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Police crackdown targets overstaying foreign criminals


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13 hours ago, Cadbury said:

What a disgraceful admission of the administrative incompetence of the Thai government. Presumably many of these would have arrived over the past 4 years.

Maybe the problems associated with visa renewal might have something to do with it.

Just alone the time and mind draining inconvenience, travel expenses, having to put up with bad tempered, inflexible, deliberately unhelpful and inept immigration officers plus the loopy laws related to the different visas would be enough to deter anyone from bothering to renew their visa. But that wouldn't occur to them. 

agreed; that, however, would require introspection, a gene which thais do not possess

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Get them foreign scum,  tarnishing the good name of Thailand.

We want you out, now. and leave your wallets at the airport as well,  scum bags.


Thailand needs a back to Back to basics crackdown now.

Killing people on the roads,  beating kids up in the class room, 

and looking down there noses at the poor people of there country .

Also ripping each other off at any and every opportunity. :jap:


Ps,  If they arrested and jailed the bad guy Thai's,  most of the so called problem would go away. :thumbsup:





Edited by stanleycoin
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23 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

agreed; that, however, would require introspection, a gene which thais do not possess

Inspection, operations and maintenance.  They just don't do it.  They start something and that's it.  Absolutely horrid follow up.


   Some of the inspection and maintenance reporting may be a social thing.  Thais don't want to or are afraid of ratting somebody out that did a bad job, especially if they are senior to them, in some of the ways that Thais measure seniority or status.   They keep quiet, stay in line, etc. 


  Heck I am the test and evaluation world, and over the years in the defense and aerospace industry a lot of developers in software and systems did not like my results.  Tuff.  I write it up, provide the test results inputs and outputs and let management arbitrate.  Cost me a job or two here and there, but it also allowed me to stay on mission and flight critical programs because they knew I wasn't going to white wash anything.  Now, just over 1 year to retirement.


  One thing that seems to be done very well is all the cleaning staff at just about every hotel I have stayed at.  They are there the next day and do a very good job.  Put those housekeepers on the task!

Edited by gk10002000
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14 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

If they were serious about over stayers they would publish a list of names and faces.

It would be my guess that they could never get 100,000 names of 'tourists' to make the list never mind publishing it.


Perhaps if they added workers from surrounding countries they might get close to it.

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The country is far too weak allowing too many from countries to arrive “visa on arrival “ and then punishment is pathetic when it comes to overstay! These criminals know this! Why do you think they go to Thailand in the first place. random passport checks everywhere, suits me fine !

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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16 hours ago, rooster59 said:

It is feared that some of these people are committing crimes and damaging Thailand’s image.


Really, and what about others who do this on a daily basis?

Edited by cms22
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So , it is only the criminals with overstay......all the other criminals,who pay to an office to fix their visa's are excluded.............

So it's a crackdown on people they dont know , because they are not registered in the system...........goodluck with the ghosthunting ?

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12 hours ago, Cadbury said:

Every statistic in government Thailand is fabricated. Especially those produced by the Department of Tourism and the GDP growth figures.




How do you know that? Do you have independent figures from several reliable sources which corroborate and all disagree with the official Thai government figures?


Or are you just reporting another urban myth reliant on the bar stool bridge brigade's academy?

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15 hours ago, Cadbury said:

What a disgraceful admission of the administrative incompetence of the Thai government. Presumably many of these would have arrived over the past 4 years.

Maybe the problems associated with visa renewal might have something to do with it.

Just alone the time and mind draining inconvenience, travel expenses, having to put up with bad tempered, inflexible, deliberately unhelpful and inept immigration officers plus the loopy laws related to the different visas would be enough to deter anyone from bothering to renew their visa. But that wouldn't occur to them. 

It's just another form of denial.

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15 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

"Good guys in, (100,000) Bad guys out !

Well so far 300 Down - still 99700 to og and in the meantime another some thousands will be added to the overstay list - seems to be a similar challenge as to catch a waterfall with a few broken buckets...

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And would the deputy prime minister kindly like to break down the 100000 illegal foreigners into nationalities, as I would be interested to know from which countries the majority of illegal foreigners originate from.


Foreign criminals could not operate in Thailand without the cooperation of Thai nationals, therefore the Thai collaborators are the worse criminals of the bunch. So will the government also be clamping down hard on these Thai partners in crime or will it be only the foreigners who will face the full wrath of the law? 


All this means to me is having more hurdles to jump over and tougher rules for the majority of law abiding foreigners that wish to reside in Thailand. We will all fall under the umbrella of being suspected criminals. Thank you bad guys - not.

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Crackdown on all those illegals.. do not limit it to just Black Eagles .. there are homeless and clueless birds of many species flocking together here.. many such can found be found in far off islands and Chiangmai.. I wonder if 25% of the so called teachers in Chiangmai have proper work permits and visas.. al those tourists with shorts and a backpack are the ones who live off of Thailand's resources.. they are pests and not contributors.. they act as  teachers and even volunteers to fund their extended holidays.. send all of them packing.limit and if possible  stop extensions then we can see the real tourists.. 

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22 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

And would the deputy prime minister kindly like to break down the 100000 illegal foreigners into nationalities, as I would be interested to know from which countries the majority of illegal foreigners originate from.

This of course would make interesting reading......................:thumbsup:


I am still confused that with this alleged figure of 100,000 people on overstay and the recent focused raids that have been going on, the number of people detained for overstay and alleged crimes is so low. This in itself, given the figures that were released, IMO, shows the inefficiency of the Immigration Investigation Branch.


And for clarity, I do feel sorry for the immigration branch, controlling visitors to one's country, both legal and illegal is a nightmare for any country reliant on tourism boosting the economy.  

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Let's see (Officials have so far gathered evidence against and arrested 300 such criminals thanks to the crackdown and public assistance) and then there is the ( discovery that nearly 100,000 foreigners were overstaying their visas in Thailand.sooo at that rate it will take how long to deport the 100,000 foreigners?

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17 hours ago, Cadbury said:

What a disgraceful admission of the administrative incompetence of the Thai government. Presumably many of these would have arrived over the past 4 years.

Maybe the problems associated with visa renewal might have something to do with it.

Just alone the time and mind draining inconvenience, travel expenses, having to put up with bad tempered, inflexible, deliberately unhelpful and inept immigration officers plus the loopy laws related to the different visas would be enough to deter anyone from bothering to renew their visa. But that wouldn't occur to them. 

"having to put up with bad tempered, inflexible, deliberately unhelpful and inept immigration officers" You are writing absolute rubbish and it is probably your own behaviour and attitude which causes your perceived problems with immigration staff. I have lived here and have been obtaining extensions of stay for 15 years and have yet to come across any immigration officers behaving the way you describe. Provided you produce the required paperwork etc. and treat Immigration staff with respect you will receive the same in return.

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