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Prayut tipped to put competence ahead of friendship in Cabinet reshuffle


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Prayut tipped to put competence ahead of friendship in Cabinet reshuffle





PRIME MINISTER Prayut Chan-o-cha is expected to be more decisive in selecting qualified, competent members for his fifth Cabinet, in what could be his final year in office.

One of the clearest indications of his new stringent approach is that Pol General Chakthip Chaijinda, the national police chief, has already tendered his resignation from Thai Airways International’s board of directors and is expected to take up a portfolio in the new Cabinet.


Prayut will focus on the qualifications and competence of his new Cabinet members, especially those named to run crucial ministries. 



General Chatchai Sarikulya


Agriculture Minister General Chatchai Sarikulya will likely be replaced by a person more qualified for the job even though Chatchai is one of the premier’s close confidants. Chatchai, one of Prayut’s classmates at the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School, could be moved to a less-important portfolio, such as to replace General Sirichai Distakul as the Labour Ministry, as the next Cabinet will need to improve the performance of the Agriculture Ministry which handles the well-being of millions of farmers.


Prayut has said he will consider performance before personal friendships, so a change of the agriculture portfolio is highly likely as Chatchai has been facing growing opposition from key members of the agriculture revival and development fund who have threatened a rally at Government House.


Previously, General Udomdej Sitabutr, the deputy defence minister, was tipped to be the new labour minister but Udomdej would prefer to stay on at the defence ministry. 


As a result, Chatchai would become a new candidate for the labour portfolio if he leaves the Agriculture Ministry.



Pol General Chakthip Chaijinda.


Pol General Chakthip it is reported would prefer to stay on in his current position but Prayut and other top brass have decided to name either Pol General Srivara Rangsibhramanakul or Pol General Chalermkiat Sriworakhan to be the next national police chief and give Chakthip a Cabinet portfolio.


Chakthip is likely to be named either a deputy interior minister or the social development and human security minister. At the Interior Ministry, he would join Minister General Anupong Paochinda, and Sutee Makboon, the first deputy interior |minister.


Sutee is expected to stay on to supervise the next general election next year, so Chakthip would serve as the second deputy minister. Another possibility is for Chakthip to replace Pol General Adul Sangsingkeo as the social development and human security minister or he could become a minister at the PM’s office.


So far, the economic management team, headed by deputy premier Somkid Jatusripitak, appears to be left intact, even though the government has faced criticism over the uneven dis-|tribution of economic benefits, especially among farmers and other low-income people.


However, there could be major changes at other ministries. 


Natural Resources and Environment Minister General Surasak Kanjanarat is likely to be replaced by a civilian minister due to internal conflicts, while Areepong Bhoocha-oom, the former THAI board chairman, is tipped to be the new energy minister. He is would replace ACM Anantaporn Kanjanarat at the ministry responsible for overseeing bidding for vast natural gas resources.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/politics/30331163

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-11-09
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Hahaha complete bulls... Worst tip ever. I tip that it will be exactly the same amount of nepotism and jobs for the boys that has been going on since the junta took control. Resigning one position to just take another is just the same crap these fools pull all the time and unfortunately the average Thai is just forced to like it or lump it. My favourite piece of garbage is to replace Pol General "A" with either Pol General "B" or "C", farcical. Then just give Pol General "A" a position somewhere else. Ordinary sleight of hand whilst only reshuffling a loaded deck.:post-4641-1156693976:

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Prayut will focus on the qualifications and competence of his new Cabinet members, especially those named to run crucial ministries. 


How is this even news? Isn't this a base assumption anywhere else? There really is no hope for this country.

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good news ..... and this can only strengthen the Junta's position ruling the government.

Thailand is now enjoying an economic revival through Khun Prayuth who has successfully fast tracked various projects which had been lagging or stalmated when the previous governments were in place. Now there is focus on many issues such as the recent flooding, the current government health scheme, assisting the poor, varied farming practices, North Thailand highway expansion, HSRP high speed rail project and many more ........

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1 hour ago, Samui Bodoh said:


I think it is telling that NO ONE is stepping forward to deny that the current lot are incompetent.


Speaks volumes...


If the caption on this photo was titled "Cabinet Competence" the challenge is to pick the mistake.



If that's too hard here's a clue!



Edited by Cadbury
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Generals placed in civilian positions with no knowledge or expertise in their new posts.

At the same time they then get to receive two salaries.....their army one plus the new civilian one.

As soon as they take up their new posts the first thing they do is employ close relatives as secretaries and assistants,also on nice fat salaries.


Nonetheless, there are still some exceedingly naive posters who claim the coup and current government are doing a good job stamping out corruption.



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2 minutes ago, Denim said:

".....exceedingly naive posters"

One wouldn't need 100 guesses to figure out who you are referring to in particular. Anyway Prayut has a 20 year plan to stamp out corruption and we are still in the first year. Can't rush these things. Have to get the Shins corruption out of the way first and that could take some time.

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47 minutes ago, Denim said:

Generals placed in civilian positions with no knowledge or expertise in their new posts.

At the same time they then get to receive two salaries.....their army one plus the new civilian one.

As soon as they take up their new posts the first thing they do is employ close relatives as secretaries and assistants,also on nice fat salaries.


Nonetheless, there are still some exceedingly naive posters who claim the coup and current government are doing a good job stamping out corruption.



Can you please tell me truthfully that the average politico has better qualifications?

And you really think you can stamp out something grown into society in many years within a year or two?

Who then qualifies to be called an  imbicile?


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3 minutes ago, hansnl said:

And you really think you can stamp out something grown into society in many years within a year or two?

It should be enough time to make a start, but unfortunately it has only become worse.


Besides lip service and taking out opponents there has been done nothing. Except hiring family members for lucrative jobs, putting friends in influential positions, and getting the gravy train rolling (bribery scandal after scandal; microphones, clocks, speed measurement guns, etc).

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16 minutes ago, hansnl said:

Can you please tell me truthfully that the average politico has better qualifications?

Pretty obvious that any elected politicians have better qualification than appointed military personnel. Too many to mention but the key one is that politician is a person active in the community and party politics and has to solicit endorsement from the people. While in a junta government, they achieve their positions through appointment, nepotism and cronyism and need not seek the people endorsement.


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Can you please tell me truthfully that the average politico has better qualifications?

And you really think you can stamp out something grown into society in many years within a year or two?

Who then qualifies to be called an  imbicile?


If I may venture a reply.

No you will not stamp out nepotism and corruption ( the two often go hand in hand) in a couple of years. Making those who aspire to govern accountable to the electorate, and educating. Informing and educating the electorate so that they demand they are stamped out will start to have that effect. It will take time - a generation perhaps?

Concentrating power in the hands of a self serving, thoroughly corrupt and autocratic elite, who aspire to a feudal society along the lines of pre 1917 Russia ( albeit with more smiling) will never even begin to start that process. Especially when they talk in terms of twenty year plans.



Sent from my KENNY using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app




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1 hour ago, hansnl said:

Can you please tell me truthfully that the average politico has better qualifications?

And you really think you can stamp out something grown into society in many years within a year or two?

Who then qualifies to be called an  imbicile?



It was the military who justified the coup by saying it intended to stamp out corruption. This being the case sorting out their own camp would obviously be the best place to start. 


If corruption is bad then it is all bad. It is clearly wrong to say Shin corruption is bad and must be eradicated  but nepotism and corruption within the military is perfectly acceptable if it is a temporary means to justify the end.


It is already becoming clear that this government is intending to prolong its power as long as possible and is not going to be the temporary bad for the long term good that its apologists claim.

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

I don't know, what will happen first:

- this

- hell freezing over

- pigs fly

- Easter and Christmas will be celebrated on the same day


I tip with the advances in genetics flying pigs with the Easter and Christmas a close second the other 2 are completely fictional so arent even in the race.

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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

Pretty obvious that any elected politicians have better qualification than appointed military personnel. Too many to mention but the key one is that politician is a person active in the community and party politics and has to solicit endorsement from the people. While in a junta government, they achieve their positions through appointment, nepotism and cronyism and need not seek the people endorsement.



No it isn't. And that's a big part of the problem. It should be true, but it isn't because selection is simply based on nepotism, cronyism, and returning favors. Whether it's military, police or civilian government, the same crony selection applies.


Yingluck/Thaksin shuffled their PTP cabinet 7 times in less than three years. And each time Yingluck stated people were chosen for their expert knowledge and skills. Complete BS. Had the Shins remained and reformed the senate they were planning to pack that with family and friends. The army kicked them out and packed the senate with, family and friends.


This will be Prayut's 5th cabinet shuffle in 3.5 years. What would qualify senior army officers or police officers to be government ministers - not a lot. Again, simply giving more of the boys a turn.


Elections aren't free and fair here, and never have been. Elections reflect the feudal dominance of certain regional families and power of certain big blocks of influential people who own their own party.


Occasionally that comes unstuck so their is some hope that people are getting fed up with the status quo. We'll see how much when/if the next election happens.

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3 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


No it isn't. And that's a big part of the problem. It should be true, but it isn't because selection is simply based on nepotism, cronyism, and returning favors. Whether it's military, police or civilian government, the same crony selection applies.


Yingluck/Thaksin shuffled their PTP cabinet 7 times in less than three years. And each time Yingluck stated people were chosen for their expert knowledge and skills. Complete BS. Had the Shins remained and reformed the senate they were planning to pack that with family and friends. The army kicked them out and packed the senate with, family and friends.


This will be Prayut's 5th cabinet shuffle in 3.5 years. What would qualify senior army officers or police officers to be government ministers - not a lot. Again, simply giving more of the boys a turn.


Elections aren't free and fair here, and never have been. Elections reflect the feudal dominance of certain regional families and power of certain big blocks of influential people who own their own party.


Occasionally that comes unstuck so their is some hope that people are getting fed up with the status quo. We'll see how much when/if the next election happens.

In your eagerness to try defend the military, you forgot that crony government and senators still have to seek endorsement by the people. Not the same BB. Military appoints their cronies and family members DO NOT seek people endorsement. No mandate given. They just take regardless of opposition. 


Yingluck changed her cabinet often and each ministries performance are open for debates and criticism in Parliament and public opinions. Not the same again BB in the NLA and public opinions are monitored, intimidated or charged by some make-up charges.


When you mention elections and say it is feudaliam, it is oxymonic. Military dominance is a feudal dominance while election is opposite contrast whereby people free to chose. If the EC rules legitimacy of the election, they have scrutinized for illegitimate voting attempts. Your conclusion carries no weight. 


Thailand is unstuck due to the military continuous interference in politics on behalf of the establishment. That is the status qou and Thailand got to be allow to be empowered to decide on their future.     

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6 hours ago, steven100 said:

Thailand is now enjoying an economic revival through Khun Prayuth

I appreciate your agreement that there was an economic revival. That would be back to the economic levels being experienced in 2012 under PM Yingluck. Prayut led with that news recently.


If in 2013/2014 the Democrats and the PDRC hadn't chosen to disrupt and shutdown the government in violation of the 2007 Constitution and if Prayut hadn't overthrown the government in 2014 again in violation of the 2007 Constitution, that revival wouldn't have been needed.


Instead the country LOST almost five years of steady economic growth. Also lost was substantial foreign investment necessary for development. The infrastructure progress that Prayut has now enacted as well as his socialist/populist programs could have been initiated during the nation's democratic regime. A "better late than never" economic revival by Prayut is not to be congratulated.

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good news ..... and this can only strengthen the Junta's position ruling the government.
Thailand is now enjoying an economic revival through Khun Prayuth who has successfully fast tracked various projects which had been lagging or stalmated when the previous governments were in place. Now there is focus on many issues such as the recent flooding, the current government health scheme, assisting the poor, varied farming practices, North Thailand highway expansion, HSRP high speed rail project and many more ........

this guy is good value. he is like djamie's dim third cousin.

Sent from my SM-N950U1 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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