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Britain criticizes Trump retweeting anti-Muslim videos from far-right party

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1 hour ago, Enoon said:


In 2014 Jayda Fransen stood for her (she is deputy-leader) Britain First "Party" in the Rochester and Strood By-election.


One would think it to be a "good" place for her sort.


Out of 40,056 votes she received.........56.



She stood for the Mayorial election of London in 2016:


Labour  44.2%

Conservative  35.0%

Britain First 1.2%


Strange that the TWH (Troll in the White House) seeks self-authentication from such a total loser.


But then again the Constitution of the US determines that, sooner or later, he, along with every other President, must "lose".


Rather scary to contemplate how his peculiar, troubled personality might fail to deal with that certainty.






I hate the saying right wing but Britain First are just that, right wing racist thugs that dont have any support. Paul Golding is sn absolute arse as is Jayden

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So Britain is criticizing Trump as if anybody really cares. We Americans don't want America to turn out like Britain.

You made your bed, sleep in it and try criticizing your own government for a change if that's even still legal. :passifier:



2 hours ago, Enoon said:

A responsible adult should take away his mobile so that the social-media addicted, maladjusted, aspergers troubled adolescent gets on with his homework. Sad, sad America.

On balance, I'd rather Trump keeps tweeting - than not tweeting. It shows the world what a screw-up he is.  The world needs to know and be reminded.  If you had a burglar residing in your neighborhood, you'd want to know, wouldn't you?  ....as opposed to the issue being cloaked in mystery, and you not knowing where he is, what he's thinking, or whether he's on the prowl.


1 hour ago, Briggsy said:

She won't. Theresa May always avoids confrontations and always sides or minimises dispute with the strongest political entity (in this case the White House).  However, Trump won't come if he will face protests. Trump demands the welcome his ego craves on all his foreign trips. If he doesn't get it, he will postpone the trip or cancel it himself.

Trump is adept at getting his handlers to insulate him from protests.  If/when he goes to London, his (and British) handlers will make big efforts to only have him exposed to pre-selected fans.  It will be micro-managed.   The Queen will be regal, as she always is - but she should instead take a stand for what's right, and not grant the dangerous dufus a meeting.  


As an American,, I am glad Britain or any other country or person would criticise the racism that seems to be applauded by Donald Trump. The majority of Americans do not approve of Trump's racist views or frankly any of his positions on just about anything. He was elected but not with a vote of the majority of the population.  The more he uses Twitter the more Americans can see that this man is not qualified to be President of the United States and that that includes all of the US and the World.

The only people that actually support this fool are those that believe his racist rants and his utter lies. Trump is a narcissistic meglomaniac that needs to be either impeached or removed from power using the 25th Amendment and the evidence that will do him in are his own words.

36 minutes ago, gr8fldanielle said:

So Britain is criticizing Trump as if anybody really cares. We Americans don't want America to turn out like Britain.  You made your bed, sleep in it and try criticizing your own government for a change if that's even still legal. :passifier:

               Weird post.  Actually, many non-redneck Americans admire certain things about the UK.  They like how they're not fixated on guns and shooting people.  The US probably has more shootings in an average day, than the UK has in a year.  Americans like how Brits have a moderately functional public health system, and their drug/medical costs are considerably lower.  


        I actually prefer a parliamentary system, where the PM stands for a 'confidence/no-confidence' vote.  If the US had that, Trump would get booted out of the WH.  There are more issues, but I'll leave it for now.



I hate the saying right wing but Britain First are just that, right wing racist thugs that dont have any support. Paul Golding is sn absolute arse as is Jayden

They have been becoming more of a joke over recent months with hardly any support and a laughing stock due to their ridiculous made up videos and statements on social media. Unfortunately this sort of ‘support’ from Trump will give them new impetus to spread their vile ideology.

This is a picture from their latest demo in London.


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1 hour ago, Briggsy said:

She won't. Theresa May always avoids confrontations and always sides or minimises dispute with the strongest political entity (in this case the White House).


However, Trump won't come if he will face protests. Trump demands the welcome his ego craves on all his foreign trips. If he doesn't get it, he will postpone the trip or cancel it himself.

You are probably right. She's gutless. 

4 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:


This adolescent mind craves adulation, cheers, approval and a loving audience. He specifically sets up rallies, and speeches in the most favorable of venues, and really goes out of his way to avoid protestors.


The problem with this behavior, is that the more inane, silly, ridiculous, non-presidential, petty, vengeful, hateful, and racist he appears to be, as time goes on, the more toxic he becomes. He is not changing. It is just that who he really is, is becoming more apparent by the day. He has always been a hateful racist. He has always been a vengeful misogynist. That is who he is. It is just being revealed to us, as the layers of this poisonous onion are being peeled off. There is so much more to be revealed about this guy. My guess is that all of the stories about the Russian orgies, and Orgy Island, with Jeffrey Epstein, and the stories of sex with underage girls aboard Epsteins jet, with Trump on board, are all true. He is a freak. It is just that alot of people just do not know the full extent of it yet, and alot of his supporters were willing to go along with all of that, as they despised Clinton, who was a horrific candidate, and a terrible choice for the dems. Tim Kaine was even worse. 


I used to be in commercial real estate in New York. I met a few people who had direct dealing with him. They all said the same thing. After walking away from the closing table, they felt as if they had just spent 6 years in a federal penitentiary, and had been abused by every inmate, every day. This man was so abusive, so hostile, so unwilling to leave even one dollar on the table. They said if they did not really need to do the deal, they would have just walked away. That is who this man is. An absolute pig. 


 Things are only going downhill from here. It has become obvious, that even with a man as competent and strong as Kelly on board, nobody can control Trump, nor his staff. Kelly does not even appear to be trying at this point. They are all out of control, but especially their master. The ship is sinking. It is fun to watch. Get used to saying President Pence. My hope, is that when his term is over, he will be convicted for war crimes, or corruption, and spend all his remaining years where he belongs. In a federal penitentiary. 


He is inept, mentally unstable, a true sociopath, a hate monger, and a man that desperately needs to get back onto his medications. He owes it to the nation, and to the world. 


1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

As an American,, I am glad Britain or any other country or person would criticise the racism that seems to be applauded by Donald Trump. The majority of Americans do not approve of Trump's racist views or frankly any of his positions on just about anything. He was elected but not with a vote of the majority of the population.  The more he uses Twitter the more Americans can see that this man is not qualified to be President of the United States and that that includes all of the US and the World.

The only people that actually support this fool are those that believe his racist rants and his utter lies. Trump is a narcissistic meglomaniac that needs to be either impeached or removed from power using the 25th Amendment and the evidence that will do him in are his own words.


S. Sanders explained President Trump's response and concern's on Terrorism  at the Press briefing "I'm not talking about the nature of the video. I think you're focusing on the wrong thing," she said. "The threat is real, and that's what the president is talking about."


President Trump had said at a news conference "Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans". How many times does he have to explain himself ? He's condemned it



Majority of American's  major concern's during the campaign was the economy and terrorism. Even though he doesn't have a good approval rating , it's apparent his economic policy  and actions are his strong points and not his prose.  



Mr. Trump didn't need the majority of the population to win the election .It was the Electoral majority according to law.


2018 elections will determine if the democrats have enough votes to try to invoke the 25th or impeachment proceedings .

I don't see the President getting kicked out of office because of his tweet's or words .If anything he would be voted out in 2020.



8 hours ago, the guest said:

When Muslims start to assimilate into society, and embrace the values of their hosting country, then it will stop. 

ahh like the 100,000s of Muslims that fought for the Brtis in WW1 and 2? 


Like the Muslim community centers that serve the local people, not caring what religion they are. Like the Muslim people involved in numerous charity work etc. Or, do you just want to spout bs right-wing rhetoric, that comes from the same people who think Jews should be gassed and anyone who isn't white and straight should be locked up and abused. 


There is a word for people who think like you, it is called fascism. 



9 hours ago, stevenl said:

The beating of the guy in crutches was not done by a Muslim.

They are all videos aimed at the extremely gullible......  Enter Donald Trump.  Well he is the president of the gullible so rather apt really.  


Please don't cancel Trump's trip to Britain.  We are all so looking forward to his visit so we can leave him in no doubt of our feelings towards him.  Is this a new low for the bungling fool?  Difficult to tell because he continues to reach new depths every day.  Why on earth do the good, decent Americans allow this man-child to remain as POTUS.

2 hours ago, Orac said:


They have been becoming more of a joke over recent months with hardly any support and a laughing stock due to their ridiculous made up videos and statements on social media. Unfortunately this sort of ‘support’ from Trump will give them new impetus to spread their vile ideology.

This is a picture from their latest demo in London.


Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Why are they standing outside?  Was the phone box already booked for that day?

6 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Please don't cancel Trump's trip to Britain.  We are all so looking forward to his visit so we can leave him in no doubt of our feelings towards him.  Is this a new low for the bungling fool?  Difficult to tell because he continues to reach new depths every day.  Why on earth do the good, decent Americans allow this man-child to remain as POTUS.

The trip should be canceled to save HM from being exposed to the vitriol of her people, as she will be riding in the same carriage as him. The streets will either be empty or full of angry hostile people screaming at Trump, non of which HM deserves to be exposed to in what would be one of her last state visits after a life time of service to the people.

2 hours ago, Orac said:


They have been becoming more of a joke over recent months with hardly any support and a laughing stock due to their ridiculous made up videos and statements on social media. Unfortunately this sort of ‘support’ from Trump will give them new impetus to spread their vile ideology.

This is a picture from their latest demo in London.


Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


I thought it was a clip for "one man and his dog".  A programme that shows a dog rounding up sheep and guiding them into a sheep pen.  On second thoughts that would be an insult to the sheep!

15 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

The trip should be canceled to save HM from being exposed to the vitriol of her people, as she will be riding in the same carriage as him. The streets will either be empty or full of angry hostile people screaming at Trump, non of which HM deserves to be exposed to in what would be one of her last state visits after a life time of service to the people.

Actually the "Sate visit" has already been downgraded and apart from a discreet cup of tea with Liz she won't be appearing with him at all.  He has also been banned from addressing parliament and no carriage rides.  It is now being sold mainly as a business trip.  The problem is that the UK has to have a business relationship with the USA.  It is a massive market for us and if we are out of the EU we will need as many trade deals as we can get.  Having said that, because our politicians are too lily livered to speak their minds over Trump, it is up to the British people to show our disgust for the moron. 

9 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

You are a sick person to support this. You really need to contemplate what you just posted. Horrible.:bah:


Don't get sucked into the deranged world of Trump.

Too late for most trumpists. They're married to that evil. 

6 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Actually the "Sate visit" has already been downgraded and apart from a discreet cup of tea with Liz she won't be appearing with him at all.  He has also been banned from addressing parliament and no carriage rides.  It is now being sold mainly as a business trip.  The problem is that the UK has to have a business relationship with the USA.  It is a massive market for us and if we are out of the EU we will need as many trade deals as we can get.  Having said that, because our politicians are too lily livered to speak their minds over Trump, it is up to the British people to show our disgust for the moron. 

I was unaware of that. Thank you. In that case bring it on and let him see how plainly Brit crowds will show him their true feelings.


Has the TROLL in chief have no decency?

Of course he doesn't!

That's what his core base (largely racists) loves about him.

Global people, yes you really should be worried about the USA now. It's going to get much worse before it gets better and the damage the clown potus is doing is going to last for decades.

Will this be the final straw? No way! The orange clown is supporting a child molester for senator because he isn't a democrat. There is no low too low for this horror show. 






Donald Trump's Britain First retweets must be the final straw

Let's be crystal clear about this: Trump's behavior is sick, disgusting and disqualifying. We are watching, in real time, the President of the United States using his power and platform to mainstream the vile ideologies of racist neo-fascism.

This isn't coming from the political fringe any more; it's coming from the political center of the United States: the Oval Office.

Have you no decency, Mr. President?




6 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:


Couldn't find this - do you have a link?

I did find the following interactive chart that shows how many quarters Presidential approval polled above or below Trump's current rating if it is XX% beginning with Truman. For example, if Trump's 34%, there would be 263 quarters above and 24 quarters below (but none in the 3rd quarter) that with other presidents.




1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

I was unaware of that. Thank you. In that case bring it on and let him see how plainly Brit crowds will show him their true feelings.

It is still billed as a State Visit but as I said downgraded.  The Home Secretary said in the house today that the visit will not be cancelled "but" there are no dates confirmed as yet.  In other words "it ain't going to happen anytime soon and probably never.


I would advise the Queen to not even have tea with Trump.  It would be a small action by her, and send a big message to all who give a whit.   May will be obliged to meet with him, tho she, like most Brits and Americans, is turned off to him.  He's like a disease, which infects everyone he gets close to.


Parliamentary members and VIPs can turn their backs, when Trump is in the vicinity.  That will piss Trump off the most, as he defines his world - on how much praise is lavished on himself.

4 hours ago, dunroaming said:

It is still billed as a State Visit but as I said downgraded.  The Home Secretary said in the house today that the visit will not be cancelled "but" there are no dates confirmed as yet.  In other words "it ain't going to happen anytime soon and probably never.

The Home Secretary (is it his decision?) should show some testicular fortitude, and simply cancel the invite.

12 hours ago, stevenl said:

Could change easily, one attack on NK and his rating will make a big jump.

really? Don't think so. iso -20% it'be 100% and the end of him.

1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

The Home Secretary (is it his decision?) should show some testicular fortitude, and simply cancel the invite.

* her. 

May says he is still welcome. Gutless and a laughing stock. 

19 hours ago, LennyW said:

Everybody should share this, well don Donald for putting it out there!!

I will, and while I'm at it I'll also share the link to the KKK's website as well as links to ISIS videos hosted on Archive.com

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