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Video: Thai restaurant customers order wheelchair bound foreign tourist to "get out" in foul mouthed rant


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5 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

So discrimination based on mobility is ok by you. 


How very unsurprising. 

Very unsurprisingly, that's just your interpretation of what I said.  I do think that discrimination based on how much inconvenience is caused to customers by non-customers is fine, maybe even recommended, though.

Edited by Just Weird
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3 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Very unsurprisingly, that's just your interpretation of what I said.  I do think that discrimination based on how much inconvenience is caused to customers by non-customers is fine, maybe even recommended, though.

I didn’t misinterpret what you said. 


It was very clear. 

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I do not know the circumstances and I could be wrong of course;  but for a Thai customer to get that upset, she must have been rude and abrasive.  I have a friend in a wheel chair and he has lived in Thailand for over 16 years and never had an issue at all. In fact he is treated incredibly well, wherever he goes. He gets taxis, goes to bars, restaurants and movies. But he is polite, mild mannered and respectful of Thai culture. The Thai people have treated him so well, over the years. It is why he lives in Thailand.


From my experience I have to say (not all), the people from the Middle East and India really do need to learn some manners and respect for other people’s culture. In 20 years I have seen how they shout, put their feet up on seats, argue over a few baht, demand discounts, cause problems at stations and generally are totally ignorant of the fact this is not their country. They have no respect for the Thai culture, their religion and their etiquette.  So I will defend the Thai’s on this, as I bet she was rude, ignorant and arrogant. I see it almost on a daily basis and quite frankly they need to be told. I for one, am tired of their rude arrogance and unpleasant attitude to other cultures. Sorry but seen too much of it over the years. If I am wrong in this particular instance, I am sorry. And the same goes for any other nationality too, that can't be civilised and polite. I am not prejudiced in any way. I am not being prejudiced but just stating what I have seen and heard many times over the years. Not just in Thailand but anywhere I have been. If you expect people to respect you, show them respect.



By the way...the guy is right !....It is Thailand and if you don't like it, leave. 

Edited by davidcc
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19 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Regardless of what actually happened this has been a monumental loss of face to the venue and a PR nightmare for TAT.

I very much doubt anyone really gives a flying flock. Just another clip of people having an argument, and only the end of it at that.

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6 hours ago, keith101 said:

If she wasn't in there to eat she shouldn't have been in there and i agree with the men in telling her to get out , probably trying to use the wheelchair for sympathy just to take a short cut through the hotel and what isn't said is whether she was staying in the hotel . 

Nothing to do with her being Muslim or not just not showing respect .

You certainly picked up more from the audio than i did. There seems to be a lot not said or done that you seem to have guessed at or have knowledge of but I don't see how you can conclude as you do on the available evidence. 

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2 hours ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:

Thais don't react like that unless you provoke them.  At least not Thais having a meal in a cafe in the middle of the day.


She probably took offence to staff telling her to go another way, said something bad, and then all hell broke loose.


Ultimately if that is the case she is at fault because she instigated the problem by being so lazy, then furthered it by arguing.

If the muslim offended the staff why are they wai'ing the Thai men to stop their aggressive tirade? The staff seem a bit embarrassed by the Thai reaction.


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5 hours ago, isaanbanhou said:


fair enough, it really doesn t matter that she was a female either or that it was in Thailand.  The two women are wearing hajibs so it was evident they are muslims.


When you take a whizz, do you use the men's room or the gender neutral room?  


Well, I prefer to leave whizzes rather than take them. However, I probably would use either one if I needed to go.

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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

You are clearly seeing things different to other people.

How do you know he is a customer?

Why would another customer get so irate and yell at another customer to leave?

Because the title of the story is "Video: Thai restaurant customers order wheelchair bound foreign tourist to "get out" in foul mouthed rant"

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34 minutes ago, davidcc said:

I do not know the circumstances and I could be wrong of course;  but for a Thai customer to get that upset, she must have been rude and abrasive.  I have a friend in a wheel chair and he has lived in Thailand for over 16 years and never had an issue at all. In fact he is treated incredibly well, wherever he goes. He gets taxis, goes to bars, restaurants and movies. But he is polite, mild mannered and respectful of Thai culture. The Thai people have treated him so well, over the years. It is why he lives in Thailand.


From my experience I have to say (not all), the people from the Middle East and India really do need to learn some manners and respect for other people’s culture. In 20 years I have seen how they shout, put their feet up on seats, argue over a few baht, demand discounts, cause problems at stations and generally are totally ignorant of the fact this is not their country. They have no respect for the Thai culture, their religion and their etiquette.  So I will defend the Thai’s on this, as I bet she was rude, ignorant and arrogant. I see it almost on a daily basis and quite frankly they need to be told. I for one, am tired of their rude arrogance and unpleasant attitude to other cultures. Sorry but seen too much of it over the years. If I am wrong in this particular instance, I am sorry. And the same goes for any other nationality too, that can't be civilised and polite. I am not prejudiced in any way. I am not being prejudiced but just stating what I have seen and heard many times over the years. Not just in Thailand but anywhere I have been. If you expect people to respect you, show them respect.



By the way...the guy is right !....It is Thailand and if you don't like it, leave. 

Yeah but you do say 'I bet' meaning you really don't know which is the problem with lots of comments in this thread. The evidence to offer an opinion either way is simply not there.

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42 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

That wasn’t my point, nor does it answer my question (rhetorical as it was). 


Thanks for your contribution though. 

It does indeed answer you question , it is a restaurant and not a place to be used to get from A - B , just because its quicker .

   Restaurants are not public thoroughfares and they are designated places for eating and there are also  designated thoroughfares for people to walk 

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

It does indeed answer you question , it is a restaurant and not a place to be used to get from A - B , just because its quicker .

   Restaurants are not public thoroughfares and they are designated places for eating and there are also  designated thoroughfares for people to walk 

No it does not answer my question. 


Perhaps you should read it again. 

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6 hours ago, sirineou said:

what difference does it make if he was a muslim or not??


He was a she.

It makes a difference if you want to know about any pork dishes the restaurant serves as this particular customer may not be able to give an educated review.

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1 minute ago, chickenslegs said:

How very rude of her to take a shortcut through the restaurant.

This being Thailand, there was probably a very convenient wheelchair route available... Here's one example.


"WEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - Splat!! on the way down....


Going up:

UR Ur Ur Ur  "ah... at the top - wot!!  - a wall"

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3 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

How very rude of her to take a shortcut through the restaurant.

This being Thailand, there was probably a very convenient wheelchair route available... Here's one example.


Total 100% sanook.

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3 hours ago, champers said:

Why not politely request instead of telling? Zero points for customer service and look at the end result; plastered all over the worldwide web.

Yep... that’s what I was looking for.


zero points for customer service.... And in my view, the woman in the wheelchair is a customer... or has those rights... whilst on the premises (and is probably a paying guest anyway)


ushering her through the restaurant, thus expediting her passage, and removing the problem, with a smile and a wai to any discomforted patron, seems like the professional thing to do.


and a more correct use of a wai, to boot.... vs wai-ing someone you’ve just given a beating too, for example.

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5 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

How very rude of her to take a shortcut through the restaurant.

This being Thailand, there was probably a very convenient wheelchair route available... Here's one example.


Although that doesnt seem to be wheel chair access , its where people with luggage on wheels can wheel their bags up and also for people making delivers to wheel goods up

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IMO a very erroneous headline.

I came on expecting to read about Thais abusing a wheelchair bound person simply because they were in a wheelchair ie an anti para tirade, but it's actually about a wheelchair user being somewhere they shouldn't be and being rude to staff because they are "wealthy" and apparently think they are special.

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