiation and diplomacy.

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11 minutes ago, maximillian said:

And the US is doing military drills south of 38 lat. together with S.K. and Japan.

How can Kim not feel threatened ?

Given that Trump has a long record of not delivering on his promises,  I can see how Kim might not feel threatened.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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7 hours ago, habanero said:

Let me get this straight. You are comparing a quarrel between condo owners and the possibility that a nut job in N. Korea could potentially kill millions of people? Do I have this right?  You need some serious help! You remind me of an old western where the townspeople all hid in their houses while the sheriff had to fight it out with the outlaws that threatened the town. All the cowards hid until it was all over and then tried to act like they had something to do with ridding the town of the bad guys. 


That's it. The US the Sheriff of the world. What a sense of self.

Edited by metisdead
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4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

As Putin said, they'd rather eat grass than give up their nukes.  No easy answers due to a maniacal dictator.  Who's lives the good life while his people suffer.


If "they" stands for "Kim and his cronies", perhaps. Sanctions, up to now, do not seem to effect either Kim or his inner circle followers much, nor do they go beyond a certain point. So while Putin's "objective" take is dully noted, taking it with a bit of salt isn't a bad idea.

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War makes no sense in an age when great powers can maintain large and relatively invulnerable nuclear forces and refuse to surrender without resort to those forces. It makes no sense in an age when a single nuclear weapon contains almost ten times the explosive force delivered by all the allied air forces in the Second World War. It makes no sense in an age when the deadly poisons produced by a nuclear exchange would be carried by wind and water and soil and seed to the far corners of the globe and to generations yet unborn.

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4 minutes ago, maximillian said:

War makes no sense in an age when great powers can maintain large and relatively invulnerable nuclear forces and refuse to surrender without resort to those forces. It makes no sense in an age when a single nuclear weapon contains almost ten times the explosive force delivered by all the allied air forces in the Second World War. It makes no sense in an age when the deadly poisons produced by a nuclear exchange would be carried by wind and water and soil and seed to the far corners of the globe and to generations yet unborn.

For sure, so the world should put a stop to those who threaten the nuke stuff and test fire rockets over those countries that they have threatened.....

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


absolutely have to agree….the world has let china hold it to economic ransom…they do as they bloody please. This must end.

Hahahaha gold standard to US dollar, world bank, the Federal Reserve... yes its China holding the world to economic ransom. 

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17 minutes ago, habanero said:

That's what a forum is. Opinions and ideas. 

And devoid of any facts. Good call.


Opinions and ideas are nothing without facts.


It is my opinion that the world is flat. I have an idea to photograph the bottom side. See any problems here?

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59 minutes ago, transam said:

For sure, so the world should put a stop to those who threaten the nuke stuff and test fire rockets over those countries that they have threatened.....

Then the world should have stopped the US in the first place.

They used them on Japan without necessity.

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42 minutes ago, mikebike said:

And devoid of any facts. Good call.


Opinions and ideas are nothing without facts.


It is my opinion that the world is flat. I have an idea to photograph the bottom side. See any problems here?

Opinions must be based on facts. Nowadays they are too often based on fakes.

Ideas can be based on phantasy

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2 minutes ago, maximillian said:

Then the world should have stopped the US in the first place.

They used them on Japan without necessity.

sad-face.gif.4dc0594cc2f423310b0e3737c0e5c97c.gif.......If the Japanese or the Germans had nukes they would have used them...NO question.....

So you think the USA should have gone on losing young USA lives till the end of a war they did not start...?

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1 hour ago, maximillian said:

War makes no sense in an age when great powers can maintain large and relatively invulnerable nuclear forces and refuse to surrender without resort to those forces. It makes no sense in an age when a single nuclear weapon contains almost ten times the explosive force delivered by all the allied air forces in the Second World War. It makes no sense in an age when the deadly poisons produced by a nuclear exchange would be carried by wind and water and soil and seed to the far corners of the globe and to generations yet unborn.

Sorry, I forgot to mention: Above statement is not from me but from John F. Kennedy

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3 minutes ago, maximillian said:


I'm with you for the first sentense.

But Japan and Germany didn't have nukes. Still don't have.

I repeat: The two nukes on Japan were not necessary.

It was a test and a deterent aimed at the USSR.

And it was a war crime as it was aimed at civilians.


The Japanese invaded China in 1937, they bombed civilians, they then ran through the place using bayonets on women and children, think it was 40,000 in one place, and you think the USA should be nice to Japanese in a war they never started...The Chinese never started their probs with the Japanese either...USA nukes stopped the Japanese crap so many young soldiers who didn't want to be soldiers could go home...

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32 minutes ago, transam said:

The Japanese invaded China in 1937, they bombed civilians, they then ran through the place using bayonets on women and children, think it was 40,000 in one place, and you think the USA should be nice to Japanese in a war they never started...The Chinese never started their probs with the Japanese either...USA nukes stopped the Japanese crap so many young soldiers who didn't want to be soldiers could go home...

You're wasting your time.  But, nice try.

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

That's a terrible thing to say about anybody. Next thing you know, you'll be accusing me of eating spotted dick. I demand satisfaction! (apart from the satisfaction afforded by eating spotted dick.)

My mum made great spotted dick, with Lyle's syrup of course....:licklips:


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How about he starts his speech with, "We have no intention of attacking North Korea, or bringing about a regime change.  We do however find the current beligerance and threats of North Korea of great concern to the majority of World Leaders, which is compounded by the regime's unwavering determination to have nuclear weapons, clearly to be not only for the defence of the Country."


Or have we been there already?



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27 minutes ago, transam said:

Noooo, some are blind, want to protect aggressors.....Unfortunately they know nothing about the aggressors history...:smile:

They're 'Google search experts' who live in a black and white world.  Usually make a big mess in their pants when they find out differently.  :cheesy:

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9 minutes ago, robertson468 said:

How about he starts his speech with, "We have no intention of attacking North Korea, or bringing about a regime change.  We do however find the current beligerance and threats of North Korea of great concern to the majority of World Leaders, which is compounded by the regime's unwavering determination to have nuclear weapons, clearly to be not only for the defence of the Country."


Or have we been there already?



There will be a vacancy soon in the speech writing department as soon as they boot Steven Miller out, and after the UN speech I don't think it will be long. 

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