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Thai woman wanted white skin and big breasts - pays with her life on the eve of her 35th birthday


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18 minutes ago, CARBO said:

What ingredients in the pill can cause 'white' skin without huge health hazards? I wonder when this mentality of attributing beauty to skin whiteness will end. 

When everyone has white skin. Then tanned skin will become the rare, desired attribute that is all the rage.

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56 minutes ago, berybert said:

How many white so called educated people lay out in the sun for hours on end because they want to turn brown and look more beautiful ?

Skin cancer probably kills more people than whiter skin pills ever will.

Yet educated people still lay out in the sun.

Who doesn't like a lady with a nice ass tan line?

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7 hours ago, sweatalot said:

I wonder what ingredient in the pill caused kidney failure

If it's not cut with some modern drug, then my money's on birthwort (Aristolochia); been some nasty cases in the UK where people lost kidneys and ended up on dialysis.

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11 hours ago, Mickmouse1 said:

One has to accept God's creation and not to go against it.

We should be grateful with what we have as well.

I never accept or agree with any so called herbal medicine etc unless recommended by my GP.

A Thai friend of mine ended up with  cancer after taking tons of the so called herbal pills.She always ask me to shower after smoking outside in the garden fearing the smoke will give her cancer.

I hope these pills get investigated and stopped if possible.?

GPs aren't in the business of recommending herbal medicines.

Does your GP recommend you smoke?

Your Thai friend is correct - second hand smoke can cause cancer.

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" Your Thai friend is correct - second hand smoke can cause cancer."


Sir Richard Doll, the man credited with making the connection between smoking and lung cancer, when asked how he would feel about being in a room full of smokers, replied "the effects of other people smoking in my presence is so small it doesn't worry me".

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1 hour ago, djayz said:

Good bye and good riddance. If you're not comfortable in your own skin, you'll never feel comfortable in another's. 


Besides, I like 'em dark and small (t*tt*es).

A rather tasteless reply.     I  assume you are  saying good riddance to the poor girl that just died?    

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On 9/25/2017 at 12:09 AM, Dmaxdan said:

This obsession with whiter skin seems to of epidemic proportions here in Thailand. They need to learn that you can never be more beautiful than the way nature intended.

My wife is dark. Gorgeous breasts...not that big = PERFECT to me. I guess I love her? At least I don't have to worry about them sagging to her knees when she's 60.


I would not trade her for anything after 16 years.


The Thai "Pretty's" they have at auto shows etc look more like mannequins than pretty to me.


Then again Pattaya, the Family Resort Tourist Capital of the Universe is a cesspool. Ah, logic, once again is absent in Thailand.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here in USA my doctor prescribed an antibacterial med for me that reacted badly with a med I was taking for diabetes. Both common medications. Wound up in hospital for three days with kidneys shut down. Lots of blood tests, scans, saline bags, but no surgery. Got bill for $37.000.

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When you come from Europe, you will know the expression: 'blue blood', which refers to ancient nobility. They, and the ones imitating them, avoided at all cost to be exposed to sunlight, ...not to look like 'commoners', especially 'peasants', ...people living outdoors who had a tanned skin. In those circles, even the military-on-the-field were looked down at, having a tanned skin. Stay inside, or at least in the shade of some roof, umbrella or leafage was the motto. And the 'blue blood' thing was in fact just that their skin was so light, to translucient, it showed their veins in hard contrast...

This was in 'ancient times', ...which lasted till less than a century ago though, so not that long away.

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