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‘Violent attack’ in Brit tourist’s plea for fundraising exposed as fake

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operated because of multiple leg fractures 

- and the next day he leaves to Dubai...

and see him on the picture - it does not look like operation and  of multiple fractures


Anyway a fall from 6 or 7 meters would cause really serious injuries - even death

Another inconsistence

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30 minutes ago, than said:

Some British are true champions of false complaints to be reimbursed for their holidays......


Some Americans, Germans, Russians, Chinese, Nigerians, etc..as well. 

2 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

operated because of multiple leg fractures 

- and the next day he leaves to Dubai...

and see him on the picture - it does not look like operation and  of multiple fractures


Anyway a fall from 6 or 7 meters would cause really serious injuries - even death

Another inconsistence

I do wonder how much of the story was actually true.

They did manage to pay their hospital bill and book two flights out of Thailand

Was it a suicide attempt or was the whole thing just a con ?


I am rather disappointed the the original thread has been closed, I was looking forward to gloating .

Well done to the one person that called it right, about him jumping from a hotel balcony in another hotel

5 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

Please make it public, please. These people deserve some problems. 

Capt Ekkachai also explained that police cannot pursue any further legal action for intentionally providing misinformation to officials as no written formal complaint had been filed with police.


Read more at https://www.thephuketnews.com/violent-attack-in-brit-tourist-plea-for-fundraising-exposed-as-fake-64608.php#QmIRIfC1vt8GfDt3.99



Its all sounded BS from the start.

Maybe they get a few letters of complaint after this.

And then name on immigrations list, wait till he enter again and throw his xxx in jail.

Anothet Sh!t for brains scumbag

1 hour ago, hgma said:

did they payed the hospital bill?

According to the Phuket News article they apparently did. Thai police Capt Ekkachai:I went back to question Mr Laverty again today, but he had been discharged from the hospital. I believe their medical treatment was paid, somehow."

Also the "crowdfunding" project has been taken down and it seems "Mik" has closed his Facebook account though Denise's page is still up. The Northern Echo news site is still running the article but they closed (and hide) the comments after I sent them the link to the Phuket News article.

And they didn't "fly out the next day" after he jumped from the balcony. It seems he was trying to break into hotel rooms just after midnight on 3 Nov (the article notes 00:10 on 4 Nov as being when he jumped off the balcony).
He was discharged from the hospital and flew out on 7 Nov so he'd spent about 3 1/2 days there.

10 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

if that was my wife i would have jumped from the 10th story.:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Face like a robbers dog! 555


read my last post on this subject, i said there was more to this story as i have live here 17 years and never came up against this sort of thing anywhere in Thailand maybe the odd Brit getting bashed.

12 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

bashers on the main thread, must be eating their words now ! :passifier:

Unfortunately the bashers are rarely bothered by the truth. They see everything through their jaundiced colored specs and that will never change.


Hope this gets back to the press in the UK. 


But good for all those TV Detectives, well done lads. 


??Durham, Durham, Durham, Durham, Durrrrrrrrham.......??

7 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

Some Americans, Germans, Russians, Chinese, Nigerians, etc..as well. 

Jenny2017 really stupid to defer on this one! Makes you look silly. Love how you put Americans first lol. There are 5 pages of posts already and when this story first came out many ( mainly British ) posters tried to imply these two jerk/ scamming Brits were telling the truth and a lot Thai bashing ensued. On the other hand many other Brits called them out immediately ( good for your sleuths, really ) But not ONE single poster who said things like " why would they lie" or "this happens all the time in Thailand" has come on this thread to admit they were wrong!  Not one! They should be named and shamed along with the two scamming pig couple.  


I guess he also departed without ever paying his hospital bill.

A tribute to the 24 carrot farang tourist the Thai haters are always saying we need more of. Thank God he wasn't Chinese, they would be out in force demanding he be hung.       

I am sure as an honourable Brit Soldier he will be giving the money back that they both conned out of the public with their "Call for Help" scheme.



16 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

I guess he also departed without ever paying his hospital bill.

A tribute to the 24 carrot farang tourist the Thai haters are always saying we need more of. Thank God he wasn't Chinese, they would be out in force demanding he be hung.       

I am sure as an honourable Brit Soldier he will be giving the money back that they both conned out of the public with their "Call for Help" scheme.



And the money he stole from the rooms he was ransacking at the resort before he had to make a quick exit over the balcony?

52 minutes ago, catman20 said:

read my last post on this subject, i said there was more to this story as i have live here 17 years and never came up against this sort of thing anywhere in Thailand maybe the odd Brit getting bashed.

Im interested to know your theory to explain this in a different way than the article says? 


Just because you havent seen this in 17 years dont mean much.

Farangs is finding new ways everyday of being d*ckheads and getting in trouble in Thailand!


What we know:

He wasnt staying at the hotel

Does not say a staff was showing him the room


So what was he doing? 

Trying to find a ladyboy who rip him off?


Some jealous Thai girlfriend throw him off the balcony and its a coverup?


This idiot makes it worse for those that require genuine help.


I have a lot of sympathy for the RTP when having to deal with the foreign dead beats/tourists that distract resources and waste their time. Same as the hospitals and staff and the constant influx from motor cycle accidents, drunken brawls, drug use etc.

8 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

Maybe he was jumping from the balcony to avoid further mugging :) Too many unknowns here !

Have you seen the video?

There comes a time where you really should stop trying to make excuses for lying thieves before you get tarred with the same brush.


Ever since this crowdfunding, go fund me thing started, I have been very sceptical, and only give money to ones that I have direct knowledge of. I am sure there are a lot of genuine ones, but this sort of scam will have more and more people thinking like me.

3 minutes ago, Blackheart1916 said:

Ever since this crowdfunding, go fund me thing started, I have been very sceptical, and only give money to ones that I have direct knowledge of. I am sure there are a lot of genuine ones, but this sort of scam will have more and more people thinking like me.

I am starting up a crowd funding, to look into crowd-funding scams, could you donate before you loose faith ?

2 minutes ago, Blackheart1916 said:

Ever since this crowdfunding, go fund me thing started, I have been very sceptical, and only give money to ones that I have direct knowledge of. I am sure there are a lot of genuine ones, but this sort of scam will have more and more people thinking like me.

I read about many fake cancer fund me pages at home. The last one was a very respectable wealthy woman who had lots of friends and had a couple daughters and let it drag on for over a year. Thousands and thousands of dollars were raised ( and tears shed amongst friends) She did have mental problems but you really have to investigate before you donate even if you know the person. These fund me pages pop up for everything now. 


I love the "chinese wispers" aspects of these threads.


He was trying to open some doors at the hotel has somehow turned into he was robbing, ransacking rooms, stealing money. He may have been drunk and looking for a bathroom. Even if his intent was to rob rooms, he didn't actually go into any rooms or steal anything.


He did pay the Hospitial bill, the OP clearly states this fact.



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