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Expat in Thailand versus stay at home Westerner – Who will really have the last laugh?


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Expat in Thailand versus stay at home Westerner – Who will really have the last laugh?




I notice a theme when I produce my vlogs about Thailand and, in particular, Pattaya in terms of the comments I get. The negative comments always seem to be from those that have never been here. They can feely pour scorn easily via social networks as they sit suffering from delusions of grandeur – no doubt in their small apartment in Grimsby or Sheerness as they enjoy a microwave meal from Aldi. OK, I am being deliberately contentious here; so let me play for just one second. It did, however, made me think – Who will really have the last laugh…the expat of Thailand or the stay at home Westerner?


It would be easy for me to be one sided as I am an expat, but that serves no purpose, so I will try and be rounded in opinion – but its difficult to when you have been ‘enlightened’.


When I first came to Pattaya some 11 or so years ago and told work colleagues in London, the guys would smirk, well some, and the women would look at me in shock.  Back then I cared about what they felt and felt a little deviant knowing of the type of lads holiday I embarked on. Maybe they had a point, one should not go with prostitutes and get involved in such debauchery, it’s just not the done thing.   And then I came and lived in Thailand, I shudder to think what they thought!


It’s quite easy to get on the defensive when others criticise something you have done. My friends and family probably thought I was just putting two fingers up to the UK and doing what I wanted, and you know what, they were right – but I couldn’t tell them that quite so transparently.


I stood one morning on a crowded train at about 630am as I took the usual commute to my office in London – I liked my job a lot but that was not the point here – it had been raining and my suit was a little wet. I stood with colleagues and asked them if our life was already mapped out and that this was it as far as life was concerned. Ok, I am stripping things to the basics but fundamentally, I knew where my life was going: Nice house, family, few more promotions at work and before you knew it retirement.


Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/pattaya/expat-thailand-versus-stay-home-westerner-will-really-last-laugh/


-- © Copyright Inspire Pattaya 2017-10-15
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22 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

The best times of my life - by far - were spent in Thailand. There is no way I can ever regret that. wai.gif

Me too.

30 adult and wasted years working in London Vs 10 adult years relaxing in Thailand.


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No one back home has ever hinted to me that they thought they were better off or happier than me ... especially  while they were essentially snow bound in winter or dodging hurricanes or taking cover when some lunatic with a stockpile of guns was culling the population.




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1 hour ago, MadMuhammad said:

Life is what you make no matter where you are, working or not, retired or whatever. Only a mind that is at peace will truly enjoy existing.

Those happiest with themselves will always have the last laugh.


Add to piece of mind, constant laughter with fellow Xpats from all over the globe, a great partner, enough money to last you till your 101, that enables you to have a good quality life, to go where you want, buy what you want, and living in an affordable country making it that much easier, with not too many ball breaking rules, putting aside the negatives, because all countries have them, being far away from others breathing in the fresh air, and your laughing all the way.


Work well, that is up to the individual, me, prefers to sit on my behind and listen to myself breath without my mind constantly grinding over and over and over adding stress to meet deadlines set by some unreasonable clowns looking to make their targets so that they can get their bonuses, so on and so forth.



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I am going to add that probably whoever does not consider their lives in comparison to that of another, is likely to be happier...


That said, I am far happier here as an expat than I could possibly be living back home - I very much enjoy the things that make Thailand unique, the language, the people, the culture.... 


And I would guess that the majority of people back home, if they came here w/an idea to assimilate, just a little even, would have a happier life here... Thai people are less serious and more bent toward happiness than people in the West. In my opinion. 



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2 hours ago, MadMuhammad said:

Life is what you make no matter where you are, working or not, retired or whatever. Only a mind that is at peace will truly enjoy existing.

Those happiest with themselves will always have the last laugh.


So very, very true.

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3 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

No one back home has ever hinted to me that they thought they were better off or happier than me ... especially  while they were essentially snow bound in winter or dodging hurricanes or taking cover when some lunatic with a stockpile of guns was culling the population.

Dunno about happy or sad, but do know all my pals in the UK are getting way less sex than me.

(and none of it with women half their age)

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In Direct response to Dan's Vlog... 


Dan, your vlogs are an interesting viewpoint on Thailand. For someone who has lived here for 20 years having come here when I was 22 and now with a young family I find your vlogs entertaining and opinions balanced - its good to see someone making an effort while not coming across as overwhelmingly narcissistic as many other vloggers. 


It is clear from your latest video that you have found yourself on the receiving end of some critical feed back. 

I am surprised you have found it necessary to respond to these sour and bitter guys who fail in their open mindedness and intelligence, you have vindicated the trolls and given them further fuel in letting them know that they have upset you. You can't please everyone and there are bitter and twisted muppets everywhere please ignore the trolls who have nothing better to do and continue your efforts.




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