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Hood up, full face helmet, long sleeves; how do they know I'm not Thai?

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For the people that live in Thailand long time, to pay the ' Thai price ' is badge of honour , even if one can afford lo splash a few Bahts .

I've seen guys splashing 1000's of Baht in bars of dubious reputation to end up drunk, past midnight, raging against a perplexed taxi driver for 10 Baht price increase.

I had to assure the poor man that i didn't know them and that they were not from my country.

Perhaps somebody should write a book :  "1001 ways to pay the Thai price ".

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Haha "Dressed like a whore". I was taking my gf to meet a friend of mine who does that guy competing crap so I told her to sex it up a little bit. She walked out of her dressing room like she was on her way to a bukake festival. I told her to go change we weren't that hard up for cash yet. Girls... Love a chance to slut up. 

12 minutes ago, bsdthai said:

Its the buldge up front pressing against the fuel tank. Dead giveaway. You pay more like cheap airlines. Extra baggage. Makes more sense than any other excuses.

That was your experience....?.great.gif.deb7871031fbd1da6fd4f4b85573b89f.gif

8 hours ago, BEVUP said:

 is there a special ticket for Farangs stating the cost or is it recorded by the gate keeper 

During This year of Bereavement there are many price reductions and free deals .

7 hours ago, Guy360 said:

Just pay the damn fee and stop your whining and sniveling.  Your cheap attitude is disgusting.  If you can't afford to pay the few baht extra you shouldn't be living in Thailand.

The Thai government has now officially recognised the 'poor' of Thailand - about 14 million, apparently - by giving them some sort of ID card.


A common justification for differential pricing has been that Thais are poor.


The solution to this endless moaning about differential pricing, which I frequently indulge in myself, is now simple - those who are able to present a poor person's ID card get a discounted rate, every one else gets to pay the full rate, including the Thais who are no longer officially poor. 


There you go - it doesn't disadvantage the poor, those Thais who aren't poor (by the government's reckoning) pay a realistic rate and we resident foreigners ( I wonder if anybody will say 'Those on visa extensions aren't resident' ;-) ) no longer feel discriminated against.


Of course, those who say 'can't afford the extortionate fee - go home' can always pay a voluntary contribution if they want to.

10 hours ago, impulse said:

Multiple tier pricing is a very common business practice all over the world.  It's not just Thailand. 

So for you the USA is the whole world?? And we're not talking about businesses but public parks owned by the Thai government. The farang might even have a real Thai passport as well, who knows?



9 hours ago, Foozool said:

Just simply stop visiting places with dual rate, farang/Thai. 

Your gf will let them know. You don't believe it ? ??? you better do. 

I have seen this at least a few times. 

And don't tell me that your gf is "different" ???? yes of course she is. ?



We've turned around several times at waterfalls or so where they charged me much more than the rest of our group...Or i just step out of the car, sit down at the road infront of the entrance and wait untill my group comes back...so they all will ask themselves why is that farang sitting on the road in his good clothes???? I just refuse to pay the 10-foulded price.


The never ending ThaiVisa  whine fest


Dual Pricing and the word "farang"


I would never have denied myself the pleasure of visiting Angor Wat, the game reserves of East Africa,  Oldavai Gorge- birthplace of Man,  Lemur sanctuaries in Madagascar,  Mount Kilimanjaro, or the antiquities of Egypt.... ALL of which practice dual pricing.



1 minute ago, duanebigsby said:

The never ending ThaiVisa  whine fest


Dual Pricing and the word "farang"


I would never have denied myself the pleasure of visiting Angor Wat, the game reserves of East Africa,  Oldavai Gorge- birthplace of Man,  Lemur sanctuaries in Madagascar,  Mount Kilimanjaro, or the antiquities of Egypt.... ALL of which practice dual pricing.





I would argue that Angkor Wat is dual pricing (same as Grand Palace).


Free for Cambodian citizens and under 12’s is not dual pricing. 


But I take your point.


Trust me they know these cops have been doing this for a long time they can tell the difference between how Thais drive and westerners as well as many other neat little tricks.  Keep a low profile and just slowly cruise through police checkpoints without drawing attention to yourself.  And avoid police checkpoints whenever possible.  Know your area and surroundings.  

On 20/10/2017 at 6:43 PM, InMyShadow said:

I would go shoe polish and a black wig and lots of Wai ing.


A sure thing would be to take a nap on bike Helmut on handles bars while waiting


Or you could try removing your muffler and revving the guts out of your bike, they will wave you through for free!


 All thai traits



Remember that 80s movie, I think it was called Soul Man.


Deportment. When driving along, i can usually spot another farang on a motorbike at about 30 metres. You just can instinctively tell they are different. Not sure what it is, but something in the way they sit on the bike gives it away. About 90% correct i find.


The Op wears long sleeves, long trousers and face covering mask to avoid paying a higher price, in the this Thai heat?

I suggest they dont know he is farang, I suggest They know he is Ki Not Farang :tongue:


On 10/21/2017 at 10:07 PM, Thian said:

We've turned around several times at waterfalls or so where they charged me much more than the rest of our group...Or i just step out of the car, sit down at the road infront of the entrance and wait untill my group comes back...so they all will ask themselves why is that farang sitting on the road in his good clothes???? I just refuse to pay the 10-foulded price.


Dont flatter yourself, they could not give a toss what you are doing. They probably think you are just being a petulant child, and they would be correct, and never give  another thought to you or any point you are trying to make.

1 hour ago, TPI said:

Why not flash your Pink card or your driving licence, works for me and my friends!

Hi, when you last use a Thai licence to get the Thai price? It used to work, but not anymore.


To be clear, I can hear and understand the conversation (of which there is very little).  Usually the ranger simply states the total amount to pay.


I like nature a lot so I can't boycott the national parks.  The temples that charge foreigners to enter them, the museums that charge double price, and most of the theme parks and water parks and zoos, I can boycott all these.  But the national parks are a must for me.  So I try and get around the charge as often as possible, and pay it on the occasion when I'm not familiar with the area or there is no other option.


Often if I want to go to a waterfall I'll go there at 6am before there is anybody manning the gate.  It beats the crowds as well.  If I want to go to a marine park I'll kayak rather than get a boat trip, as long as the weather is okay and the distance involved isn't huge.  I've done that with Koh Rang (near Koh Chang) and Koh Adang (near Koh Lipe).  I'll use GPS tracks online to find alternative routes up mountains in national park areas to avoid national park checkpoints.  I figure hiding in the boot of a car would be easy, alas I do not own a car.  Cheap or principled?  I think both.

4 hours ago, smutcakes said:

We've turned around several times at waterfalls or so where they charged me much more than the rest of our group...Or i just step out of the car, sit down at the road infront of the entrance and wait untill my group comes back.


The problem is the guys at the checkpoints have zero say in how much they charge you.  If they charge every farang the Thai price they'll lose their job.  So you have nobody to complain to.  It makes no difference to them whether you go in or wait outside.

4 hours ago, chrissables said:

Hi, when you last use a Thai licence to get the Thai price? It used to work, but not anymore.

Thai licence or Pink card doesn't work now ... what works for us is ... drive through (dark windows help) ...wife walks back and says two Thais over 60 ... 30thb for the car!!


It's very easy to guess that you are a farang. A Thai would never ever tell his wife to get off from the bike and let her walk a few meter to purchase the tickets! 

On 20/10/2017 at 8:41 PM, Berkshire said:

How do you know for sure that "At no point is it mentioned that one of us is a foreigner?"  C'mon, your "dressed like a whore" companion obviously spilled the beans.  Is it really that difficult to figure out?

That's what I was thinking, maybe if you show up with a tattooed bargirl then they assume only a farang would drag this around.


But, in this case we don't know anything about this guy or his GF. He could be a decent bloke with a nice thai girl.


As someone else mentioned, it's probably uncommon for Thai couples to show up on a motorcycle to a national park, and also the bigger build, despite hiding the face and skin color, gives it away.


You come to a country where they don't:


Walk like you...

Aren't built like you...

Dress like you...

Talk like you...

Ride like you...

Act like you...

Eat like you...

Move like you...

React like you...

Smell like you...

Plus - plus - plus...


And wonder why you don't go unoticed...


Add - think like you...


You're spotted a kilometer off by the pros - wherever you go....

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