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Broke American Man Complains He Can’t Afford Dowry For Young Thai Girlfriend


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10 hours ago, Thai Ron said:

Why? It's not like he's going to get any better, is it?

Look the geezer's 48, he's no matinee idol and he hasn't got a pot to piss in so he's well out of his depth.......even with a fiancee who's a definite 3/10




3/10 ? 

The gal is beautiful. Stop being jealous.


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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

This is a ridiculous post, on so many levels. First of all financial stability is a core value in most any relationship. Only difference here, is that if it does not work out, she might not walk away with the house and all of your money. The level of emasculation that is taking place in the West is astonishing, to me. Hand over all of your assets, check your cajones at the door, and whatever you do, never challenge me on any level, or you will pay a price that no man should ever have to pay. Here, the women are comfortable being women, and seem to enjoy their men being men. Finances are always part of the deal. For most of us anyway. And yes, if you want to be with a beautiful woman, who is quite a bit younger than you, you are going to have to provide some stability, and offer some financial security. Any other interpretation is laced with at least some level of denial.





The only denial comes from yourself. 99.99% of the women in the west would not settle with someone much older for the financial stability.....  not even the hardcore prostitutes. The rest of your post that I cut off is very contradictory with this very paragraph on so many levels. Like someone said.... save if for the Guardian :sleepy:


It is easy to philosophize from Thailand where many women live in absolute poverty and have no other choice. Women with money in Thailand will certainly not settle for someone like yourself. 


Just a bit of honesty here..... ok?






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10 hours ago, TVGerry said:

So stupid.


Why do these gold diggers think just because a guy is white, he'll have money? Sad to say but a lot of white trash come to Thailand! 

So no money=trash eh. 

Is it a wonder Thais seem to believe all Americans are millionaires. 


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David had just lost his job, house, and recently recovered from a stroke when he went to Thailand in 2016.


So how has he been supporting himself for the last year? And does he really believe he has a future with this bar girl, sorry, I meant bar singer? He`ll soon learn that there are a lot of parasites in paradise.

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Without a home and a job he seems to struggle to support himself back in the states so how can he be allowed to take her there - doesnt it exist any rules for proving that Your Income is enough to support both of them or is it ok just to merry her and take her bak living on social welfare sponsored by the taxpayers?

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13 hours ago, Gracas said:

Money is the least of David's problems. He has just recovered from a stroke, now he wants his 24 year old hot GF, that will stop his heart for good.

She's a hard looking 24 and far far from hot.   She's not loving, good hearted or understanding.  Her only redeeming quality is that she can pull the plow until the buffaloe get old enough to do it themselves.

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Bar Singer hey " Looking for an Atm" Saw him in Bar He is american He would have money for sure  What you have no money? Sorry Next customer  Then he would of said " Dont you love me Annie"  She would of replied "Huh" Oh sorry  i have to go now more customers i have to keep happy Bye

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14 hours ago, TVGerry said:

So stupid.


Why do these gold diggers think just because a guy is white, he'll have money? Sad to say but a lot of white trash come to Thailand! 

That generalisation is unkind ,m yes many poorer people do come here but not necessarily trash, I actually know more wealthy people who are trash than their poorer colleagues. 



is this man stupid....nah , just silly , leaving would be the best option , the young lady has lost face, Thai retribution can be fatal.

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13 hours ago, johncat1 said:

So whose idea was it to go on a TV show and how much were they paid ? 

Admitting you have no money looks like a stunt to get charity from people. I am surprised the girl admitted she was with a poor Farang ( serious loss of face )  

According to this its $1.000 per episode


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You'd think a guy his age with a disastrous marriage and all the attending fallout behind him would see that -ahem - relationship for what it is. He's either willfully or woefully blind. That broad isn't even remotely good looking and she's fat. If you're gonna get screwed by a Thai girl, literally and figuratively, at least get one that's slim and beautiful. It's not like they're in short supply.

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