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Britain criticizes Trump retweeting anti-Muslim videos from far-right party

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10 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Until yesterday the vast majority of British people had never heard of Fransen and her mob. Now they have, many will have now read her Tweets and followed her account on to luminaries such as Paul Watson. 

 Did I miss it in all the threads covering this, nobody once condemned the violence. Let me be the first to point out that it is not OK to vandalize religious statues, it is not OK to beat up a defenceless cripple, and it is certainly not OK to throw a youngster from a rooftop and beat him to death. I cant believe not a single person condemns this. So sad that the worldwide reaction is to vilify the exposure of these appalling acts and not the acts themselves.

Jo Cox


Thomas Mair, a 52-year-old Batley and Spen constituent[42] who had a history of psychiatric problems and links to the U.S.-based neo-Nazigroup National Alliance,[43] shouted "Britain first" as he carried out the attack.[10]


less we forget ....


It's the President of the United States. Tweeting stuff, some of which is not what it's claimed to be. At least he's reminding British people and politicians some of what they have in common.


Not sure many here know how to use twitter but retweeting is very common and it's rare you know anything about the source of what you are retweeting or who posted it. Bit like Thai Visa. 


The Left think they are harming Trump with thier histrionics, ascribe evil intentions to his every act but I don't think it helps them. Like his campaign, it just gets him in the news. Today he is criticizing Islamic violence and PM May is defending Muslims. Who do you think the average voter will side with?


you guys really need to catch up.  It's too easy. Not even fun anymore. 



1 hour ago, Jsinbkk said:

Not sure many here know how to use twitter but retweeting is very common and it's rare you know anything about the source of what you are retweeting or who posted it. Bit like Thai Visa. 


The Left think they are harming Trump with thier histrionics, ascribe evil intentions to his every act but I don't think it helps them. Like his campaign, it just gets him in the news. Today he is criticizing Islamic violence and PM May is defending Muslims. Who do you think the average voter will side with?


you guys really need to catch up.  It's too easy. Not even fun anymore. 



I'm not a member of the so-called "Left", as you put it, I'm just another person that views Trump as profoundly ignorant, pedophile-defending buffoon, who hasn't got a single clue what he's talking about. As a head of state, he should be aware of the source that he's re-tweeting. He should also be aware of a fellow head of state's actual Twitter account. I don't think anyone believes they are harming Trump with their "histrionics", they don't need to, Trump is his own worst enemy. He's an international laughing stock. Putin must be chuckling.  Never has he had a more useful idiot he can manipulate.  Also, would you care to define "Islamic violence"?  An odd choice of words. 



1 hour ago, Jsinbkk said:

Also, the one video where the Islamic fellows throw the boy off the roof and kill him is pretty horrible. 


Whats wrong with those people ?


why does Teresa May want them in the UK? 

I don't think May wants Muslim religious fanatics in the UK, nor does she want white supremacist fanatics.  This may come as a surprise to you but not all Muslim people are congenitally disposed to violence, nor or all white Christian folk.  I know that might be difficult to comprehend.

1 hour ago, Jsinbkk said:

PM May is defending Muslims.

PM May is not "defending Muslims" i.e. Islamist violence, she is condemning Trump for elevating the far right contrary to HMG policy.

1 minute ago, Thongkorn said:

Trump is Totally Spot on ,  I live in the North of England, I see it with my own eyes, No go areas, In Leeds Bradford, Rochdale, Sharia Law being used, the BBC and Daily news papers blocking replies to most Muslim related crimes, El Halal meat being served in secret to schools,  Illegal Muslim Schools .The BBC radio pushing Imans down our throats daily , I for one do not want to hear about Alla, Britain is a christian Country, Concentrate on christianity first,

"Alla" or "Allah" is just "God" in Arabic. Even Arabic-speaking Christians use the term when referring to God.  So you think that one creation myth is any saner than another? All the monotheistic faiths (Judaism, Islam and Christianity) are all the same effectively, just different flavours of the same childish concept. In fact without the initial monotheistic beliefs espoused by what we now call Jews, there would be no Islam or Christianity, the latter two evolved from Judaism, and there is just as many violent verses in Jewish and Christain religious texts as there are in the Quran (I recommend Karen Armstrong as some initial reading material on the subject). How these things are practiced is another story, of course. Personally, I have nothing but contempt for all three monotheistic faiths. 


I wasn't aware that Christians were actually having "suffer" Halal meat. If they are suffering from this, I suggest they make a formal complaint to the school in question.  As far as I was aware, Halal and Kosher meat were sold in places that cater to people of a particular faith that prefer the blood drained from an animal's carcass before they cook and eat it.  I don't think that the method of animal slaughter for consumption by Christians, atheists and agnostics is any less traumatizing to the beasts than it is by Jews and Muslims. 

6 hours ago, Jsinbkk said:

Not sure many here know how to use twitter but retweeting is very common and it's rare you know anything about the source of what you are retweeting or who posted it. Bit like Thai Visa. 


The Left think they are harming Trump with thier histrionics, ascribe evil intentions to his every act but I don't think it helps them. Like his campaign, it just gets him in the news. Today he is criticizing Islamic violence and PM May is defending Muslims. Who do you think the average voter will side with?


you guys really need to catch up.  It's too easy. Not even fun anymore. 



Nothing like Thaivisa! They vet their newsvery closely here AND only use sources who vet their news. You'll never see an article from Infowars or Zerohedge. Never. People who retweet hate news are mentally deranged.


Stop focusing on the left or the right. That's your problem. You seem to be a supporter of the radical right. Sad. This isn't a good forum for views like that.


*Removed post edited out*


You think THAT violence was horrific? Do you want to really see Horrific? Scott can we have a 24 hr period where we can post some links to show FreddieRoyle just what horrific actually is? I am sure Freddie, that Stephen Tracy could also post videos that would make many grown men physically sick on sight.


These video's were NOT retweeted for the physical violence they were posted to INCITE HATRED and divide communities. You want to see physical violence? There are videos out there that make the 3 videos Trump retweeted look like lessons in how to care for one another.  But I do not presume that the horrific videos that do exist are enough to damn a billion people.


So lets damn all Muslims for a video of a guy smashing a statue, or the Egyptian political violence that occurred (aided and abetted by the west remember), lets even use a video of a beating that doesn't even involve muslims at all - but blame them anyway. Lets move to some videos that exist of men doing horrible violent unspeakable things to children. If he is a Christian shall we blame all christians as the same? If he is not Christian but Jewish shall we blame all of those? How about he is atheist, but white and in his 40's, shall we characterise all white males in their 40's as being the same?


You have fallen for Trumps manipulation of the stupid,  hook line and sinker. It MATTERS where the source of the material is, and the provenance of the video's also matter. It matters who the organisation is that is promoting this rubbish. Britain First have just been give a multi million dollar media advertising platform free of charge thanks to Donald Trump and you say "what about the violence, nobody condemns it". The video of the boy getting beaten in the park - it happens a million times a week - it's <deleted> humans. The video of the statue - who gives a toss? And the video of the poor guy thrown off a roof, well that little punishment came straight from Iraq and that man would still be alive today had the west not kicked off the bloody 'Arab Spring" bolleux that has led to the death of hundreds of thousands, the ruination of economies and lives and has done NOTHING to better anyones life apart from those that stepped in to take advantage of the power vacuum.


Wake up and look beyond the perimeters of the bar in Pattaya or Bangkok - or wherever else.  Trump is carrying out Bannon's policy to the letter, he is preparing the collapse of Government and encouraging anarchy. He wants a world where the elite have more and the middle class have less.


Can one of the Trump supporters please actually identify just when America was great? What era or time span are we looking at as the example or role model of when America was great?



3 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

You think THAT violence was horrific? Do you want to really see Horrific? Scott can we have a 24 hr period where we can post some links to show FreddieRoyle just what horrific actually is? I am sure Freddie, that Stephen Tracy could also post videos that would make many grown men physically sick on sight.


These video's were NOT retweeted for the physical violence they were posted to INCITE HATRED and divide communities. You want to see physical violence? There are videos out there that make the 3 videos Trump retweeted look like lessons in how to care for one another.  But I do not presume that the horrific videos that do exist are enough to damn a billion people.


So lets damn all Muslims for a video of a guy smashing a statue, or the Egyptian political violence that occurred (aided and abetted by the west remember), lets even use a video of a beating that doesn't even involve muslims at all - but blame them anyway. Lets move to some videos that exist of men doing horrible violent unspeakable things to children. If he is a Christian shall we blame all christians as the same? If he is not Christian but Jewish shall we blame all of those? How about he is atheist, but white and in his 40's, shall we characterise all white males in their 40's as being the same?


You have fallen for Trumps manipulation of the stupid,  hook line and sinker. It MATTERS where the source of the material is, and the provenance of the video's also matter. It matters who the organisation is that is promoting this rubbish. Britain First have just been give a multi million dollar media advertising platform free of charge thanks to Donald Trump and you say "what about the violence, nobody condemns it". The video of the boy getting beaten in the park - it happens a million times a week - it's <deleted> humans. The video of the statue - who gives a toss? And the video of the poor guy thrown off a roof, well that little punishment came straight from Iraq and that man would still be alive today had the west not kicked off the bloody 'Arab Spring" bolleux that has led to the death of hundreds of thousands, the ruination of economies and lives and has done NOTHING to better anyones life apart from those that stepped in to take advantage of the power vacuum.


Wake up and look beyond the perimeters of the bar in Pattaya or Bangkok - or wherever else.  Trump is carrying out Bannon's policy to the letter, he is preparing the collapse of Government and encouraging anarchy. He wants a world where the elite have more and the middle class have less.


Can one of the Trump supporters please actually identify just when America was great? What era or time span are we looking at as the example or role model of when America was great?



quote "Trump is carrying out Bannon's policy to the letter, he is preparing the collapse of Government and encouraging anarchy. He wants a world where the elite have more and the middle class have less."


Far fetched conspiracy theory, can I ask for a "credible link" to prove your assertion?

7 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

quote "Trump is carrying out Bannon's policy to the letter, he is preparing the collapse of Government and encouraging anarchy. He wants a world where the elite have more and the middle class have less."


Far fetched conspiracy theory, can I ask for a "credible link" to prove your assertion?

Well if that's your only point I guess it's good that you agree with everything else.


Re Bannon conspiracy, I do not need any linked source to have read about Bannon, his stated aims and how he has mentored Trump in the same ideology. It is no conspiracy theory it is playing out before your eyes - if you open them. Go anywhere and read about Bannon, it is in his own writings, he wants the collapse of Government. What is conspiracy about that? Bannon will probably be the one with brains that escapes Mueller and his team. No conspiracy here. Now move on and realise you have been duped.

19 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

quote "Trump is carrying out Bannon's policy to the letter, he is preparing the collapse of Government and encouraging anarchy. He wants a world where the elite have more and the middle class have less."


Far fetched conspiracy theory, can I ask for a "credible link" to prove your assertion?



To remain a Trump apologist requires super-human abilities to twist alternative-facts (thanks, Conway).


Trump is even backtracking on the Birther thing.  He started with 5 years of badgering Obama.  Then last year, he admitted he was wrong, but didn't give any apology where due.  Now, Trump is heating up the saucepan under birtherism again.   How are Trump fans supposed to know what to think?   Are they supposed to flip-flop back and forth along with Trump?  


Remember 'Sing Along With Mitch' LP's?  Now, for Trumpsters, it's "Flip Flop Along With Trump."

22 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

The greater threat to 'Western Society' actually appears to be a mental disease that is contagious that is affecting educated peoples mental ability to determine what is fact and what is fake. The disease is carried and contracted by electromagnetic waves of the same frequency as those used by a national US TV station - Fox News. Early symptoms include acceptance of hitherto unacceptable social behaviours such as pathological lying, sexual assault, cheating, corruption, narcissistic behaviours, sociopathic disorders and the unreserved forgiveness for any crime that could be committed by their leader and an abandonment of any feeling of pride or patriotism in their nation.


Later more developed symptoms show a willingness and eagerness to enter nuclear conflict with any number of perceived enemies despite the assured calculated losses of millions of lives, as long as none of the victims are their friends or families.


Worse than the spread of radical islam is now Trumps self created cult of radical evangelical Christians who do not wish to impose the laws of the bible on people but who actually now mix being a religious zealot with the acceptance of everything that their religion actually stands against. Religious followers that now accept that it is OK to have sex with 14 year olds because the virgin Mary was a teenager. (Hang on a minute, didn't most complain that Muslims marrying young teenagers was disgusting and then complained because Muslims justified it because Mohammed was married to a 9 year old). 


The world has survived the efforts of radical Islam AND radical Christianity to destroy it for a thousand years, yet the USA has gone belly up in the space of 12 months and the rest of the world could follow suit very quickly due to the input of Donald Trump and his army of enablers. Remember when the world goes t**s up that you enabled the orange moron to achieve the chaos he did.

We survived so far because radical islam hasn't got its hands on WMD


No problem for dotard Trump.  When caught doing something asinine, he can just do what he regularly does:  either claim it was a joke (like when he mocked a spastic or when he said "Russia if you're listening, I hope you can release the 30k emails......."), .......or he can claim he didn't say/do something, when it's clearly on record that he did do it (calls to criminalize women who seek abortions or the 'Access Hollywood' dialog, or reasons for firing Comey).    


I've been a dad and step-dad to over 20 kids.  I've had a standing rule:  tell the truth, and admit when you've done something wrong.   Trump never had that from his parents, growing up.   


A flame has been removed also some off topic baiting and bickering posts

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

19 minutes ago, johna said:

We survived so far because radical islam hasn't got its hands on WMD

And because Muslim Pakistan adheres to the MAD principle and secured its nuclear stockpile from extremist jihadists.

21 minutes ago, johna said:

We survived so far because radical islam hasn't got its hands on WMD

I would worry a lot more that radical Christianity are placing their hands on them!


If radical Islamists wanted them, they would get them, Pakistan, North Korea and many places now with a 'stan' on the end of their country names. Money talks and radical Islam has LOTS of it. You see this is not anything about religion. The heads of radical Islam want just enough chaos that allows them at the top to survive and make more money and garner more power. A nuclear explosion going off in a city (just not that simple to achieve) really does not suit the aims of the heads of Radical Islamic groups. Forget all the brainwashed drone workers at the bottom of the heap that scream Allah Akbar - that is not what it is all about.


Now the radical Christians that really DO want to expedite the coming of the 'rapture', be afraid, be very afraid!


While an outspoken liberal minority with unrestricted access to the media in the UK may criticise Trump most real Britons applaud him for his down to earth take on what's becoming of the UK especially since 7/7/05. Those of us who do not live in bullet and bomb proof bubbles protected by bodyguards know exactly what's going on.


Theresa May should keep her trap firmly shut about this matter as we need all the friends we can get since the result of the EU referendum.

1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

While an outspoken liberal minority with unrestricted access to the media in the UK may criticise Trump most real Britons applaud him for his down to earth take on what's becoming of the UK especially since 7/7/05. Those of us who do not live in bullet and bomb proof bubbles protected by bodyguards know exactly what's going on.


Theresa May should keep her trap firmly shut about this matter as we need all the friends we can get since the result of the EU referendum.

Please show a link to a credible news report that shows most Britons applaud Trump for re tweeting fake news. 

1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

Please show a link to a credible news report that shows most Britons applaud Trump for re tweeting fake news. 


I never mentioned fake news, you have just done so.


I referred to terrorist atrocities sine 7/7/05.


I claimed that most Britons approve of Trumps attitude to Islamic immigration.

1 minute ago, Kadilo said:


I concur with yogi100. As a Brit born and bred I do not know a single person that wants unchecked immigration from muslim majority nations to continue as it has since Blair took office. The 2005 London bombs were certainly an eye opener, but it has been the escalating terror attacks and ongoing grooming sagas that really shook the Brits. The scale and depravity of these grooming gangs, but also the attempts to cover it all up and blame the victims - see Naz Shah sharing a post telling victims to "“shut their mouths for the good of diversity". Trump was wrong to retweet the unverified tweets, but his stance is one shared far and wide in Britain.



3 hours ago, yogi100 said:

While an outspoken liberal minority with unrestricted access to the media in the UK may criticise Trump most real Britons applaud him for his down to earth take on what's becoming of the UK especially since 7/7/05. Those of us who do not live in bullet and bomb proof bubbles protected by bodyguards know exactly what's going on.


Theresa May should keep her trap firmly shut about this matter as we need all the friends we can get since the result of the EU referendum.

PM May follows the advice of her Heads of National Security which is why HMG criticised Trump's tweets. Anyone who recommends HMG kowtow to Trump's encouragement of the far right or his foreign policy (oops non existent), IMO, is delusional. When looking at the voting public's support for the right of centre, the result nullifies your argument.


As to the claims  of current unchecked Muslim heritage people immigration into the UK, how about facts rather than hyperbole?

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