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Pattaya announces new public enemy number one - smokers and their deadly cigarettes!

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30 minutes ago, gamini said:

Wonderful news. Thanks to inconsiderate smokers and their secondhand smoke, I am dying of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

Stop smothering your dog...

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2 hours ago, captspectre said:

Smoking is now a major crime in pattaya, yet the raw sewage that is being dumped into the ocean everyday is not? you would have to be brain dead to swim near the beach in pattaya. just last month there was a major story on thai visa concerning this.

It's just an "innovative" revenue enhancer from handsome non Thais.


The laws on smoking in Thailand are a farce been in hotels with no smoking signs in the rooms with ashtrays on the side tables

Plus people out in the streets smoking throwing  the butts on the road 

only when it involves a Farang they seem to take it seriously 

Don't start me off smoking in bars restaurants ect some owned by

 Farangs with their mates all lighting up at the bar

Money to some comes before other people's health 

3 hours ago, trogers said:

I would have thought driving kills more. Does the mayor sees more carnage on the beaches than the roads?

Smoking kills twice as many people  as road deaths in Thailand 

2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

I saw them breath checking someone yesterday, it was about 11am.

wow!  let there be more.    The 1000 seater karaoke bar next to HILLSIDE needs a few of these at the various exits at throwing out time.

This must be one of the few ASEAN countries where alcoholic drivers kill more than smoking does.

44 minutes ago, likeke said:

FINALLY! Now start finding smokers inside restaurants and bars. These idiots who light up while I'm eating my food should be shot on site. I am serious.


Those idiots who eat after I do while I light up a fine cigar should be—well, not shot (I'm a lot kinder than you) but merely given doggie bags in which to pack the remainder of their meals and invited to leave. :smile:

50 minutes ago, gamini said:

Wonderful news. Thanks to inconsiderate smokers and their secondhand smoke, I am dying of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)


How much longer? Pls don't ask for cremation in Thailand. Smoke, you know.

6 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

Smoking kills twice as many people  as road deaths in Thailand 

It's by far the biggest killer in Indonesia; the average age of death of the male population was 53 not so long ago.

The smoking industry there has a lot of support from the Govt.  My high school students defended this as the govt propaganda extols the huge number of people employed in that industry.  That does not include doctors, nurses, burial services.

10 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

Smoking kills twice as many people  as road deaths in Thailand 

How many die from visiting the beaches (before the ban) and how many die on the roads of Pattaya?


I do not know of any enclosed gogo bar in Pattaya where a smoking ban is in place. One gogo I know of tried a non smoking environment but had to revert to allow smoking when he realised that customers were going elsewhere. Myself I hate smoke but realise that over here unlike the UK that a smoking ban is never going to work. All laws over here are simply ignored because they ultimately are never enforced.


Disgusting habit and smokers are selfish they dont give a hoot who they smoke beside and not only in Thai but in UK they stand outside Tescos etc blowing out poison to everyone thats walking in to do shopping.

     I hate it with a passion, its bad when u have to tell your daughter to hold her breath an walk fast while going  past the filth blowing it out.


Good for Pattaya! Now to enforce it and make sure it is a success so other Provinces can do the same.


Smokers - the most inconsiderate, disgusting and thoughtless lot on the planet. A plague on them all.

42 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

Smoking kills twice as many people  as road deaths in Thailand 

Nothing to do with Thai folk sitting round those 'orrible charcoal barby things all their life then....?

14 minutes ago, transam said:

Nothing to do with Thai folk sitting round those 'orrible charcoal barby things all their life then....?

You can't seriously be that ill informed?


wasn't this house in the picture, a public toilet on Dongtan Beach before?


As the toilet never really worked and only cost them money, I guess they kicked out the cans and made it a smoker's space.   The second best solution for non-functional toilets, I guess.


Probably it will never receive any care and the butts will pile high


along with the cheeky butts on the beach, it gives you the right impression of the dump Pattaya is

6 hours ago, ezzra said:

The thing is, that in Pattaya and in many other arias around Thailand,

they don't do diddly squat for many years and about many problelms

and than they embark on this crusade and over kill of a draconian edict,

there are many things that needs to be address and fixed in Pattaya

but somehow, smoking become the most important issue, talking about

selective targeting...


.......Come think how they think its the most easiest and less effort to enforce.


Hey Mayor, what about starting at Second Road in Jomtien? Beachside of the road a little bit south of where soi 7 connect it looks like this in several places. Maybe not so many fags, and probably not caused by tourists and certainly not give any chance to side income but surely a nicer look of the town.


3 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

Yeah.  'Held a gun to your head and forced you to start smoking, didn't they?  So tell us.  What WAS the reason you started smoking?  Be honest.  I've asked this question a lot, and by far the most common response is along the lines of "because the cool kids [or some such ill-chosen role-model] did".  


"I'm a victim.  Somebody else is responsible.  Not my fault."   Oh Boo-hoo.



I agree with you up to a point.  If the person has been hooked on them for 50 years, then the cigarette companies bear some responsibility as well.  It was 1964 when the US Surgeon General issued a definitive report that definitively linked them to health issues.  Before that point the companies waged a large and effective PR offensive to largely promote cigarette usage as safe.


In Bangkok as far as I know, they do enforce some of the bans on smoking. There are some other towns, where they seem to do so. I do not know about Pattaya. I know in Samui, there is zero enforcement. Always has been zero. May always be zero. Anyone can smoke anywhere. Indoors may be the exception, but not always. The extent I used to have to go to, when trying to find a table without a human chimney nearby, was considerable. When I used to ask, is there a no smoking section, the reply was always, do not worry, you can smoke anywhere!


One can only hope they are serious about this. It is a benefit for all non smokers. There are few things in life that I find more obnoxious than second hand smoke. And it is not too much to ask a smoker to show a tiny amount of self discipline, by not subjecting non-smokers to their noxious fumes. Especially during a meal. 



21 minutes ago, trogers said:

Seriously! Effort is limited and should be directed to the more serious problems.

I think you seems to have little grasp of how society tackles problems 

Basically the government is trying to break the habit of smoking by restricting the places it is acceptable.

Secondly smoking in shared public places leads to litter and of course the unpleasant smell of cigarette smoke.

I also think that 50,000 deaths per year is a serious problem 


4 hours ago, captspectre said:

Smoking is now a major crime in pattaya, yet the raw sewage that is being dumped into the ocean everyday is not? you would have to be brain dead to swim near the beach in pattaya. just last month there was a major story on thai visa concerning this.

Yes but this will bring in revenue.. unlike solving the pollution problem....

it's all about revenue source...



After more than 40 years smoking at least a large pack of 25 a day...(twice that much if at the bar with friends,) I finally quit for good more than ten years ago.  Definitely not easy to do... Nicotine has got to be one of the most addicting drugs there is.     But feel so much better these days...I don't get bronchitis anymore... smoker's cough is gone...  I have my stamina back for running even at 66 years of age now,  and the desire for nicotine is finally gone.  I would say, if you can make it past the first three weeks without nicotine... you've got it beat...  The first three weeks is the hardest.   Now,  I can even go to the bar for a few drinks and not desire a cigarette..even with smokers near me..     You CAN beat it...  ( having that extra money is great too  :)  )  

50 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

You can't seriously be that ill informed?

I find it strange that folk who worked in UK pubs where smoking was aloud for a zillion years have all not dropped dead, why is that...?


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"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

1 minute ago, Catoni said:

After more than 40 years smoking at least a large pack of 25 a day...(twice that much if at the bar with friends,) I finally quit for good more than ten years ago.  Definitely not easy to do... Nicotine has got to be one of the most addicting drugs there is.     But feel so much better these days...I don't get bronchitis anymore... smoker's cough is gone...  I have my stamina back for running even at 66 years of age now,  and the desire for nocotine is finally gone.  I would say, if you can make it past the first three weeks without nicotine... you've got it beat...  The first three weeks is the hardest.. 

I didn't smoke in the UK for about 20 years but was on a lung puffer...Moved to LOS and in no time l threw away the puffer....I started to smoke again....NO PUFFER needed..

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