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Taking money out of thailand

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I sometime ago wrote i was suing my ex for damages in the thai civil court, the upshot of this is i won she has been ordered to pay the money to the court for me by march 2018. Want to take the money out of thailand in cash. IF the court gives me a letter as to where the money came from ,would this be good enough for thai immigration and my home country customs and immigration.Im pretty sure it would be but has anybody else done a similiar thing and is this the best way to move money out of thailand. It will be 1,000,000 baht or more.

                         thanks for any replies.



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You'll find out that in Thailand is the case of how much documented

funds you have brought in to the country, that's how much you'll be

allowed to take out give or take, the court's letter will only attest to

the fact that this is your money and nothing more.....

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First of all, you will have to exchange the Thai baht in to foreign currency as you're only allowed to remove 50,000 baht in Thai baht out of the country (unless going to a neighbouring country when the limit is much greater).  I've often taken reasonable sums of money out of the country i.e. several thousand dollars and never had an issue but the amount you propose is over and above the $20,000 threshold at which point the money must be declared at Customs on leaving the country.  I imagine declaring this amount would not be a problem so long as it has been exchanged in to foreign currency.  I also get the feeling that if you didn't declare the money when leaving the odds of them knowing are very low.....but that is not to say that I would recommend doing that!

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2 hours ago, PoorSucker said:

You will have to show that you brought the money into Thailand or receipts that you have paid taxes on your income. 

I have bought and sold a few properties during my time in Thailand using the same bank everytime (I have 3 different bank a/c's, one for my main money and two for small money).

  About two years ago I sold a big condo and decided to split the money between the three banks ( worried about a bank crash somewhere) and put roughly a million and a half in each one.

   I then wanted to send a million back home to my Ex..One of my "smaller" money banks gave abetter exchange rate into Euros so I decided to do it with that one if I could. Thefollowing day I went in armed with all sorts of documents, that I could think of, ie., sale contract  etc., and bank book frommy main bank to show when I had previously brought money into Thailand (I had never done so through this particular bank).

  To my amazent they didn't want to see any of my paperwork (except passport, of course) and promptly transferred the 1MB without any problem.

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Some money changers balance their supply and demand in various countries, so you may be able to give them the Baht and receive in your account in your home country. You'll probably still have tax issues in your home country, but this is the most economic way to move money out of Thailand.

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You can transfer out up to 1 million baht with no documentation required.  I just did this a couple of weeks ago with 800k in literally a bag of cash from Bangkok Bank by SWIFT transfer back home, no questions asked.  It was my extension of stay money but they didn't care.


I had been checking out things like bitcoin transfer, flying home with it on me, etc. but then heard about this high limit and it worked perfectly.

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Send it electronically for the best rates.


Funds transfer of 1 million baht is not an issue. I've found that the BBL is more user friendly, no documents required for a transfer of more than that, at least in my case some three months ago.


I would not take cash to Farangland, apart from the risk of losing it, there are restrictions on dealing with cash over the counter in some countries. Check your country's restrictions.



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Lots of answers that will work, but surprised nobody said "Bitcoin" (or similar).  It's not a national currency as it's nation agnostic.  I use it to bring fiat money into the country, but it is a two way street if you want it. You're not limited to a million baht either, just name your number. All legitimate of course otherwise I wouldn't be posting on a public forum.  If you're not interested in crypto then just be sure to get in and get out quickly to avoid slippage in either direction.

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This is a great topic and something of interest to us all that have cash to take out.  After all the horror stories I carefully keep my stamped and signed :inwards remittance forms"  But now I found much better rates with a company I wont get that form as it will be incoming in THB, whether a receipt is good enough as proof I dont know.


Anyway, was at BBL the other day, spoke with the manager, he said no problem, , 1.4 million, if over need show docs where its from, and Thai people dont need docs if do not often...


Yes the Bitcoin is fantastic, I spent some time where I can buy in LOS but one UK guy said the rates were off the chart here...  anyone know where to buy Bitcoin?


Yes,  best option when selling real estate is just get them pay to your non Thai bank ...


Another idea are the large multi national banks, that are all over, deposit / withdraw anywhere.. (perhaps not in rocket mans country)


good luck all, and post your thoughts.. thanks

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As others have said, there should be no problem getting your bank to transfer it to your designated bank.


I did it with 4 million baht, but because I didn't have any supporting documentation, I had to go via a rather circuitous route......legal and quick.


Good luck getting the money!!

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1 hour ago, Seeall said:

This is a great topic and something of interest to us all that have cash to take out.  After all the horror stories I carefully keep my stamped and signed :inwards remittance forms"  But now I found much better rates with a company I wont get that form as it will be incoming in THB, whether a receipt is good enough as proof I dont know.


Anyway, was at BBL the other day, spoke with the manager, he said no problem, , 1.4 million, if over need show docs where its from, and Thai people dont need docs if do not often...


Yes the Bitcoin is fantastic, I spent some time where I can buy in LOS but one UK guy said the rates were off the chart here...  anyone know where to buy Bitcoin?


Yes,  best option when selling real estate is just get them pay to your non Thai bank ...


Another idea are the large multi national banks, that are all over, deposit / withdraw anywhere.. (perhaps not in rocket mans country)


good luck all, and post your thoughts.. thanks


Not sure if we can post links here (it's not promotional), but here goes:  bx.in.th  That's a Bitcoin eXchange IN THailand.  Works a treat, good English if you need that.  Their main bank is Kasikorn if you want unlimited transfers (they have another, SCB I think (but not sure), but for other banks they limit you to 500,000 baht per 24 hours on weekdays, which is very livable for most tasks unless you're buying a big ticket item, in which case you would need prior planning to build up your stash.  As a rule I keep very little in Baht, ymmv.  There is more than one choice if you look on a search engine, but the one above I have used a couple of times -both directions- and have no complaints, and their helpdesk is fast and responsive - that's a big deal in crypto world where you can wait weeks.  It's probably by virtue of it not being a popular thing in Thailand that they can handle the volume of customers.  I'd like to say that it's because they're so efficient, but suspect it's the limited number of customers.  Stats are on their site for turnover to give you a feel for the size of their operation.


Actually if someone wants to do some grunt work/arbitrage, then if you compare the rates on there with some international exchanges, then Thailand reacts slower to changes than elsewhere, so notionally you can buy knowing the direction, but.... If the market is choppy and it comes down again before Thailand exchanges have reacted, then you could meet yourself coming the other way.  I haven't tried this as I make my own elsewhere outside of the country, and I'm not sure if it would be considered working or not (probably, technically speaking, but ignore-able for now would be my guess - they're not going to shoot themselves in the foot if it's incoming to the nation).

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6 hours ago, mstevens said:

First of all, you will have to exchange the Thai baht in to foreign currency as you're only allowed to remove 50,000 baht in Thai baht out of the country (unless going to a neighbouring country when the limit is much greater). 

The amount is 50k usd not baht. 


This was raised from IIRC 20k USD back when it was tor tor sam to 50k for the FETF, its the same amount inbound that generates either of those forms. 


Of course you may always meet a bank which is clueless about how the procedure works or what is needed, my own kasikorn bank had no clue and made problems, eventually the bangkok helpline (which was surprisingly clued up) intervened. 

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11 hours ago, PoorSucker said:

You will have to show that you brought the money into Thailand or receipts that you have paid taxes on your income. 

I always heard that one can transfer an amount equal to a certain USD-amount out of Thailand, same as one can transfer into Thailand without documentation. A few years back it was equal to $20,000, but seem like it has been raised to $50,000 the later years; which is more than 1 million baht. When transferring larger amounts in, one can ask the bank to obtain certified documentation from the National Bank, which shall be used when transferring similar larger amount out of Thailand.


However, one is not allowed to bring much Thai Baht in cash out of Thailand, believe the limit is still 70,000 baht. Changing larger amounts of Thai baht cash to foreign currency in cash, I would also think can be a problem, where documentation is needed.


Up to date information to above two paragraphs might be usable for some, so please post...:wai: 


And beside Thailand's regulations, what are the cash-rules and demand of documentation in the destination country..?

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2 hours ago, bazza73 said:

Assuming the OP actually gets the money, I would simply exchange it for USD, Euros or Swiss francs. There is no limit on foreign currency taken out of Thailand.

any amount above the value of USD 20,000 mandates a declaration to customs when leaving Thailand!

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/27/2017 at 1:50 PM, Shiver said:


Not sure if we can post links here (it's not promotional), but here goes:  bx.in.th  That's a Bitcoin eXchange IN THailand.  Works a treat, good English if you need that.  Their main bank is Kasikorn if you want unlimited transfers (they have another, SCB I think (but not sure), but for other banks they limit you to 500,000 baht per 24 hours on weekdays, which is very livable for most tasks unless you're buying a big ticket item, in which case you would need prior planning to build up your stash.  As a rule I keep very little in Baht, ymmv.  There is more than one choice if you look on a search engine, but the one above I have used a couple of times -both directions- and have no complaints, and their helpdesk is fast and responsive - that's a big deal in crypto world where you can wait weeks.  It's probably by virtue of it not being a popular thing in Thailand that they can handle the volume of customers.  I'd like to say that it's because they're so efficient, but suspect it's the limited number of customers.  Stats are on their site for turnover to give you a feel for the size of their operation.


Actually if someone wants to do some grunt work/arbitrage, then if you compare the rates on there with some international exchanges, then Thailand reacts slower to changes than elsewhere, so notionally you can buy knowing the direction, but.... If the market is choppy and it comes down again before Thailand exchanges have reacted, then you could meet yourself coming the other way.  I haven't tried this as I make my own elsewhere outside of the country, and I'm not sure if it would be considered working or not (probably, technically speaking, but ignore-able for now would be my guess - they're not going to shoot themselves in the foot if it's incoming to the nation).


A friend of mine sent me 13 million baht and to get it out for him took a few days.


Withdrawing to Kasikorn bank the amount is unlimited

all the other banks are 500k per day max.   (3 transactions max per day in total)


I loaded the account with 8 banks and thought I would send to each,  Ive had problems receiving 8m and 10m in the past, so i keep everything at 3 m per transaction maximum.


so i did (per day)

3 million kasikorn

500,000 scb

500,000 krungsri  


You cannot send a fourth and you have to use different banks.

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  • 10 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/27/2017 at 1:50 PM, Shiver said:

bx.in.th  That's a Bitcoin eXchange IN THailand.

Yes, but their terms state quite clearly that using them for currency conversion is illegal. However, if you are leaving then I can't see how they can enforce it.

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On 11/27/2017 at 3:10 AM, overherebc said:

Would finding someone you can trust from UK and doing a swop ie bank transfer from him to you in UK and you give him baht in Thailand be possible. 

Would it be laundering, illegal or grey area.

Just asking the question.

Why would this be laudering/illegal of gray is the source of the funds is legal and no tax is payable ? 

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