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Elections most likely in 2019: PM Prayut


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4 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

2019 is a long time to wait to see the back of this junta regime. Fractions are forming in the military and there are the extreme left reds that can be very worrying. Big risk and hope he got the smart and humility to hand over his premiership to a civilian and form a coalition government like Prem did.

Not a chance.

Not talking about you, but if the election penny hasn't dropped for some by now it never will.

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3 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Especially when the Timeline has an election "delay clause."

March-November 2018: "Completion of the bill review and revision by the Constitutional Court and relevant independent agencies."

"If the bills are dropped, a new round of the legislative process will begin. The timeframe is unknown."


Yeh . . . bloody scary, isn't it. My thinking is now turning towards it hardly mattering whether there's a totally rigged constitutional election or the junta continues ad infinitum. One way or t'other, Prayut now knows that 'polite friend' Trump and the rest of the world are watching and with such a massive programme of rebuilding pretty well every faction of government - law & order, health, education, transport, security, trade, international standing, any more? - he must soon realise that he will need to recruit some REAL brains and REAL energy to head-up those initiatives. Any budding transport and education secretaries out there? I'm getting the law & order remit . . . should be a doddle!

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6 minutes ago, baboon said:

Not a chance.

Not talking about you, but if the election penny hasn't dropped for some by now it never will.

It will be big mis-calculation if the junta think they can hold on to power indefinitely. The Thais have demonstrated in the past to be intolerance of prolong military stay. In the past, Thailand still has a mediator of high esteem that all warring parties will have to submit but not now. There must be a reason for this foot dragging and IMO is a struggle for power at the top in finalizing the organic laws. Election will happen; just don't know when. 

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7 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

It will be big mis-calculation if the junta think they can hold on to power indefinitely. The Thais have demonstrated in the past to be intolerance of prolong military stay. In the past, Thailand still has a mediator of high esteem that all warring parties will have to submit but not now. There must be a reason for this foot dragging and IMO is a struggle for power at the top in finalizing the organic laws. Election will happen; just don't know when. 

The Berlin Wall was always going to come down one day, but it did last from 1961 to 1989...

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Thailand is doing well with the General in charge. Many projects have been implemented or are planned. The predecessors didn't achieve anything at all. Now there is economic stability going forward, where as before there was fighting, roads blocked and unrest. This government is correct for Thailand as has been proven unequivocally time and time again. Thailand and it's people look forward to a bright future.

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7 minutes ago, steven100 said:

Thailand is doing well with the General in charge. Many projects have been implemented or are planned. The predecessors didn't achieve anything at all. Now there is economic stability going forward, where as before there was fighting, roads blocked and unrest. This government is correct for Thailand as has been proven unequivocally time and time again. Thailand and it's people look forward to a bright future.

A word of advice: More than one per thread dilutes the effect you are looking for...

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3 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Reverse the corruption cancer! Lordy, it got worse and the military can't be investigated nor comment. Those who dare got dragged off the streets, ordered to military camp, arrested before they made it to the park and some die in custody. Anyone investigating the massive military hardware purchases? Don't think so. Take off your green shade mate. 


Don't disagree with your sentiments on corruption in its widest sense (including nepotism etc). 


However, exactly how many people have been dragged off the streets and taken away? And how many have died?

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16 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

However, exactly how many people have been dragged off the streets and taken away? And how many have died?

The information is out there, but probably not wise to comment on these matters

or you might end up detained or worse

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6 hours ago, steven100 said:

Great news  !   hope it is postponed again ....  all the nayers will have plenty of time to relocate.

Khun Prayuth has done an excellent job in the US and speaking to the Trump administration.




Clearly being delusional is a contagious disease in lala land

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Prayut claimed that the army was neutral (and as we can all see he's far from neutral), and would not launch a coup ( an untruth). Yet in May 2014, Prayut staged a military coup against the government and then assumed control of the country as NCPO leader. He later issued an interim constitution granting himself sweeping powers and giving himself amnesty for staging the coup. No matter what he does he is not a democratically elected leader of Thailand and as such is only in power until the people decide to remove him and hold an election. As for Prayut giving himself amnesty for the crimes he has committed by taking power, delusional!! 

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I wonder who is the real power in Thailand.  The PM tells Trump, in front of the World's press 2018,  but the next day the DPM (& Minister of "Defence") says "No it might be 2019". Is  General (retd) O-Cha just a front man for a man who would, for various reasons, be unacceptable on the World's stage ???

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1 hour ago, Jackin1960 said:

Prayut claimed that the army was neutral (and as we can all see he's far from neutral), and would not launch a coup ( an untruth). Yet in May 2014, Prayut staged a military coup against the government and then assumed control of the country as NCPO leader. He later issued an interim constitution granting himself sweeping powers and giving himself amnesty for staging the coup. No matter what he does he is not a democratically elected leader of Thailand and as such is only in power until the people decide to remove him and hold an election. As for Prayut giving himself amnesty for the crimes he has committed by taking power, delusional!! 

Hardly delusional, since he's been and gone and done it and his amnesty granting is now a fact of history, under junta law, admittedly. But how are these for a few more 'De' words that, I think, do apply.

demented, devoid of decency, dementia-like . . . will they do?

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Roadmaps my butt. It goes like this.."well Mr trump..your holiness..sir....how do you see things in Thailand at the mo ?"

Trump - " I have more worrying issues with a nutter in Korea, take some coal"

"hey lads...good news...postpone the elections again...we're in yippee"

The author exercises his right to misuse the term 'lads' at his own discretion....

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10 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

I already marked it on the calender on my toilet.


Not the date for the election that is, but about halfway 2018 when they announce it will be near the end of 2019 and one more mark for halfway 2019 where they announce it will be 2020.

You are going to have to buy a bigger toilet seat fore 2021 and 2022

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5 hours ago, eliotness said:

I wonder who is the real power in Thailand.  The PM tells Trump, in front of the World's press 2018,  but the next day the DPM (& Minister of "Defence") says "No it might be 2019". Is  General (retd) O-Cha just a front man for a man who would, for various reasons, be unacceptable on the World's stage ???

The answer is "yes". Welcome to conclusions drawn in 2014 :coffee1:

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12 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Forget elections...

Fortunately, there has been no uprising, no major student rallies and the people are being reported as being content at present.

Back in the day tertiary students were the offspring of the somewhat politically active middle middle class, thus more inclined to activity themselves......


Now Thai universities are full of the hoi polloi, they have become hotbeds of conformity and controlled uncritical thinking..... not a threat.

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When he came to power he said he would be there long but he seems to have got used to the style of things and the longer the election can be put off and justification has to be produced the better.

I think he will be presuaded t form a party and run for office. It will probably be a shock when he does not get elected. the Reds are hardly likely to vote for him are they and they have the most supporters from what I can see amd then I wonder what will happen, will he just walk off into the sunset or will the election be nun and void and have to be re run?

I see trouble ahead because when the election comes whatever the result, the losers will not accept it, par for the course here, cannot 4 years! The big question then will be how much will the military be backing who, the blokes at the top we know who they will back and we can guess that the ordinary soldiers well we can guess that they are probably green on the outside but what on the inside, how far down can the higherachy count on to tow the line?

Democracy does not come free.

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