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'Ashamed' Franken says he won't quit U.S. Senate over groping accusations


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On 11/27/2017 at 11:18 AM, Srikcir said:

he now dismisses them as possible fakes


“Let us make this perfectly clear: The tape is very real,” Natalie Morales, an “Access Hollywood” host, said during Monday’s broadcast. “Remember his excuse at the time was ‘locker room talk.’ He said every one of those words.”




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2 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Ever seen the Access Hollywood tapes? Trump supporters seem to ignore proof like that. 

as stated earlier by a mod, this topic isn't about President Trump and no one has "seen" the voice recording where he stated he "could" grab them if he wanted to.

Again, talking about possibilities and having purposely posed for photos while committing the act are 2 very different things and Franken should step down.

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18 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

as stated earlier by a mod, this topic isn't about President Trump and no one has "seen" the voice recording where he stated he "could" grab them if he wanted to.

Again, talking about possibilities and having purposely posed for photos while committing the act are 2 very different things and Franken should step down.

 If every government official stepped down for posing for a pic like that, there'd be nobody left in office. 


If Franken should step down, then so should Trump, Roy Moore, etc.


What's fair is fair. At least Franken apologized. Trump never has.

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1 hour ago, mrwebb8825 said:

How about a little thing called "Proof"? Not to mention that AF admitted it AND there are photos.

There ya go asking for proof. Takes a lot of nerve. :thumbsup:  "Never spoil a good story with the facts" - Mark Twain...

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

 If every government official stepped down for posing for a pic like that, there'd be nobody left in office. 


If Franken should step down, then so should Trump, Roy Moore, etc.


What's fair is fair. At least Franken apologized. Trump never has.

That's a disconcerting thought to think Nancy Pelosi could have posed for a picture like that with her hands on a man's willy. :whistling:

but, then again, maybe her and Schumer.....

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On 11/27/2017 at 7:26 AM, darksidedog said:

That smacks of hypocrisy coming from you. Trump had many, many, more allegations against him, accusing him of far more serious sexual assault, and yet you stand by him, while suggesting a Democrat should resign. How does that guy have no morals or ethics, but Trump somehow does?

me thinks you missed the irony intended, obviously the poster suggests the Prez to step down.

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On 11/29/2017 at 9:55 AM, mrwebb8825 said:

How about a little thing called "Proof"? Not to mention that AF admitted it AND there are photos.

Oh please, https://www.yahoo.com/gma/access-hollywood-slams-trump-questioning-2005-tape-tape-034713865--abc-news-topstories.html


Trump was video-recorded in 2005 saying he sexually harassed women, when it was brought to light, Trump admitted it and said it was just locker room talk, now as it comes to light again, he is saying it FAKE, yet the recorded video exists and he now says it was doctored. And you say, there is no proof. How can you still believe in someone who lies to your face over and over again?


And what about Trump's continuing to blurt out FAKE news https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-retweets-anti-muslim-videos-140151016.html


Can't you see, or are you too blind with bigotry and prejudice yourself, Trump is a blight on humanity and he is playing his followers' fears and ignorance.

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6 minutes ago, smotherb said:

he now says it was doctored.

“We wanted to clear something up that has been reported across the media landscape,” Access Hollywood host Natalie Morales said during the show on Monday. “Let us make this perfectly clear — the tape is very real."


So not doctored.

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1 minute ago, Srikcir said:

“We wanted to clear something up that has been reported across the media landscape,” Access Hollywood host Natalie Morales said during the show on Monday. “Let us make this perfectly clear — the tape is very real."


So not doctored.

Exactly, but Trump says it was doctored. Forgive me, I do not understand your point.

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On 11/29/2017 at 10:40 AM, craigt3365 said:

 If every government official stepped down for posing for a pic like that, there'd be nobody left in office. 


If Franken should step down, then so should Trump, Roy Moore, etc.


What's fair is fair. At least Franken apologized. Trump never has.

Or, Franken could just switch parties. The GOP would welcome him, just as they’ve welcomed Trump and are preparing to welcome Moore.

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Let the Ethics Committee run their investigation...thats the way things used to done before this current frennzy...the whole "Presumed Innocent until you get your day in court". 


with the incidence of workplace romance, extramarital affairs, office flings, etc that occur annually, I would say that a man attempting to pick up a woman is nothing out of the societal norm. Its life. We are adults. These women need to grow up. So they got their bum pinched...who cares? One of Frankens accusers says she is traumatized because he attempted to kiss her as she was leaving a radio interview. She merely stepped aside and exited through the door. He never made any physical contact and yet she is still emotionally damaged years later by the alleged experience. 


Sounds like a crazy woman to me.


I read about one male actor in his 30's who got his crotch touched by a male producer at a dinner function and the actor is suffering PTSD as a result. Seriously, how can these adults make such preposterous claims of victimhood? 


American Puritanism shows its ugly head once again. 


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On November 29, 2017 at 8:09 PM, Jingthing said:

This is all getting way out of hand. With the exception of Weinstein of course.




Spot On. 


Looks like the "Like" function has changed since I was here last or I would have given your post one.

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I think Franken should stay in office.  The things he's been accused of are like frat-boy silliness.  These accusations should be looked at in terms of their seriousness.  Touching a grown woman's butt during a 3 second photo, is different than a 34-year old man trying to get a 14 year old girl to wank off his penis.  


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3 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Spot On. 


Looks like the "Like" function has changed since I was here last or I would have given your post one.

The like function still works, just a little differently.    If you want to just 'like' a post press on the little heart twice and it should register a like.   No need to chose one of the other options.  

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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

I think Franken should stay in office.  The things he's been accused of are like frat-boy silliness.  These accusations should be looked at in terms of their seriousness.  Touching a grown woman's butt during a 3 second photo, is different than a 34-year old man trying to get a 14 year old girl to wank off his penis.  


I'm comfortable with most standards the Congress may choose to apply with respect to forcing members out so long as it is applied across the board. If it were I suspect 100-200 members of Congress of both parties would be resigning today and that would be just fine with me. Probably most of those forced out would be replaced with women and that would be just fine with me too.


Let's see if the Minnesota governor picks Keith Ellison to hold Franken's seat now. Clearly Franken being forced out is an attempt to put a period on sexual harrassment allegations as Democrats look to 2018. Let's see if it works or if more allegations continue to come out.

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This "Me Too" movement is proving to be anything but a leveling process.

It seems that nobody is safe from accusations (and I assume that most of them are valid), but the representatives that have at least half a heart are willing to resign and confess to their guilt, leaving behind those ones who were also accused but refuse to gaze into their own bestial natures, or show the least bit of honesty to their constituents.

Result is a filling of the swamp. More mud, more alligators.

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Franken out.

Conyers out.

Keep Moore out!

Time for trump out (for much worse than Franken)!


Weren't you the one saying that due process was important to addressing allegations? No due process for Franken or Conyers. A bit of a witch hunt to take attention away from the wider body IMO.  They were kind of the sacrificial anodes on the Democrat ship of state.

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14 minutes ago, Ruffian Dick said:

This "Me Too" movement is proving to be anything but a leveling process.

It seems that nobody is safe from accusations (and I assume that most of them are valid), but the representatives that have at least half a heart are willing to resign and confess to their guilt, leaving behind those ones who were also accused but refuse to gaze into their own bestial natures, or show the least bit of honesty to their constituents.

Result is a filling of the swamp. More mud, more alligators.


To be clear, they were forced to resign and did not confess their guilt. 

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36 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


To be clear, they were forced to resign and did not confess their guilt. 

And how many are forcing Moore or Trump out, whether or not they confess their guilt? Even the Dems who called for Franken to leave, did not support the recent move to impeach Trump.


Politically, the emptied seats are more important than whether anybody confesses.

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34 minutes ago, Ruffian Dick said:

And how many are forcing Moore or Trump out, whether or not they confess their guilt? Even the Dems who called for Franken to leave, did not support the recent move to impeach Trump.


Politically, the emptied seats are more important than whether anybody confesses.

If Moore wins the Republicans will force him out PDQ. They will drape themselves in patriotism for letting the democratic process play out and virtue for sacking the kiddy fiddler in their midst. The Alabama governor will then appoint another Republican to take his place. All just like the Founding Fathers envisioned :laugh:.

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32 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

If Moore wins the Republicans will force him out PDQ. They will drape themselves in patriotism for letting the democratic process play out and virtue for sacking the kiddy fiddler in their midst. The Alabama governor will then appoint another Republican to take his place. All just like the Founding Fathers envisioned :laugh:.


This is the way it is supposed to work.

if you want to call it Patriotic then so be it.

Our American Founding Fathers considered the Right of "Due Process" an important protection for its citizens. I believe the concept was from the Magna Carta.

Today you mock it. 


The Democrats are eating their own in the name of Political Correctness. The Republicans are not. 


Perhaps you should consider this: What if accusations were made against you that made you an immediate pariah? Would you be content being strung up by a lynchmob mentality in the heat of the moment or would you desire the protection of Due Process and sufficient time to pass that calmer heads may prevail? Would you want the benefit of telling your version of events? 


Ever been divorced? Would you be content allowing your ex-wife provide only her version of events? 


Its a travesty that Due Process is being cast aside as easily as it is today by America's Lawmakers. this should concern all Americans.


Out of curiousity, do you feel the allegations against Franken actually warrant his removal from office? 



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