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"Foreigners against smoking ban" video hits the internet as authorities scurry to explain


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As a (considerate) smoker, I'm happy enough to compromise. I accept that when I exit the airport I need to walk a bit further before lighting up, so as not to subject non-smokers to clouds of smoke as they exit. I accept that I should walk outside an enclosed air conditioned bar to smoke, and I will only smoke in a restaurant under certain circumstances (open air, other smokers around already, no kids within range etc.).

What I do object to though are the people who become more bitter and twisted every day about smokers, particularly as smokers have become the easy target for persecution in our liberal PC world. Please remember that just a few years ago the smokers could light up all around you, in shopping malls, banks, on planes. But it seems the more anti-smoking rules they bring in, the more sensitive some people become!


It's the same as people who obsess over keeping germs away from their kids, and the kids end up with weak immune systems. The more restrictions placed on smokers, the more sensitive people are becoming. Let smokers smoke outside for god's sake! Get a grip...


What's even more irritating about this new law though is the hypocrisy. There are far bigger problems to address, such as all the plastic waste and sewage dumped in the sea. Not to mention police corruption, taxi cartels, road deaths...I could go on. 


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2 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

The only thing wrong with this is it will never be applied to Thais, who we have enough smoking already. L&M some of the foulest smelling cig odour in the world.

I don’t want foreign smokers coming here they should smoke on a beach in their own country or go elsewhere.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So this is your country is it ? And no I am a non smoker

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The Thais on cell phones while driving is more serious than darn smoking on the beach. That is also more of an addictive habit than smoking. Plastic on the beach and in the water is more of a problem. They can sweep the beach, but some lunatic in the Thai Government always wants to anty up with a more stupid thing to get the moronic claim to fame award. 

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8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

They are right, there aren't many foreigners in Pattaya and it is exactly this sort of stupidity that keeps them away. That and the cops extorting money, along with the thefts, assaults, crazy drivers and other aggravation. Cambodia is rammed with visitors I hear. I wonder why? :smile:

LOL, send all the smokers to Cambodia. 

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I have mixed feelings about this; because I don't smoke it would natural for me say I agree with the ban but not the penalty which is excessive to say the least. However, smoking has become a 'socially accepted addiction' and therefore smokers find it difficult to understand such bans. The environmental issue has not really been pushed enough elsewhere and so there is a lack of understanding. I find it very uncomfortable to to be a victim of 'passive smoking' but the argument is should I move or the smoker? I am not suggesting a lengthy debate on this because really the problem stems from the fact it is a legal addiction and as such a smoker cannot be forced into therapy like other addicts.

Those of us who expats understand that we have to be law abiding to remain but tourists only have to endure for the length of their stay. Now, it is different question entirely that some prohibition will/might affect tourism in general, and that has to be at the discretion of the authorities. Since this is new in Thailand we will have to wait and see what, if anything, happens to the stats. If some one knows of stats concerning the ratio of smoking to non-smoking tourists that go to the beaches then some prediction might be possible...personally I don't know.

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As an ex-smoker I think the whole caboodle is ridiculous. OK to stop smoking indoors in public places like restaurants, theaters, shops, trains, buses etc. but outdoors in the open air... crazy. Every day i see vehicles coughing out black smoke... old pick-ups, old lorries and trucks, and yet we who drive cars or motorcycles have to get them tested annually before we can renew our tax and they shove a probe up the exhaust pipe. Do all these old smoking vehicles just ignore renewing tax and getting tested, or bribe the testers?


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7 minutes ago, godblessemall said:

As an ex-smoker I think the whole caboodle is ridiculous. OK to stop smoking indoors in public places like restaurants, theaters, shops, trains, buses etc. but outdoors in the open air... crazy. Every day i see vehicles coughing out black smoke... old pick-ups, old lorries and trucks, and yet we who drive cars or motorcycles have to get them tested annually before we can renew our tax and they shove a probe up the exhaust pipe. Do all these old smoking vehicles just ignore renewing tax and getting tested, or bribe the testers?


Yes, but a filthy stinking car isn't going to sit beside me at a restaurant or cinema and assault my olfactory senses.

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9 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Smoke all you like, but not on beaches, restaurants, public transport or hotel swimming pools and especially near children. Go back to where you came from if you don't like it and try it in your country. Thailand is their country, you are guests, behave like one, and it's about time they stuck to their guns on something at least, and yes I cannot stand cigarette smoke !


Image result for picture of a smoker dying

"yes I cannot stand cigarette smoke !"


Now there's a surprise! How do you feel about car exhaust fumes? I don't smoke, but I believe in "live and let live/die", and comments like the above from the anti smoking lobby shows a vast degree of intolerance which to say the least, annoys me!


And the comment "Go back to where you came from if you don't like it" even more so!


Edited by sambum
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35 minutes ago, torrzent said:

Yes, but a filthy stinking car isn't going to sit beside me at a restaurant or cinema and assault my olfactory senses.

I think you'll find that the majority of smokers would agree with the above comment! Most of them are prepared to compromise a great deal, but the majority of anti smokers are quite vehement in their approach and I am quite surprised that more of them have not been "bopped" for their intolerance and confrontational behaviour and attitudes. 

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51 minutes ago, godblessemall said:

As an ex-smoker I think the whole caboodle is ridiculous. OK to stop smoking indoors in public places like restaurants, theaters, shops, trains, buses etc. but outdoors in the open air... crazy. Every day i see vehicles coughing out black smoke... old pick-ups, old lorries and trucks, and yet we who drive cars or motorcycles have to get them tested annually before we can renew our tax and they shove a probe up the exhaust pipe. Do all these old smoking vehicles just ignore renewing tax and getting tested, or bribe the testers?


"but outdoors in the open air... crazy." As an ex smoker myself, I especially like that bit! 

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There are some right Jodrell Bankers posting on this thread to say the least, I stopped smoking February this year, I have many friends who smoke, I go to bars where people smoke, my neighbour smokes and I can smell it when he sits out the front of his gaff havin a puff, does it bother me ? NO, get off your chuffin high horses you ever so arrogant P****S, last time I checked it was still a free world, until the junta tell us differently.


I really hate you bloody " Look at me, I don't smoke brigade" for your inate smugness and holier than thou attitude who believe their S**t don't stink, well trust me it does and your attitude smells worse than your S**T.


So shut it. 

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5 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

There are some right Jodrell Bankers posting on this thread to say the least, I stopped smoking February this year, I have many friends who smoke, I go to bars where people smoke, my neighbour smokes and I can smell it when he sits out the front of his gaff havin a puff, does it bother me ? NO, get off your chuffin high horses you ever so arrogant P****S, last time I checked it was still a free world, until the junta tell us differently.


I really hate you bloody " Look at me, I don't smoke brigade" for your inate smugness and holier than thou attitude who believe their S**t don't stink, well trust me it does and your attitude smells worse than your S**T.


So shut it. 

Mate its the same bunch that always come up with absurd opinions here just to keep thread going. They are nowhere any beach still they want tourists to be jailed and pay 100k..Sickos

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I live in a main provincial town.  I dont see that many smokers chuffing away in a manner that should provoke outrage.  The beach? ...... yes, I'd say most smokers would be willing to accept the ban, but merely object to the heavy handed treatment; all that is needed is a few signs, and a reminder to those that are still unaware.  Actually, I can well imagine that some smokers would welcome the opportunity to put a couple of hours between themselves and the next puff.  So, we are left with a few unreasonable people on both sides spoiling everyone's sense of sabai-sabai imo.


I have to chuckle at those that are complaining about smoking appearing to be allowed in go-go bars; they want their sleaze clean it seems:smile:.  Of course, there are those (I'm not one of them) who would see these establishments banned altogether for being rather unwholesame dens of vice. The logic would be much the same as with smokers- fostering law breaking and public health concerns.  Of course, reasonable people like me would regard that as absurd.


I suppose the point is we live and let live within reason.



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6 hours ago, Graemej100 said:

. If you doubt me just get a small kitchen sieve and sieve any block of sand, especially at the bottom and to the right and left of the steps down to the beach. I am always shocked by the number of butts left on top of the sand.

Ummm.... sure.... why not? .....Call me slow...... but wouldn’t that be a perfect place for one of those all singing all dancing ash tray thingame jigs?


problem solved.... now.... could you do a “clean my Soi” boot camp drive, as it’s much worse than the beach, largely due to the twice weekly village markets that the natives frequent (and it smells far worse than ciggy smoke, most of the time)


Bonus points there too..... clean my soi and prevent the rubbish reaching the beach. Ergo, no clean the beach needed, so you can clean my mates soi next.... winner winner chicken dinner

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1 hour ago, sambum said:

I think you'll find that the majority of smokers would agree with the above comment! Most of them are prepared to compromise a great deal, but the majority of anti smokers are quite vehement in their approach and I am quite surprised that more of them have not been "bopped" for their intolerance and confrontational behaviour and attitudes. 

zero tolerance is required to rid society of this inherent evil

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1 hour ago, Golden Triangle said:

There are some right Jodrell Bankers posting on this thread to say the least, I stopped smoking February this year, I have many friends who smoke, I go to bars where people smoke, my neighbour smokes and I can smell it when he sits out the front of his gaff havin a puff, does it bother me ? NO, get off your chuffin high horses you ever so arrogant P****S, last time I checked it was still a free world, until the junta tell us differently.


I really hate you bloody " Look at me, I don't smoke brigade" for your inate smugness and holier than thou attitude who believe their S**t don't stink, well trust me it does and your attitude smells worse than your S**T.


So shut it. 

what's a Jodrell banker?

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6 hours ago, pattayadon said:

Unfortunately, It is only until a smoker quits smoking that he/she realizes what a nasty habit it is!!!!  Seen this many times!

Well yes but what does this have to do with anything. Nasty, addictive stuff yes but your post has nothing to do with the ........ damn ran out of puff:stoner::burp::smile:

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9 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

Tourist to Pattaya Beach Authority Officer: "So, you are going to fine me 100,000 baht for smoking? Might as well add on the 500 baht for my fist in your face."

See, not only smokers are silly they even think about putting a fist on your face for as little as 500 baht.

Smokers should stick the cigarettes up the b..t , never heard of butt smoking? The muscle in your anus can be trained to draw in the smoke and some of it may come out of your mouth.

Smokers should be kept in room without ventilation filled completely with exhaled cigarette smoke until they black out to let them know how non smoke feel when they smell the smoke.

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2 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Mate its the same bunch that always come up with absurd opinions here just to keep thread going. They are nowhere any beach still they want tourists to be jailed and pay 100k..Sickos

You got that right!  Addicted to blabbing in the sanctuary of their 4 walls. 

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13 minutes ago, madusa said:

See, not only smokers are silly they even think about putting a fist on your face for as little as 500 baht.

Smokers should stick the cigarettes up the b..t , never heard of butt smoking? The muscle in your anus can be trained to draw in the smoke and some of it may come out of your mouth.

Smokers should be kept in room without ventilation filled completely with exhaled cigarette smoke until they black out to let them know how non smoke feel when they smell the smoke.


Good grief! I think the general public needs protecting from you!


And a whiff of cigarette smoke blowing in the wind is really that bad? You seriously need to get things in perspective imo!


You have my sympathies if you were brought up around a chain smoking parent and suffered through it, however.



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9 hours ago, nisakiman said:

Good heavens, no! That's far too sensible!


No, rather than address the problem of butts on the beach in a way that will suit everyone, better to alienate and persecute smokers, as usual. It's the currently fashionable, PC thing these days. It used to be blacks, Jews and homosexuals that it was acceptable to hate, but they've been rehabilitated now, and so another minority group had to be found to persecute relentlessly. And smokers are an easy target.


It's funny how things change. Back in the 1950s UK, it was common to see signs in the windows of B&B places with "No blacks, no Irish". People today look in horror at the bigotry displayed by those signs, and yet find it quite acceptable for there to be equally bigoted signs saying "No smokers". It's all about being 'on message' in these narrow-minded, Politically Correct times.


It's an unfortunate aspect of human nature that the herd always like to have someone to bully, and currently the victims are smokers, since they have become a minority group and they've been effectively excluded from the liberal PC narrative. They are also easy to identify and target, making them a perfect victim for the self-righteous bullies who so love to tell people what they can and cannot do.

So smokers are now the victims? What brand of cigarettes do you smoke? You now think non-smokers are at fault? Oh, ho, honestly I imagine myself kidnap a smoker tie him or her up in my basement and burn him or her with a lighted cigarette. Because they now claim to be victim so let's give them something so they could prove to the world they are the victims. At least couple of burnt marks on the forehead or backsides.

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