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Rescue officials struggle for hours to bring a 150-kg woman to hospital


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I have a hard time sympathizing for morbidly obese folks.  Self-control and common sense go a long way in this world. I have to go to the gym 5-6 days a week to keep fit and maintain a healthy weight. This costs me a lot of time and money, but well worth it. None of us know this lady's health history, so it is a non-starter to speculate as to her excuses for gaining this much weight. She appears to be Thai. Both her first and last names are Thai, and she apparently lives a Klong Toey community (slum?), which consists of 100% Thai nationals. 

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15 hours ago, Borzandy said:

Very nice opportunity to take selfies. And post video on media.

I was just thinking what a chaotic melee......

It looks like 10 people trying to get the job done and 20+ getting in the way with cameras and phones taking pictures. Leaving the woman with no dignity. What a disgusting society we are becoming.

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14 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:
14 hours ago, malt25 said:
Good work Sherlock !  " Ms Rattanaporn Polthep "   Definitely a farang.

You missed the point thicky, farang women are getting heavier and heavier and becoming land whales so not surprising if it had turned out to be a farang

 Thais too... Its a world wide issue

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12 hours ago, sambum said:

So why didn't you make that point in your original post, thicky, instead of a thinly veiled (wrong) assumption  that it must be a farang. And I fail to see the relevance of your comment re gypsum board, or am I being a "thicky" also?

Should stickk with post not make assumptions about farangs when it's clear she's not.

Why do you hate farangs so much to genral assumption that farang women are getting bigger.

Best to stick with topic 

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17 hours ago, noahvail said:

41% of callouts were for drug overdose/abuse. 36% were for recurrant medical conditions/hospitalizations. Obesity isn’t even listed as a category (from my son, the EMS dispatcher/paramedic). If you have any references to prove your statement, kindly post them.

Interesting. What about call outs to road trauma?

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2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

I was just thinking what a chaotic melee......

It looks like 10 people trying to get the job done and 20+ getting in the way with cameras and phones taking pictures. Leaving the woman with no dignity. What a disgusting society we are becoming.

Off topic,

Why 'we'? Thai media/government/population doesn't consider foreigners as 'we', so why do you?

I play no part in Thai society, and have almost nothing in common with them.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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18 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:
18 hours ago, malt25 said:
Good work Sherlock !  " Ms Rattanaporn Polthep "   Definitely a farang.

You missed the point thicky, farang women are getting heavier and heavier and becoming land whales so not surprising if it had turned out to be a farang

You obviously missed the recent survey, posted on TV,  which said Thais were the second most obese people in ASEAN

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There was a programme on UK TV some years ago called something like Supersize v Superskinny. It was interesting to see how emotion played a part in these troubled people. 


I reckon she was short on love or something. Maybe she fancied the farang down the road and couldn't have him so she indulged in food instead.


One might never know why she got as fat as this. Calling her 'gut bucket' and 'tub-o-lard' cannot help. She needs love and support and understanding not ridicule and insults. Can the local robe-men help?


I'm sad about this lady. If I wasn't so far away I'd give her one of my cats. That would help her.

Edited by owl sees all
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20 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

Thin people's outrage at fat people maybe she had a medical weight condition or a burger obsession or even a hatred of skinny <deleted> who knows not news worthy . 

Certainly demeaning for the lady in question, but I guess having to remove a wall to get someone out of their home is fairly unusual.

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20 hours ago, OmarZaid said:

When an ER doc, years ago, I refused to jeopardize my ER staff trying to mobilize these folks and made it very clear to them. If they didn't have hardy family folk to lift 'em, I left them where they lie and did my best to help them with meds. If they needed hospitalization, I left it to internal medical staff to deal with the problem as they saw fit. Unsympathetic to the limit of reason . . .

I guess there is a reason you are living in Thailand and not practicing medicine.... You sound like a cold-hearted dude!

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6 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Off topic,

Why 'we'? Thai media/government/population doesn't consider foreigners as 'we', so why do you?

I play no part in Thai society, and have almost nothing in common with them.

Simply because I see similar elsewhere and in my own country.

(And don't want the usual apologists on my case if I only criticized this local scene)

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13 hours ago, WHYWHY said:

Should stickk with post not make assumptions about farangs when it's clear she's not.

Why do you hate farangs so much to genral assumption that farang women are getting bigger.

Best to stick with topic 

Think you should have addressed that post to someone else ( scubascuba3,?) don't you?

Edited by sambum
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330 pounds at the age of 25 is either a serious medical condition, or a death wish.

She would have been better served by spending some money on physical or mental health care rather than burgers, cake, ice cream and doughnuts.

Get well (and slim) soon pom puey.




Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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On 12/2/2017 at 3:19 PM, scubascuba3 said:
On 12/2/2017 at 3:14 PM, malt25 said:
Good work Sherlock !  " Ms Rattanaporn Polthep "   Definitely a farang.

You missed the point thicky, farang women are getting heavier and heavier and becoming land whales so not surprising if it had turned out to be a farang

Western women have now got a PC excuse. It isn't PC to comment on the size or weight, age or gender/sexual orientation etc etc etc.

Over the last 12-15 years you do see far more obese Thais the ever before.

Fast food has to be a major part of the problem here (as it is in the west), when the traditional Thai diet is being replaced and sedentary life styles are more common.


Time to dust off the beer goggles...







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I know it is obvious, and I know there are many reasons and long stories and history behind this morbidly obese condition.  But if the so called friends and relatives would simply limit how much food they give her, she would lose weight.  Goodness, I watched one of the American TV shows and the 800 pound person was in bed, could not fit out through the door, but they brought him an entire bucket of Fried Chicken from KFC.   My guess is some of those people are the main bread winners either through disability or what not, so the house members have to do what he wants or else they don't get any money.  I don't know

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1 hour ago, Classic Ray said:

Same as at collision scenes here, always more rubberneckers getting in the way than genuine volunteers helping the situation. All the crap spouted about the helpful Thais, not in evidence here, as someone said earlier, selfie heaven!

Yeah, but a colossal 150 kg beached whale is a sight to behold. You can forgive the crowds of onlookers and selfie takers. You normally can't get this close to the elephants and hippos at the zoo.

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On 12/3/2017 at 1:12 PM, elektrified said:

I guess there is a reason you are living in Thailand and not practicing medicine.... You sound like a cold-hearted dude!

'cold-hearted' is just a phrase --- injured backs of competent RN's and staff are reality. I saw too many of these good people permanently hurt and out of commission because of such patients and simply decided "not on my watch" . . .

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