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Swiss man gets bashed after turning off noisy bike


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3 minutes ago, jimcarr65 said:

I can't count the number of times I have approached my motorbike to have a Thai person dragging the back wheel to move it to make room or for some other inappropriate reason. Or come out of 7-11 and find someone just sitting on it.

i think making room could be classed as appropriate and you'll find that people here don;t mind you taking a rest on their bike as long as you aren't doing anything that could damage it. <deleted> don;t people understand about this swiss guy pissing off the bloke by turning off his engine apparently without permission. good luck living here if you can't even get that

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he should have known better in thailand especially.i have a honda wave  and i saw a couple of ladies sitting on my bike i think outside 7/11.i said something like did u ask permission or something like that this is my bike.they got off and said sorry,i said no problem.i would always ask permission to sit on someones bike  or ask if i could ride it,if i knew them.this is something you don,t do not your ride.lucky it was not worse

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13 hours ago, greatwhitenorth said:


Why would you choose to live in a country that you have so little respect for the people?  sounds like grumpy old man talk to me.

What a stupid reply, so you think Thais respect Farangs do you, take off the Blinkers mate, these people only see you as cash they couldnt give a Toss about you as soon as your cash is gone, wake up!

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7 minutes ago, Acemaker said:

What a stupid reply, so you think Thais respect Farangs do you, take off the Blinkers mate, these people only see you as cash they couldnt give a Toss about you as soon as your cash is gone, wake up!

 I didn t say Thais respect farangs. I said  " why would you choos to live in a country that you have s little respect for it's people.


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17 hours ago, KittenKong said:


OK, so now we know that Mongolia has plenty of thugs, just like Thailand. But does that alter the basic fact that the Thai guy's motorbike was too loud and running for no reason? No, it doesnt.


In a civilised country the police would be around to fine people with noisy bikes, so the problem would simply not arise at all. Here it is considered normal to make pointless noise and to disturb others, and equally normal to hit people. For me that's just animal behaviour.

So which countries are "civilized" and don't have Harleys?

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Somchai, the attitude chiropractor, gave Mr Lechne a readjustment it seems.


Seriously, this sort of attack, whilst mildly provoked, is completely unnecessary, and the Thai thug should be given a stint in the pen for his actions.  The Swiss guy was a dope, but being a dope isn't a crime, unfortunately, nor should it attract a summary bashing.


It looks very much like points scoring against the Swiss guy, not much more.  Perhaps the Thai had a bad day?

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11 hours ago, TeliNongzidao said:

I live in Ch and it feels like people here are just waiting to get some reason to complain about.. if you live in the city and open music and a window at the same time, wait for 10 mins and the cops will come. They closed up 90% of our cities party area because of noise complains.. this is typically swiss.. and they want to do the same shit in other countries... swiss arrogance... its only fair to see some blood

Plenty of INDOOR party spots in Switzerland.
- I would be one of those calling the Police, when after 10 PM someone else forces me to listen (in public) to some foreighn song & rythm that I am not interested of hearing. ( Rolling down the car window, blasting away at a 100 decibels, will attract only very few Quality-Swiss-Females.)
But then, you may have discovered certain advantages when it comes to live in Switzerland: A liberal country, allowing for  24% of the population as "Immigrants". Allowing foreighners to study at a university (if qualified), as well as as enjoying all the welfare benefits that a Swiss-Citizen has (if qualified).
- If you think Switzerland is in some sort of way cramping your lifestyle, (keeping you from beating drums while sitting aroud a campfire, noise levels exeeding 100 decibels), you should really consider returning to your homeland.
I venture to say that your home country can be reached by airplane within 3 to 6 hours. Heading south, across the big lake seperating Europe from Africa.

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As a "Swissie" I feel obligated to respond, for better or for worse and reluctantly.
Yes there are so many things the Swissies don't like (it's a shame).

-They don't like human made noise, if it bothers others.
-They don't like garbage in the streets.
-They don't like chaos and disorder in general.
-They don't like people saying things, designed to "keep face", instead of telling the thruth.
-They don't like "Dictatorships", having thrown out the last Dictators in the year 1291.
-They don't believe that "Western-Civilisation" is something bad, that has to be replaced by "something else", just because  the ones advocating "something else" are more numerous and LOUDER.
In short: A cantankerous little tribe in the middle of Europe, believing in strange things like "Size dosn't matter". Other things matter more, by far.
Personal interest: This has appeared several times in this thread: "Don't touch my property".
As it were, a good number of female Thai's working in the "Entertainement"-Sector have boyfriends/husbands.
Question: By engaging a lady from the "Entertainement-Sector", would I be possibly violating the "property-rights" of a Thai Boyfriend/Husband?

Never mind Motorbikes, for God's sake.

Still, I feel relatively safe, since I never leave home without my Swiss Army Kife.

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24 minutes ago, swissie said:

As a "Swissie" I feel obligated to respond, for better or for worse and reluctantly.
Yes there are so many things the Swissies don't like (it's a shame).

-They don't like human made noise, if it bothers others.
-They don't like garbage in the streets.
-They don't like chaos and disorder in general.
-They don't like people saying things, designed to "keep face", instead of telling the thruth.
-They don't like "Dictatorships", having thrown out the last Dictators in the year 1291.
-They don't believe that "Western-Civilisation" is something bad, that has to be replaced by "something else", just because  the ones advocating "something else" are more numerous and LOUDER.
In short: A cantankerous little tribe in the middle of Europe, believing in strange things like "Size dosn't matter". Other things matter more, by far.
Personal interest: This has appeared several times in this thread: "Don't touch my property".
As it were, a good number of female Thai's working in the "Entertainement"-Sector have boyfriends/husbands.
Question: By engaging a lady from the "Entertainement-Sector", would I be possibly violating the "property-rights" of a Thai Boyfriend/Husband?

Never mind Motorbikes, for God's sake.

Still, I feel relatively safe, since I never leave home without my Swiss Army Kife.



I think I'd like living in Switzerland, swissie.  Your dislikes are my dislikes.


So your Swiss Army Knife is a little like an American Express card??

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7 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:


Thais love noise,,don't think this is reported in lonely planet.

On saying that a English guy I know had a bar in Pattaya and a Swiss man had one opposite, the Swiss man was turning his sound up so high to drown out others that my friend went over and asked him to turn it down, a fight erupted over it and the Swiss man got knocked over.

Then the Swiss man came back later with a baseball bat and hit my friend over the head from behind, putting him in hospital,.

Stupid Swiss man paid the price later.


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The first two actions are action v reaction


  • Action - A Swiss man wrongly things he can interfere with another persons property and there will be no consequences
  • Reaction - A Thai man decides to respond immediately by giving the Swiss man a smack
  • Matter settled - Thai man then rides off

But NO, we are forgetting the childish (possibly cowardly) Thai male mentality


  • Thai man goes and gets a weapon....luckily not a gun...possibly because he hasn't got the balls to fight fair and proceeds to attack (again) the Swiss man

First reaction possibly not unexpected maybe even acceptable...but the second attack should see some serious police intervention (555 I know not in my life time)...

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1 hour ago, kiwikeith said:


Thais love noise,,don't think this is reported in lonely planet.

I’m not sure if they love it but they definitely tolerate noise much better than us. 

My gf is a noisy bugger around the house. Slams every cupboard door, bangs and crashes pots & pans, taps always turned on as hard as they can, slams microwave door. 

I mention it to her and she looks at me as though I’m weird 55

Abd when she sleeps no amount of noise wakes her. I’d love to know her secret’

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10 hours ago, TomJoad said:

Have you ever been to Switzerland?  Not a blade of grass out of place.  

Just like Singapore, and hopefully no Idiots on the streets Inconveniencing us decent people, just like Singapore..

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