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I was looking at IQ scores done by a professor in 80 countries.


Thailand scores quite low at 85. 100 being acceptable. 


For those of you with your kids at school in Thailand, don't you feel like you're letting your children down to suit yourself? You should as a parent want the best for your kids correct? There's no reason to not school your kids back in your home countries ,  and I won't go into medical where your children would no doubt recieve a much higher level of care through better skilled medical proffesionals. 


I'd actually call it child abuse.

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1 minute ago, Denim said:

:coffee1:. Is it bedtime already ?

It's morning where I am. 


If you have nothing to contribute other than a poor troll effort I'll take it with a pinch of salt.

4 minutes ago, upside said:

It's morning where I am. 


If you have nothing to contribute other than a poor troll effort I'll take it with a pinch of salt.

Compared to your OP , I concur, mine is a poor troll effort.

33 minutes ago, upside said:

I was looking at IQ scores done by a professor in 80 countries.


Thailand scores quite low at 85. 100 being acceptable. 


For those of you with your kids at school in Thailand, don't you feel like you're letting your children down to suit yourself? You should as a parent want the best for your kids correct? There's no reason to not school your kids back in your home countries ,  and I won't go into medical where your children would no doubt recieve a much higher level of care through better skilled medical proffesionals. 


I'd actually call it child abuse.

Undercapitalised Farangs, aged 70+, having delivered proof positive as far as their reproductive capabilities is concerned recently, will probably not vote for you "as poster of the year".:smile:

5 hours ago, upside said:

I was looking at IQ scores done by a professor in 80 countries.

So now a scores that was done by one professor is a yard stick by which

we all should accept his ' findings '? surly a better study than that of one

person would provide better indications as to true levels of IQ in keeds

around the world....

8 hours ago, upside said:

Thailand scores quite low at 85. 100 being acceptable. 

The score of 85 is an average, with huge differences between hill tribes in the north, poor farmer kids in the north-east, and the hi-so kids of the captains of industry in Bangkok.

Get your kids into a decent school, one that might not be a government school, and you got a good chance of beating that score of 85.


Also keep in mind that the labor market does not have perfect competition. With an IQ score of 100 in a Western country you might be just good enough for a basic job, while an IQ-score of 95 in Thailand can put you in the upper-level management bracket.

You don't have to be the best person in the world to get a job, you just need to be better than your direct competitors.

9 hours ago, upside said:

I was looking at IQ scores done by a professor in 80 countries.


Thailand scores quite low at 85. 100 being acceptable. 


For those of you with your kids at school in Thailand, don't you feel like you're letting your children down to suit yourself? You should as a parent want the best for your kids correct? There's no reason to not school your kids back in your home countries ,  and I won't go into medical where your children would no doubt recieve a much higher level of care through better skilled medical proffesionals. 


I'd actually call it child abuse.

Child abuse? Really? My kid goes to a good school here in the countryside - she loves school and is very happy... why would I go back to the West where things like bullying are quite common... she is above average here, puts in long hours by her own choosing... lives with loving extended family... I am going to say that there is more child abuse in my home country than here. 

1 hour ago, Bob12345 said:

The score of 85 is an average, with huge differences between hill tribes in the north, poor farmer kids in the north-east, and the hi-so kids of the captains of industry in Bangkok.

Get your kids into a decent school, one that might not be a government school, and you got a good chance of beating that score of 85.


Also keep in mind that the labor market does not have perfect competition. With an IQ score of 100 in a Western country you might be just good enough for a basic job, while an IQ-score of 95 in Thailand can put you in the upper-level management bracket.

You don't have to be the best person in the world to get a job, you just need to be better than your direct competitors.

Well doesn't really matter about the quality of the education, & I'm sure Thais system isn't that bad as they do have engineers, dentists managers & ect.

I really think it depends on your childs learning capacity - As the old saying goes " we weren't all born brain surgeons or rocket scientists "

So as many have said here you could send your child to the best International school here & still end up with the same result 

10 hours ago, upside said:

I was looking at IQ scores done by a professor in 80 countries.


Thailand scores quite low at 85. 100 being acceptable. 


For those of you with your kids at school in Thailand, don't you feel like you're letting your children down to suit yourself? You should as a parent want the best for your kids correct? There's no reason to not school your kids back in your home countries ,  and I won't go into medical where your children would no doubt recieve a much higher level of care through better skilled medical proffesionals. 


I'd actually call it child abuse.

Perhaps you don't actually know what an IQ score is, how it is measured, or what influences the results. I think you should understand what you are talking about before you pass judgement on the choices of people you don't know, regarding something you obviously know nothing about, based on information you don't understand.

11 hours ago, upside said:

I was looking at IQ scores done by a professor in 80 countries.


Thailand scores quite low at 85. 100 being acceptable. 


For those of you with your kids at school in Thailand, don't you feel like you're letting your children down to suit yourself? You should as a parent want the best for your kids correct? There's no reason to not school your kids back in your home countries ,  and I won't go into medical where your children would no doubt recieve a much higher level of care through better skilled medical proffesionals. 


I'd actually call it child abuse.

Well, sir, your post is absolute rubbish ......

             We moved back to the UK 7 yrs ago and 1 reason was i thought the schooling would be better for my daughter which was the wrong thing on every level . The schools to start with dont allow the childern to go to the toilet during class that in itself is against your human rights which in itself is child abuse ,dont you agree? I threatened them with the police an social services and they gave she a toilet pass ,like how <deleted> stupid is that ? 

            They teach stupid German & French ! like what life advantage is there in learning those languages from 2 disasters for countrys that we see has destroyed themselves from within.

           The weather is total pants with rain an cold all the time an my daughter struggled to get outside to play even .....

           I dont know where your from but i can tell you the UK NHS is rubbish with waiting lists to even see your GP about 2 weeks LOL and a visit to the local hospital A/E unit will cost you 6 hrs minimum waiting around and even then they do nothing .... ive had to take my wife to Thailand before for small medical problems .. 1 was a small saliva gland problem and we flew to Bkk and had the problem fixed next day and the funny thing was we recieved a letter from the NHS 2 yrs later calling she to come to the hospital fro treatment LOL, no Sir the medical services at home are below rubbish ! Dont get sick in the UK lol


       We are back in Thailand again and my daughter is out enjoying life. Not a mission will we set foot back in the UK.


Actually, the situation is even worse than you postulate. Thai kids generally get end up with LOWER IQ's than they started with after they've been through the sausage machine of state education. At the same time there is plenty of evidence that across the West education standards are falling and that universities in places like the UK are breeding a new generation of "snowflakes" who are so scared of confronting ideas which conflict with those that they have been brainwashed into believing that they have to have "safe spaces" to escape to.


Now if THAT isn't child abuse on a seismic scale, then I don't know what is.


Parents need to get off their bums and demand an education revolution to get their kids out state straitjackets. Sir Ken Robinson has some interesting ideas on the subject: 




I agree education in Thailand are among the worst in Asia. If you really want your kid to gain from it , only the best private schools are good enough .





i put my kid in privates schools until the age of 7. They were not necessarily the most expensive the country had to offer, but they were certainly academically focused.


when she moved to the US, she was well ahead of her classmates in most subjects, she thrives there now.

there are options here if a parent is proactive, but it wont matter what school your kid is in if you dont take the initiative - i have seen way too many children of here being spoken to by their fathers in pidgin english.

you get back what you put in, time spent and a daily bedtime story go a long way.

14 hours ago, upside said:

I was looking at IQ scores done by a professor in 80 countries.


Thailand scores quite low at 85. 100 being acceptable. 


For those of you with your kids at school in Thailand, don't you feel like you're letting your children down to suit yourself? You should as a parent want the best for your kids correct? There's no reason to not school your kids back in your home countries ,  and I won't go into medical where your children would no doubt recieve a much higher level of care through better skilled medical proffesionals. 


I'd actually call it child abuse.


Yes, too many barflies with accidental offspring they cannot afford interfering with their daily drinking habits etc.


Yes, I do believe many guys think they are doing well by their child paying for some mediocre Thai school which produces kids only marginally better than illiterate.


Shame on them.

4 hours ago, kenk24 said:

Child abuse? Really? My kid goes to a good school here in the countryside - she loves school and is very happy... why would I go back to the West where things like bullying are quite common... she is above average here, puts in long hours by her own choosing... lives with loving extended family... I am going to say that there is more child abuse in my home country than here. 


Ah, the "above average" argument !


So if everyone else is really stupid, then being only half stupid is a huge result ? Pass another Archer beer tilak.


What a poor argument to suit yourself.


5 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

The score of 85 is an average, with huge differences between hill tribes in the north, poor farmer kids in the north-east, and the hi-so kids of the captains of industry in Bangkok.

Get your kids into a decent school, one that might not be a government school, and you got a good chance of beating that score of 85.


Also keep in mind that the labor market does not have perfect competition. With an IQ score of 100 in a Western country you might be just good enough for a basic job, while an IQ-score of 95 in Thailand can put you in the upper-level management bracket.

You don't have to be the best person in the world to get a job, you just need to be better than your direct competitors.


And with one sweeping decision you limit your kid to a future only in the ill educated Thai workforce as their "better than direct competitors" talent is woefully below that required to compete internationally.


Well done.

3 hours ago, alwaysrainsinUK said:

Well, sir, your post is absolute rubbish ......

             We moved back to the UK 7 yrs ago and 1 reason was i thought the schooling would be better for my daughter which was the wrong thing on every level . The schools to start with dont allow the childern to go to the toilet during class that in itself is against your human rights which in itself is child abuse ,dont you agree? I threatened them with the police an social services and they gave she a toilet pass ,like how <deleted> stupid is that ? 

            They teach stupid German & French ! like what life advantage is there in learning those languages from 2 disasters for countrys that we see has destroyed themselves from within.

           The weather is total pants with rain an cold all the time an my daughter struggled to get outside to play even .....

           I dont know where your from but i can tell you the UK NHS is rubbish with waiting lists to even see your GP about 2 weeks LOL and a visit to the local hospital A/E unit will cost you 6 hrs minimum waiting around and even then they do nothing .... ive had to take my wife to Thailand before for small medical problems .. 1 was a small saliva gland problem and we flew to Bkk and had the problem fixed next day and the funny thing was we recieved a letter from the NHS 2 yrs later calling she to come to the hospital fro treatment LOL, no Sir the medical services at home are below rubbish ! Dont get sick in the UK lol


       We are back in Thailand again and my daughter is out enjoying life. Not a mission will we set foot back in the UK.


Of course, if you moved back to the luxury of Bradfordistan or some other northern wasteland then perhaps but here in the wonderful southern countryside we can see doctors almost at will, we can get into hospital for operations within days and life is good with fantastic school. The price of entry however is higher given the cost of property but that presumably keeps the riff raff out.

13 hours ago, swissie said:

Undercapitalised Farangs, aged 70+, having delivered proof positive as far as their reproductive capabilities is concerned recently, will probably not vote for you "as poster of the year".:smile:


Undercapitalised westerners having to make decision between medical insurance, schooling and beer are the curse of their progeny. 


Of course the majority of schools back home are at a much higher standard. So people here naturally have to be more careful in choosing a school. Many of the good schools will be the same standard of your average school back home (that most would be sending their kids too anyway). Obviously things like extra tutoring (especially critical thinking) is required as much of Thai is just read something, remember it and answer the questions. 

In terms of health, that is subjective to different people's circumstances. The doctor for my child is as good as any doctor I experienced back home in terms of her knowledge (took a few doctors to find her). She is a paediatric cardiologist, but treats each member of my family as a GP. For thoroughness and care, she is even better than back home. Has contacted radiologists in other cities to discuss results after she looked at the scans herself on her weekend, also is on call if we admit to any hospital to discuss both my child and my own case history with those doctors. She predominantly works in the private hospital, but anything more serious or costly she books us into the government hospital and meets us there as she knows it is free for our family. Speaks good English. 

In terms of child abuse. Well if the kid is taken care of both academically and health wise then I wonder what abuse there is. In terms of my kid (soon to be kids), even if they decide to move to Melbourne when they are adults, they will be heading there with a lot more money than if they had of grew up in Melbourne to begin with. So in terms of the new early life crisis that is hot in debate there with issues relating to housing costs etc, then I would say that would be a positive of them growing up here. Again, that and every factor really, comes down to different personal circumstances.  

5 hours ago, kenk24 said:

Child abuse? Really? My kid goes to a good school here in the countryside - she loves school and is very happy... why would I go back to the West where things like bullying are quite common... she is above average here, puts in long hours by her own choosing... lives with loving extended family... I am going to say that there is more child abuse in my home country than here. 

Yes same here my son is 7 he love school here my wife want to move back to aus when he turn 10 so he can learn better English we only live in Thailand so I don't pay tax in Australia because I work in Saudi 

3 hours ago, connda said:

Source? :sleep:

Thanks Connda---Yes a post like this without a credible link ,really isn't worth posting, it will bring the very best of replies like-- .."See I told you there all more stupid than us clever farangs etc"

8 hours ago, inThailand said:

You don't need to see test scores to see the daily stupidly here. 

Was this the professor in his earlier work that you are quoting upside?..


Richard Lynn’s chart from IQ and Global Inequality. Richard Lynn is a hardcore racist, typical of most hereditarian IQ researchers.

Indeed, Lynn puts SE Asian IQ at 87 and considers them about the 4th most intelligent group on the planet, behind NE Asians, European Caucasians, and Eskimos. Lynn’s theory also presupposes a relationship between latitude and race. So we can’t have any smarties down there in the hot weather. They all have to come from frigid land, where their IQ’s got nice and refrigerated. Problem is that evidence shows that Central regions actually produce more geniuses than Northern or Southern regions.

In order to fit the facts into his dubious theory, Lynn plays a lot of games. He refuses to note that Southern Chinese are some of the smartest people on Earth – their IQ is thought to be ~105, or possibly higher. The Chinese provinces around Hong Kong have often produced some of the brightest Chinese cohorts in the land.

Further, we can’t have any real bright SE Asians either, for the same reasons as for the Southern Chinese, and also so as not to mess up his SE Asian IQ of 87...etc...etc


After so much criticism of his work Richard Lynn was forced to go back and revise his IQ theories on a world bases, working with  Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish Professor of Political Science, who conducted IQ studies in more than 80 countries . He now places Asians as the top 6 highest IQ countries in the world.

A more up to date chart of his findings is here.. However all IQ theories must be interpreted with extreme caution.



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