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Pick-up sitting ban resurrected for New Year travel


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6 hours ago, Ron19 said:

The law states that people should not be allowed to travel in the back of pick-ups or even in the "cab" area that is actually only registered for use as carrying goods. ?

Yes, but it is for two door pickups with the shelf (seat) behind the driver and passenger. Extended cab four door pickups with individual seats and seat belts are approved.



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so who is going to pay for buses for all the migrant construction workers to get transported from site to accommodation, oh yes, that will cost some people money who have it but won't 'waste' it on 'them'. lorry and pick ups it is then. nice thought though, impossible to enforce

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7 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

As everyday is a deadly day on Thailand's roads, shouldn't this law be enforced all year round?

Very difficult if not impossible. Far too many Thai folk with no other means of travel use the ute's for normal activities and when holidays roll around, large (and extended) families travel the only way they can. Application of these unreasonable restrictions do little in the way of stemming the highway fatalities, when it would make so much better sense to enforce the existing speed, drink driving and normal driving laws, etc, etc. IMO of course.

Edited by Dap
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The Thai traffic law is a no ending soap opera, our children must driving to school with very insecure cars (minivan, pick up and trucks), the family can't carry the children in the back seat of their two doors pickups.

Many families here in Thailand pay 6 and more years for the car and now they realize that are obligated to change it, HOW?

Do you like to reduce the carnage on Thai roads? Take out all those peoples that driving without driving licence, all the drunk and under drugs peoples, all the children that driving around with papas motorbike and finally all the trucks drivers that in the night time driving 110 km/h and more over the highway.

In case you do not know what is FEAR, driving by night on the next highway.

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13 minutes ago, Pattaya28 said:

Any mention of more than 1 passenger allowed on a motor-bike ?

Most deaths are riders on motor-bikes.

Or is this just overlooked ?

Hey, slow down, you are asking too much to be able to enforce too many laws at one time, they are having problems now with remembering that they are supposed to write out tickets for infringements and not put hand in window and wriggle fingers for tea money

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19 minutes ago, peperobi said:

The Thai traffic law is a no ending soap opera, our children must driving to school with very insecure cars (minivan, pick up and trucks), the family can't carry the children in the back seat of their two doors pickups.

Many families here in Thailand pay 6 and more years for the car and now they realize that are obligated to change it, HOW?

Do you like to reduce the carnage on Thai roads? Take out all those peoples that driving without driving licence, all the drunk and under drugs peoples, all the children that driving around with papas motorbike and finally all the trucks drivers that in the night time driving 110 km/h and more over the highway.

In case you do not know what is FEAR, driving by night on the next highway.

What scares me is that 1 in 10 motorcycles have no lights.

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I am surprised the Government has not commissioned one of the universities to research ways to allow the carrying of passengers more safely in pickup beds.


This could be rollbars, strong roofs, seatbelt mountings and removable seats.


Until an alternative is found, people including labourers and children will be treated like sacks of rice, and be just as disposable.

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8 hours ago, Ron19 said:

The law states that people should not be allowed to travel in the back of pick-ups or even in the "cab" area that is actually only registered for use as carrying goods. ?

Which makes it really difficult to drive if people - the driver is a person after all - are not allowed in the cab. But that's the rule, so it must be true.

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It seems that this government have a very limited arsenal when it comes to solving problems - in fact it is an arsenal of one - "BAN IT!"


no-one can deny that riding in the back of a pickup is dangerous and foolhardy, but when it comes to a percentage of deaths it is actually very small.....so there will be no dramatic change in the stats for new year.

However, New Year is one of the major holidays in Thailand and a time when families return home to unite.

Most of these people are poor - they live in shared accommodation month after month on a tiny salary a great part of which they send home. They can't afford to go home frequently just once or twice a year and this is it........... this is back to the smallholding to reunite with the family. The pickup is the staple transport and the year's bonus means that they can fill it with relatives and white goods and motorcycles for the "olds".


So what kind of government does this to its rank and file? How out of touch do they have to be with both road safety AND the people of Thailand to think that yet another ban is the right way to deal with this problem.

People have been planning this trip for months and how do you think they’ll feel about the Junta now?


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"Now it is felt that it would be a strong measure to limit the numbers killed on the roads again at the latest "deadly time" and Jakthip has been told they want it enforced,"


A profoundly ill-informed statement.

firstly it is not a "strong" measure it only addresses a very small percentage of the deaths

Secondly they still seem totally unaware that the death rate at NY is actually no higher or in fact LOWER at that time of year.


If they don't even know the basics, how can they expect to achieve anything????

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6 minutes ago, Ron19 said:

I could imagine the mayhem if a ten wheeler run up the back of that one.

Sent from my iris 755 using Tapatalk

Actually just imagine if he just braked suddenly.

however it appears that this is not a major part of the road death statistics.

Edited by Airbagwill
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3 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

"Now it is felt that it would be a strong measure to limit the numbers killed on the roads again at the latest "deadly time" and Jakthip has been told they want it enforced,"


A profoundly ill-informed statement.

firstly it is not a "strong" measure it only addresses a very small percentage of the deaths

Secondly they still seem totally unaware that the death rate at NY is actually no higher or in fact LOWER at that time of year.


If they don't even know the basics, how can they expect to achieve anything????

Get your head out of the sand Airbagwill and stop sucking up to the government because one death is too many and it needs someone who has the guts to stand up and do something about it. What happens in NY has nothing to do with what happens in Thailand. You only ever want to compare with what happens in America, how about comparing with what happens in Australia where because of proper law enforcement they have gotten their road toll down to under 1000 and yet they say that it is still too high and they are doing things about it. Something has to be done here in Thailand to reduce the road carnage and if you cannot accept that then it just shows the problem that is in bred into the Thai people about life has no value and it is not worth trying to save peoples lives.

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This will only be enforced if a farang is riding in the back of one...   like Thais riding bikes with no helmets or smoking on the beach. ..  it seems that they never get booked.!!!    As I have seen police just wave the Thai's on through at a road block, but never any tourist.... and today I see the Thai jetski guys smoking on the beach but the tourists going to the smoking areas for their fag... 

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Another quest to get the road carnage down, and as stated although in itself it is a dangerous practice, it's a tradition in the LOS..........economics will always dictate how people travel in Thailand.


Only................and a big ONLY.......if drivers actually 1) had a license and 2) understood the road rules and 3) drove accordingly to those road rules and conditions maybe....and a big MAYBE, there would be less carnage on the roads and less focus on loading up the back of pickup trucks with people.


That said when the majority of brain dead moron drivers don't even stop at clearly marked crossings for pedestrians what chance does Thailand every have of relinquishing their status as the number 1 country for road deaths and injuries in the world. 


As my buddy would say "you're flogging a dead horse" if you think you can get people out of the back of pickup trucks.

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11 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

Exempt in rural areas??  I dont understand, I thought that was where the bulk of the deaths were?

That it where the bulk of poor farmers are that have unroadworthy pick ups that the government don't care about

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