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SURVEY: Gun Control -- Is it time to curtail gun ownership in the US?

Gun Control--Is it time to curtail gun ownership in the US?  

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1 hour ago, gr8fldanielle said:

the vast majority of killings by gun in the USA are suicides, look it up!

When the constitution added the 2nd amendment, all weapons were military grade, so it's not about hunting. Take a look around what happens when the governments disarm the people, mass slaughter.

If everyone carried a gun, there would be no crime. Statistics prove the more gun ownership, the lower the crime. You want gun control go to Chicago, the murder capital.


So the vast majority of gun killings are suicide. So what, does that make mass killings using automatic weapons accectable. Regarding the 2nd Amendment I enclose:-


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2016 34K killed by guns in the us(22k of which were suicide).  37K killed in traffic accidents. guns are made to kill, cars are not.  Also a very large percentage of gun deaths are suicide.  And then you have a percentage that are criminals shot while committing crimes or police shot by criminals.  Curtail vehicles, save lives.


Sad to say but it's going to take more killings before something will be done. As one poster said; if twenty children at SandyHook being murdered didn't change anything it's probably not going to happen any time soon. Like with drunk driving, it took MADD founder Candy Lightner's daughter being killed before things got done. When Americans have had enough they'll do something, obviously right now they're not that concerned about it. I can imagine the outcry/outcome if it would've been twenty US congressmen's children murdered at SandyHook..........

19 minutes ago, ross163103 said:

Sad to say but it's going to take more killings before something will be done. As one poster said; if twenty children at SandyHook being murdered didn't change anything it's probably not going to happen any time soon. Like with drunk driving, it took MADD founder Candy Lightner's daughter being killed before things got done. When Americans have had enough they'll do something, obviously right now they're not that concerned about it. I can imagine the outcry/outcome if it would've been twenty US congressmen's children murdered at SandyHook..........

"When Americans have had enough they'll do something"  hmmm that may be what is happening now, people are tired of reading about massacres, school shootings, Home invasions, disco shootings and going out and buying their own guns, my sister who has been anti-gun  forever, was in the Nightclub in Orlando when it was shot up - a few weeks later, she went to a Gun Range, got some training and bought a .380 semi-auto pistol and got a concealed carry license.  Said she will be damned if she is leaving her children motherless without a fight.:sorry:


So many people on here from other countries believe that after the government take 

all the guns everything will be fine. NOT. There are thousands of gangs in the US.None of them will give up their guns.You don’t have to be A rocket scientist to see what will happen then.

Charleton Heston quoted,from My cold dead hands.There are millions of Americans that feel the same way.Taking guns away would lead to mayhem in the US.


If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have them.


You can bet that the 'well off' will have armed guards. Not where I live but where the rich live, they'll be protected by guns.


It'll be the rich and the criminals that have guns. Mostly the same ones that didn't turn in their gold to the Federal Government.


I just bought myself a new 9mm. And Iam getting ready to buy my 1st ar15.

Always be ready. 

The thai's have more guns than the U.S. counter part, but they are not registered. 


I think male Americans need their ladies to explain to them that only softies have guns to protect them. That's why their finest women prefer British Gentlemen like me!


No madam,  that's NOT a gun I'm carrying!


Anyone with a gun is an outlaw


Civilised people rely upon the police


Vigilantes are outlaws


But, let's be reasonable, give them another 150 years or so. Are Hispanics generally gun people?


Yep rely on the police just like the people on the London Bridge and every other knife attack in London, laughable. Please help me I cannot defend myself because the Gov is afraid ill hurt myself!!


 When seconds count the police are only minutes away, If you are alive long enough to actually call....

3 minutes ago, iroc4life said:

Yep rely on the police just like the people on the London Bridge and every other knife attack in London, laughable. Please help me I cannot defend myself because the Gov is afraid ill hurt myself!!

I have NEVER felt the need to carry a firearm. I can take care of myself. The police (in civilised countries) do the rest.


If you are afraid, ask your woman to protect you ?


And another thing, there wouldn't be a hijacking with a couple of Yorkshiremen on board! A few Stanley knives!! Dear me! I'm no pretty thing anyway and I would have gone in head first. Offence/Defence??? Sometimes a man has to act!!!

9 minutes ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

Rely on the police?

Are there people in the UK or Europe still who live off the land?

It is quite common in America. Native Americans also of course 

Do they now need a job, or just hand in their rifles and get on the "dole"?

Little House on the Prairie? Yes we have that all over Yorkshire and the incest ?



G'night everybody!

3 hours ago, iroc4life said:

It will never happen in America,  If it did there would be war. Maybe its time for the rest of the world to <deleted> and mind their own countries being over run and stop with the USA bashing. :)

Don't spoil our fun. The US makes itself such an easy target. Where do you think the phrase "Only in America" comes from?

7 hours ago, Dazspur said:

Oh dear, hand out more weapons. Really?


All countries with gun controls have seen immediate and drastic reductions in gun related deaths.


This makes for very sobering (and disturbing) reading http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/


12,000 deaths and 25,000 injuries in 2017 alone YTD with year on year increases is unimaginable in any civilised country.

Yeah, don't bother to mention the 1.5 million times a year that firearms prevented crime or death.  I carry everywhere.  I do enjoy reading about dumb <deleted> doing a home invasion and not living to tell about it.  Or the carjacking where the perp ends up dead in the street.  Best yet...three Taco Bell employees open fire on an armed robber.  Loved it.  The most used weapon on earth for murder?  The machete.  You...call 911.  Me...I'll live most likely.  The police, most all the time, show up to count bodies and take notes.  They actually "save" very few.

3 hours ago, William T said:

Does bullfighting kill hundreds of people?

Its torture and even though its their tradition same as cowboys in the usa is a tradition but bad traditions should be amended!


I wish the lot of you would make up your minds. I keep reading how Donald Trump is just another Hitler. 
Well, if you feel that way about it, why on earth would you want the American people to give up their guns.  Didn't  history teach us anything?

 Look what Hitler did when he confiscated all of the guns from the German people.  This is why conservatives don't pay much mind to your arguments. You don't make much sense. 

  So, I guess in reality you think Donald Trump is quite capable of keeping the United States safe from all enemies. Can't take it any other way.

4 hours ago, Tony125 said:

The main gun control I would want is the loophole that allowed  "bumb stocks" and other devices that make semi-automatics  full to be closed. If you think the millions of Americans who own guns are ever going to give them up (I was a license carrying gun owner with several weapons) it's not going to happen.  As Charlton Heston, former actor and head of NRA said "They will get my weapons when they take them from my cold , dead hands"

Am in favor of closing loop holes that allow guns being bought at gun shows without background checks.



How many states have that loophole still? 

My home state CA, closed it in 1988/9, I believe.


1 hour ago, Joebuzz said:

Yeah, don't bother to mention the 1.5 million times a year that firearms prevented crime or death.  I carry everywhere.  I do enjoy reading about dumb <deleted> doing a home invasion and not living to tell about it.  Or the carjacking where the perp ends up dead in the street.  Best yet...three Taco Bell employees open fire on an armed robber.  Loved it.  The most used weapon on earth for murder?  The machete.  You...call 911.  Me...I'll live most likely.  The police, most all the time, show up to count bodies and take notes.  They actually "save" very few.

"I carry everywhere. "

Not over here or any other country than the USA.



Unsurprising result from TVF contributors.


The second amendment, in itself, was appropriate for a struggling, young, independent nation, still vulnerable to attack from greater external powers and lacking a large enough professional military with which to guarantee its territorial integrity.


It was never intended to be a charter to facilitate the murderous ambitions of individuals, the settlement of personal disputes, or the defence of partisan ideology within the US.


Somewhere along the way a good idea went rotten.


9 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

And yet you don't hesitate to grace us with your expert opinion that our Constitution is "moot".   Yeah, what a pearl

Wow !!!! I am so sorry to unleash such a diatribe from your good self.......Obviously a sore point in your opinion of American  politics...... You do appear to have a slight angry streak there.....However, ....if you took the time to read the English that I wrote, .....which you so eloquently quoted...... I placed a Question mark.......As in...Question ?????.......Which you just happened to mistakenly omit, thereby changing the whole syntax of the sentence..(Sorry if the English confuses you )....... I am the first person to admit that I know nothing about you're Clintons, Obamas, Bush'es etc. .Also, I was in no way judging the Constitution of America, nor the Founding Fathers that drafted it. I apologise for my innocent opinion, and in no way was it intended to offend.......But I sincerely hope that if.....one day....I do visit America.......That I do not meet you across the street armed with a Kalashnikov.....

10 hours ago, tigermoth said:

 they have lost more people by shootings than all the losses they have suffered in wars since world war 2.

That is true, however that is the total guns deaths is about 800,000 +/-  but 60% of those are suicide so the homicide rate is around 300,000 which US military deaths have been around 600,000 +/- 5% 

The US does have a gun problem, however it more of a mental issue problem than a gun problem. 

9 hours ago, bazza73 said:

Australia had gun massacres up until 1996. People doing them had access to semi-automatic weapons. Since then, semi-automatic weapons have been banned in Australia, and no gun massacres have occurred in Australia.

Incidentally, the "please explain" has gone down in Australian political history as the time a redneck politician named Pauline Hanson ( yes, we have rednecks too ) demonstrated on national television the depth of her ignorance.

Don't lie.


I lived in Australia before the 1996 Port Arthur incident. There were basically zero mass shootings in Australia before it. In fact I know of only one other before 1996.  Would you care to name all of these mass shootings that were so common in Australia before the strict gun laws ? 

And YES, there have been "gun massacres" in Australia recently, such as in 2014 a father shot and killed his wife + 3 children in Lockhart. (that one was just the 1st result that came up on internet search)


Essentially, you cherry picked the one country in the world that supports your argument - ignored that it never  even had a problem with firearms to begin with - then hold that up as proof ! 

There are dozens of countries to prove the opposite. 

Brazil - gun crime rampant

Venzuela - are you kidding ?

India - strict gun ownership laws but that didn't stop the Mumbai massacre did it?

France - see India

Mexico -  Some of the strictest gun ownership laws in the world, yet has firearm homicides rates so high they make Chicago look like a peaceful country town. 


My advice is stop wearing blinkers and to open your eyes. The laws themselves haven't changed anything about human behaviour

2 hours ago, Enoon said:


Unsurprising result from TVF contributors.


The second amendment, in itself, was appropriate for a struggling, young, independent nation, still vulnerable to attack from greater external powers and lacking a large enough professional military with which to guarantee its territorial integrity.


It was never intended to be a charter to facilitate the murderous ambitions of individuals, the settlement of personal disputes, or the defence of partisan ideology within the US.


Somewhere along the way a good idea went rotten.


Were you there in 1776 ? As little as I know of history, I don't ever remember there was an expiration date set on the Constitution. 

5 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

Don't lie.


I lived in Australia before the 1996 Port Arthur incident. There were basically zero mass shootings in Australia before it. In fact I know of only one other before 1996.  Would you care to name all of these mass shootings that were so common in Australia before the strict gun laws ? 

And YES, there have been "gun massacres" in Australia recently, such as in 2014 a father shot and killed his wife + 3 children in Lockhart. (that one was just the 1st result that came up on internet search)


Essentially, you cherry picked the one country in the world that supports your argument - ignored that it never  even had a problem with firearms to begin with - then hold that up as proof ! 

There are dozens of countries to prove the opposite. 

Brazil - gun crime rampant

Venzuela - are you kidding ?

India - strict gun ownership laws but that didn't stop the Mumbai massacre did it?

France - see India

Mexico -  Some of the strictest gun ownership laws in the world, yet has firearm homicides rates so high they make Chicago look like a peaceful country town. 


My advice is stop wearing blinkers and to open your eyes. The laws themselves haven't changed anything about human behaviour

Zero mass shootings before 1996? Campsie, Wharoonga, Milperra, Hoddle Street, Queen St. , Surry Hills, Strathfield, Central Coast, Cangai? Any of these ringing a bell? 

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