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Norwegian man says Thai wife and policeman lover framed him and got him deported

Jonathan Fairfield

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Norwegian man says Thai wife and policeman lover framed him and got him deported



Image: TNews


A 68 year old Norwegian man has gone to Thai media to appeal for justice after he was deported.


He claims that his Thai wife - in collusion with a policeman who is her new love interest - framed him by planting a gun at his house.


He also believes that he is the victim of trumped up charges initiated by the police that called him a threat to society.


Vidar Petersen spoke to Tnews and other media from an unspecified location. He was deported from Thailand in May.


Tnews said that he had lost everything - 34 rai of land, a Mercedes Benz and another car, motorbikes, cash. But worst of all he has not seen his son for two years and now he is desperate for help.


Trouble started in May 2013 when police arrived during a party at his house in Tha Bor district of Nong Khai. 


They found a .38 gun under the seat of a car. He had no licence for the gun.


He denied it was his and believes it was planted.


He paid 80,000 to a policeman to get him off the rap even though he said he was innocent. But the matter still came to court.



Image: TNews


Then he was picked up off the street while walking his dog - this time was the charge of causing annoyance to neighbors by threatening them with a knife. 


He believed these were trumped up charges at the behest of his wife. On the video he called her a greedy, stupid woman. She has disappeared with the deeds, the vehicles, his son - everything has gone, he said. 


He spent hundreds of thousands on a female lawyer who proved useless.


All his own efforts to locate his wife and child failed - then he was deported. 


He said he has been the victim of "high ranking police" and that his life was like "a funeral without a body". 


He was deported on May 16th and now has no prospect of getting back to Thailand to sort out his life and has appealed to the media for help. 


Source: http://www.tnews.co.th/contents/bg/388095


-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-12-08
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Bad stuff can happen anywhere in the world. This level of corruption can only be allowed to happen in certain countries. 


I don’t know if he’s telling the truth or not. What I do know is that I wouldn’t trust the police with the keys to my toilet. You can go through life thinking you’re great and honorable, but at the end of the day, your reputation precedes you. This is a universal truth (that does happen everywhere in the world). 

Edited by rkidlad
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Sorry. The trouble didn't start in May 2013. It started from the acquisition of 34 rai of land...


And trouble would not have started should he acquire 3 condos in his name, instead of land.

Edited by trogers
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All too common a story here and equally sad every time. Doesn't matter how much you love them, you are an utter idiot when you put your life's savings in their name. You are going to get fleeced, or stitched up more often than not, and yet, still it goes on. Sorry fellas, but when she is 30 years younger than you, she is marrying you for one reason only, and you really need to keep the wad tight, at least until you die.

Edited by darksidedog
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Rule #1:

Never bring anything into Thailand you are not prepared to lose.


Rule #2:

Never be worth more dead than alive.


Rule #3: (the most important)

Look all four directions before crossing a one way street. :cheesy:


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Yes we can feel sorry for him but he gambled with his life savings and  he lost. Fortunately for him he is Norwegian so he can start from scratch with help from the Norwegian welfare system . 


But I would like to see that police officer punished if this story is true. 



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22 minutes ago, balo said:

Yes we can feel sorry for him but he gambled with his life savings and  he lost. Fortunately for him he is Norwegian so he can start from scratch with help from the Norwegian welfare system . 


But I would like to see that police officer punished if this story is true. 



I think he's more concerned about his son. 

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Always two sides to relationship break down, 

but visitation or at least contact with his child is a right that should be granted,

really poor form, on his part to stay  with a lawyer who gave no results, just bills, 


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26 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

Moral of the story: Never buy land in Thailand (you don’t own it), never get married (girlfriend only) keep the bulk of your assets hidden in a safe country, and don’t show off money or assets (keep a low or no profile).

why never get married? i've been happily married for nearly 20 years thanks. but cheers for the advice anyway

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2 hours ago, Happy enough said:

why never get married? i've been happily married for nearly 20 years thanks. but cheers for the advice anyway

A girlfriend won't have a legal claim over your assets ... congratulations on your 20 years. My advice is a bit like saying "don't smoke", even though some smokers die of old age, rather than lung cancer.

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5 hours ago, rkidlad said:

I don’t know if he’s telling the truth or not. 

I do.


he had lost everything - 34 rai of land

As a foreigner, he can't own land.  The land had to be in the name of his wife, so he never owned it.  He has zero credibility in my book for making such a claim.

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2 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:

I do.

As a foreigner, he can't own land.  The land had to be in the name of his wife, so he never owned it.  He has zero credibility in my book for making such a claim.

I think what he meant is that his cash paid for the land (in his wife's name) and he expected to live on it until the grim reaper took him. He had blind faith that the union would last forever ... he's not the first and he won't be the last. So in that respect his story is credible, and his financial loss is very real.

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5 hours ago, balo said:

Yes we can feel sorry for him but he gambled with his life savings and  he lost. Fortunately for him he is Norwegian so he can start from scratch with help from the Norwegian welfare system . 


But I would like to see that police officer punished if this story is true. 



Balo, we all share your sentiments on the above statement.

But I think most of us realise that the chances of this happening are Zilch, with a capital Z !

I would say there is more chance of an election in 2018 !

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A friend of is a lawyer in Pattaya, and every now and than i hear theses

harrowing stories of relations between a foreigner and a Thai woman,

there was this elderly europian guy who took a lady of the night to be

his GF, after a few weeks together he wanted to cut her loose, but

she wouldn't go and demanded big sum going away money,

when he wouldn't give she stabs herself with knife, went to a hospital,

got the wounds treated, and went to the police to file a compliant,

cut a long story short, the guy is arrested, finger printed and detained,

,she wants 500K  he would give, police are now involved and now he's

willing to pay big lawyer's fees and hush money to the police and the 

woman but it's too late, the charge of aggravated assault can't be wiped

out, and so it wait to his day in court,

this is only one of the hard to believe that this is happening cases that

crosses my friend's desk EVERY DAY.....

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7 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Bad stuff can happen anywhere in the world. This level of corruption can only be allowed to happen in certain countries. 


I don’t know if he’s telling the truth or not. What I do know is that I wouldn’t trust the police with the keys to my toilet. You can go through life thinking you’re great and honorable, but at the end of the day, your reputation precedes you. This is a universal truth (that does happen everywhere in the world). 

Yes but happens above average in Thailand,

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As soon as it said Thai Lawyer I knew ever word he had said was true, not all are bad but most are when it comes to money, my experience. I am lucky I have a good one and even she says the same as I think. You know someone should do a website with all these stores on and shame the place and make it a no go area. The sooner the better that happens the better we will be. Oh then there is the Thai computer crimes act. they know where they can stuff that as far as I am concerned, its a lame duck outside the borders and will not work in any other country. LOS

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4 hours ago, AlexRich said:

A girlfriend won't have a legal claim over your assets ... congratulations on your 20 years. My advice is a bit like saying "don't smoke", even though some smokers die of old age, rather than lung cancer.

nothing wrong with marriage. and legal claims over assets works both ways. the rule is simple. don't marry a broke bar girl half your age and expect she isn't just in it for the money. that aside there is absolutely nothing wrong with thai girls with normal jobs or from normal backgrounds. good morning! looks nice out, time for a walk . . . 

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7 hours ago, Happy enough said:

why never get married? i've been happily married for nearly 20 years thanks. but cheers for the advice anyway

I have the utmost respect to those men who have come to Thailand and found the love of their life and marital bliss. It's not always easy but the emotional rewards and happiness for couples are there to be had with the right choice by both.

Despite the publicity and advice given to those numerous who come here and lose their life savings Thailand still seems to be the go-to country for many farangs to come to meet their next ex-wife and leave empty handed.

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4 hours ago, ukrules said:

Usufruct on the land registered at the land office could have prevented this.


If I ever buy any land this is how I will do it. I'm not married though and I believe this might make a difference.

Prevented what ? Him becoming a squatter 

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