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The days of skinny Thais are over - Thai women named second fattest in Asia


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6 minutes ago, markaoffy said:

Agree! See them stuffing their faces all day no surprise ! Restaurants every other shop in a shopping mall or street! Slim girls are generally all under 22

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Did you just call my wife a fatty? 

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13 hours ago, chopin2 said:

The rice-genes just can't handle the shock of all donuts and burgers. How long before the thais will surpas the westerners in terms of obesitas?

No1 in road deaths -----No2 in fatty ladies-------- COME ON THAILAND wheeeeeee THE WINNERS

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3 minutes ago, djayz said:

Looking around I just don't see that many overweight Thai women. The odd one here and there, but nothing like what this story suggests... 

So where are these chubby creatures? 


Tell your guide dog to sniff 'em out.

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1 minute ago, Jeremy50 said:

Tell your guide dog to sniff 'em out.

I'm not actively looking for them, but what I see on a day to day basis doesn't come even remotely close to what this story suggests. 

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6 hours ago, TheMekon said:

Only have to see some of the monsters dancing in WS GoGo's to realize that Thais are getting bigger.. 15 years ago girls that fat wouldn't have been employed even as cleaners let alone "sexy" dancers.. TBH I'd pay for them to cover up rather than dance.. What a contrast when compared to the hard-bodied girls that used to inhabit the bars of BKK and Pattaya.


correct, and it seems the prices are directly correlated with. the risingvkilograms.

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14 hours ago, Deli said:

Sounds like she has another father than her sister ?

The probability is actually higher that they have the same father, but different mother...;)

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19 hours ago, Dexlowe said:

Yet Thailand is far from being the highest consumer of sugar -- 29.3 grams per person compared to 126.4 grams pp. It is also well down on the consumption of fat. That's the statistical evidence. Anecdotal evidence seems to suggest otherwise. Mind you, I don't mind a chubby masseuse -- they seem to be much more fun. 

I blame it on the Sea Food - Shrimp, Crab, lobster are loaded with fats.  The restaurant food is cooked with palm oil and it loaded with salt, MSG and whatever.   My Vietnamese lady has been living with me on/off in Thailand for over ten years, while she's here, she gains a lot of weight, loses it when she goes home, puts it back on when she is here. She likes seafood.    My excuse is the Chang tastes better the longer I stay here.:whistling::whistling:

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14 hours ago, Muggi1968 said:

Most Thais are skinny until they marrie.....


Guess you haven't ridden the BTS or MRT lately - they will have to reduce the seven seats across each section to five pretty soon.  So many fat kids coming from school they will need special cars for them and lucky if you can see beyond the girl (or boy) in front of you when walking down the footpaths - one butt blocks the view!:sick:

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16 hours ago, HooHaa said:


This is utter nonsense. Philipinos are fast food junkies, eating daily at jollibee and consuming vast amounts of mini stop chicken. 


I agree, living in Angeles, I saw my share of Jolly Bee Belly's...............they eat in massive amounts, never saw a small plate of food while I was there.


But I don't agree with the title, I think older Chinese ladies are a lot fatter than Thais by far.

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16 hours ago, Lupatria said:

The Thai women in my hood start gossiping, preparing, and cooking food at about 10 AM. The 1st session last until 2 PM at about 5 PM it's time for the 2nd set, which last until midnight constantly eating, drinking, and preparing more food. All of them are obese with a BMI that could be used as lottery numbers. Except one, all of their offspring are obese too regardless their age.

I saw this in Ban Chang outside Uthapao recently  -  I lived there in '74 for a year, all the bar girls were young, thin, and had athletic bodies.   Came back for a look see last month with a couple friends of mine, most now are fat, in their mid-thirties, and constantly eating, and hanging around equally fat European, Arab middle aged guys..........like they were made for each other.  What has happened to my Thailand??    :sad::sad:

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19 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:

I saw this in Ban Chang outside Uthapao recently  -  I lived there in '74 for a year, all the bar girls were young, thin, and had athletic bodies.   Came back for a look see last month with a couple friends of mine, most now are fat, in their mid-thirties, and constantly eating, and hanging around equally fat European, Arab middle aged guys..........like they were made for each other.  What has happened to my Thailand??    :sad::sad:

It's probably the signature of the new asian middle class that has put its mark in beer bars too....;)

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15 hours ago, smotherb said:

Know a few who have done well with age differences even greater than that, but the older man has to have something to offer the young girl other than money. Had a few beers with a 68 year old Eurp who was complaining his gf was now 26; they've been together eight years. He put her through school, she has a responsible job and just seems to idolize him.

God bless him, wonder what he was complaining about??

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7 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:

God bless him, wonder what he was complaining about??

At the age of 68 some start to mix both names and numbers - possible he got into his head that she was 62 insted of 26...;)

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18 minutes ago, FarangJon said:

Small tits, small ass, thats why we like the Thai girls.


Hello Thai Police, where is the crackdown on chocolate and kanom shops, burger king and mc donalds?


We need crackdowns. Crackdowns please.


Despite heavy overweight and big butts the small tits seems to be intact, but if this can be considered as a bonus may be discussed as it may influence the symmetry...;)

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11 hours ago, balo said:

Must be SE - Asia they are talking about.  Pakistan is one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to diabetes. 


In SE-Asia I can understand Thailand is on top , when I visit Cambo, Laos  or Vietnam the girls are slimmer . 


I am beginning to sound like Brad Pitt in Curious life of Benjamin Button, but lived in Pakistan for two years and virtually every woman over the age of 30 was fat.........but the young girls???  spent six months in Lahore and with the University girls there, I was in heaven, girls would just drop their number on your table and text you were to meet, the best were in the Gym..........but that was before they started blowing everything western up...............as Mary Hopkin sang  -  "Those were the Days My Friend, we thought they'd  never end..........."

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15 hours ago, PerkinsCuthbert said:

Statistically, I don't think that's true. While in the countryside working class people may be thinner due to harder physical labour and a comparative lack of access to processed food and drink, there's no doubt the inexorable spread of the likes of CP Group and their over-sugared, over-sodiumed, over-preserved but tasty and innovative products will continue to enslave the unwary and the uneducated, just as similar companies have done to people in the West. It's a worldwide problem now, driven by huge budgets and skilful marketing and lobbying, and it is leading to the deliberate and scientific addiction of whole populations.

It's particularly sad in Thailand, a country with such a wealth of traditionally cheap, nutritious and generally healthy food that is fast being supplemented and even replaced by garbage.

Unfortunately, I think we ain't seen nothing yet.

Yep, I think you got it dead right unfortunately.

Losing the street food in Bangkok will not help the situation.

Your point about "addiction" I particularly like, as how many times do you see fat people eating as they walk down the street? It is very rarely fruit or healthy stuff either.

The trim waistlines are disappearing fast.

I like something to cuddle, but not 100Kg of blubber.

Maybe the "body image" push by western feminists and the PC brigade is not helping too.





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2 hours ago, ttrd said:

At the age of 68 some start to mix both names and numbers - possible he got into his head that she was 62 insted of 26...;)

No, I've seen her for three or four years; she is mid-twenties and quite easy to look at.

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