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Video: Thai restaurant customers order wheelchair bound foreign tourist to "get out" in foul mouthed rant


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2 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I'm sorry, but in my book, being so rude to any staff is a no no.

I agree with Keith101 about the sympathy card being played.

Had she actually been eating there, and showed some respect, the verbal tirade would never had happened.  

There is another vid is there, nothing of what you claim is shown on the vid i just watched.

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Rude handicaped on a wheelchair....rude customers on their feet....who is worse off ?


Is it the fault of the rude tourist that she was a muslim, rich and on a wheeel chair ? But does that give her an excuse to be rude to staff and take it all for granted ?


As for the customers, they are no better in their uncouth behaviour.....it's a bit of a match between someone awful vs some horrible people....score 0 - 0 !


IMHO both are wrong....sorry for the staff to have to put up with such disgusting behaviour.

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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

You are clearly seeing things different to other people.

How do you know he is a customer?

Why would another customer get so irate and yell at another customer to leave?

Maybe because he's shorts and a t-shirt. That almost looks like the Bangkok Bakery?

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Based on the video, we just do not know what happened. I have not run into too many Thais that are intolerant of Muslims, so I doubt that this was the reason for this. My guess, is that the people in the group, or the person in the wheelchair did something rude, or said something rude. Those two guys were pissed off. Something pissed them off. Come on. Lets get real. She was probably not a customer, and she was probably creating some sort of nuisance of herself. 

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Thais don't react like that unless you provoke them.  At least not Thais having a meal in a cafe in the middle of the day.


She probably took offence to staff telling her to go another way, said something bad, and then all hell broke loose.


Ultimately if that is the case she is at fault because she instigated the problem by being so lazy, then furthered it by arguing.

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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Marvelous. A tirade full of abuse, followed by "This is Thailand." Yes, we gathered that, as this wouldn't happen pretty much anywhere else.

I agree, Thais are all too quick to shout out THIS IS THAILAND. what has that got to do with it.  They dont respect their own country anyway.  Handicapped person could well have been out of order but it is the staff responsibility to calm the situation and none of them is able to control the diners.

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1 hour ago, champers said:

Why not politely request instead of telling? Zero points for customer service and look at the end result; plastered all over the worldwide web.

Maybe they had politely requested already. The female staff talk politely to the woman in the wheelchair. I would wager the woman had been rude already, probably ignored the requests from the staff to use the walkways.

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3 hours ago, sirineou said:

I understand that , but the article says "Workpoint TV suggested that the tourist - clearly a Muslim in a headscarf - had been rude to staff. "

and my point is, why does the tourist that had being rude to staff  need to be identified, as "clearly a Muslim"?? what difference does it make  that she is muslim. 

Perhaps I am missing something .

It matters,  because either for reasoning of direct experience or indirect observations of their refusal to integrate,  many people (Farang and Thai) loathe and avoid dealing with people from Muslim countries because of their lower social standards and higher  acceptance rates of violence against those that do not share in their religious beliefs.  They openly discriminate against the majority and therefore some choose to be bold enough to refuse their discrimination by refusing them. 


By the way,  Thais have a very good reason to hate Islam.  Wahabi money is funding extremist type Islamic schools in the south,  of which innocent Thais die on a daily basis for. 

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Regardless of race, breed or disability, I think the whole matter could have been resolved a little more quietly and discreetly,  however, unfortunately in Thailand, people have to shout, it appears that the louder you shout, the more 'Correct' you are .... even if you are not correct. There seems to be a little more to this story than meets the eye, perhaps access elsewhere in the hotel was not as good as the short cut through the restaurant ... what does it really matter, a few 'seconds' to wait for the disabled person to pass ???

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The yelling guys are totally wrong, especially on a older lady on wheel chair , even though might have done something wrong. "This is Thailand" shout generally happens if they are losing at some point.


If the lady on the wheel chair politely requested to use the toilet they would not stop it. Most restaurants dont have toilets for people on wheel chairs except toilets at the malls.


Pity thing about is, some on the wheel chair restricted to see many things, so when ever possible, they do window shopping.


All i can say is curiosity kills. I am sure she came for the medical tourism. So, there is a big opportunity for Thailand to open a mall for wheel chair people around Nana.



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4 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Would the staff have stopped someone walking through?

Because its a restaurant and not to be used as a shortcut to be used to get from one place to another .

   Understandable, if you are having  meal in a restaurant, you wouldnt want a stream of passers by walking by

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2 minutes ago, cardinalblue said:

And what is wrong with taking short cuts? Please explain why it is so common for motorbikes here to go the wrong way down a street?

short cuts are a way of life here...

Although this story isnt a story about a motorbike going the wrong way down the road , its about someone using a restaurant area as a short cut

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27 minutes ago, British Bulldog said:

Regardless of race, breed or disability, I think the whole matter could have been resolved a little more quietly and discreetly,  however, unfortunately in Thailand, people have to shout, it appears that the louder you shout, the more 'Correct' you are .... even if you are not correct. There seems to be a little more to this story than meets the eye, perhaps access elsewhere in the hotel was not as good as the short cut through the restaurant ... what does it really matter, a few 'seconds' to wait for the disabled person to pass ???

You didn't notice that the Arab woman was yelling also?

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4 hours ago, mok199 said:

we all know thais can be the rudest of all...I have seen very very little professionalism here...Thailand would be well advised to make it mandatory for all, in the tourism industry to take classes on how to respect a customer..but hey when you pay peanuts expect monkeys

Your comments have nothing to do with the story. The wheelchair woman was rude to the staff. You're witnessing the end of the issue not what has lead up to it. If staff requested that you not cut through their restaurant, you should respect their wishes. To challenge them resulted in disturbing the the paying customers....UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR....but likely behavior that comes naturally for this woman. As far as being Muslim, that is another issue, but doesn't mean her behaviour isn't because of her beliefs. 

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7 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Because its a restaurant and not to be used as a shortcut to be used to get from one place to another .

   Understandable, if you are having  meal in a restaurant, you wouldnt want a stream of passers by walking by

That wasn’t my point, nor does it answer my question (rhetorical as it was). 


Thanks for your contribution though. 

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