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Alcohol breath testing - any bad experiences?


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I met someone travelling through Thailand who claims they were charged with drunk driving on a falsified reading (drank two small bottles of Chang). I'm not saying I believe his story although I suppose if the reading was taken immediately after drinking 2 bottles in quick succession, it may have registered over the limit.


He also said that he was jailed overnight and had to appear before a judge in a group hearing the following morning. I could understand the police falsifying the reading if they wanted to take a bribe but not if they are going to charge him. 


I guess there is not much you could do in this situation if they wanted to get you.

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I was breath tested in Pattaya and as usual I don't drink and drive. That is much safer then chancing it and drinking and driving even if 2 small changs. If you have money to drink you have money for a taxi.


Anyway I was on my way to BKK with my gf in the car and there was a police checkpoint that i never saw comming. I turned a corner and was stopped. I had to blow in a tube and that was it. Many foreigners worry about the mouth part being reused... i did not. I joked with the cop that i never drink and drive and he told me great... a bit later I was on my way.


Just dont drink and drive not only a lil bit, just take a taxi if you want to.

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

I was breath tested in Pattaya and as usual I don't drink and drive. That is much safer then chancing it and drinking and driving even if 2 small changs. If you have money to drink you have money for a taxi.


Anyway I was on my way to BKK with my gf in the car and there was a police checkpoint that i never saw comming. I turned a corner and was stopped. I had to blow in a tube and that was it. Many foreigners worry about the mouth part being reused... i did not. I joked with the cop that i never drink and drive and he told me great... a bit later I was on my way.


Just dont drink and drive not only a lil bit, just take a taxi if you want to.


Can you tell us where was the checkpoint ?


And now usually they have a pre-test device: you do not need to put your mouth, just blow, then if it's positive they test more.



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49 minutes ago, dpdp said:


Can you tell us where was the checkpoint ?


And now usually they have a pre-test device: you do not need to put your mouth, just blow, then if it's positive they test more.



It was just before i went up to the expressway to BKK. I had to turn left to go to the expressway.so I could not see that there was an checkpoint. 

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58 minutes ago, robblok said:

It was just before i went up to the expressway to BKK. I had to turn left to go to the expressway.so I could not see that there was an checkpoint. 


Oh ! Never seen it there, you mean when leaving Pattaya, under the bridge to take the express way ?

I do not engage in anything illegal but I am always interested to know where they are, as I also do not trust them at all, and always fear that they look for some cash...




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I have been tested few times, never had any problems. But I know a few in our village who have tested positive. It is now serious they have all been detained and fined, if they can not get the money its off to court. A piss head in our village spent 3 weeks in Nang Rong prison before his family raised the fine.


Maybe its different in Bangkok or pattaya, but the breathalyzer used hear in Buriram/Surin makes it clear if you are negative. So I don't think the police can fake the test.

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20 hours ago, konisaan said:

I met someone travelling through Thailand who claims they were charged with drunk driving on a falsified reading (drank two small bottles of Chang). I'm not saying I believe his story although I suppose if the reading was taken immediately after drinking 2 bottles in quick succession, it may have registered over the limit.


My understanding has been that the limit is 0.0, it's a zero tolerance thing.  But since I don't drink, I've never taken the time to do any research on it.  Does anyone know what the actual limit is?   That could lead to further Googling to see how much it takes to go over- based on weight and time.


It's very possible that 2 Changs could ring the bell, and that even one could do it, depending on what the limit is.

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It has always been 0.5 but I consider this stupid. Who is able to stop when starting to drink ? It should be 0.0. And 1 month automatic jail for any offender !


I have no problem with people drinking or even taking drug IF THEY DO IT AT HOME and no not endanger anybody's life.



Edited by dpdp
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1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

The folks who do horrific damage driving drunk gives drinking and driving a bad name. Only a non drinker can't see the difference between a 1 or 2 small beers and a long drinking session.

Although quite  often, those just 1 or 2 small beers turn into an all night drinking session

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I know plenty of social drinkers that can have 1 or 2 drinks throughout a dinner or whatever & leave it at that. I can't so I just don't drink. Took me a while to figure that out though;-)

If the message spreads throughout the villages how much the jail time & fines suck, it can only make the roads safer. Now apply this to the ultra reckless drivers here & we may be on to something!

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Since it seems the collection of money is the main driving force for the people wearing police uniforms (still not sure most of them would quality as "Police")... once they figure out, that identifying and catching these idiots driving drunk could generates a lot of money, the roads might possibly become just a bit safer.





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I have been stopped a number of times around Ekkamai, normally in the early hours of the morning 0300-0500. Never a problem, quick blow in the tube and off.


I don't really understand why anyone here would even have one drink and drive. Even after one beer i can feel i have 'had a drink',  and just see no point in even putting yourself in a position to be exploited if you had an accident. In most major towns/cities in Thailand it is a simple matter of getting a motorbike home or a taxi for a few hundred baht max. Why would you risk your lifestyle for that.


I do understand way out in the sticks its different, although i would still not drink drive.

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There are a lot more really straight people living in Thailand than I thought. Sure taxis are cheap and if you are going to have a night on the town best to take a taxi home. But you are perfectly capable of having a standard drink every hour or more and stay under the limit. I would have less than this to be on the safe side, but the belief that no alcohol whatsoever should be consumed before driving is a little over the top.

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8 hours ago, dpdp said:

It has always been 0.5 but I consider this stupid. Who is able to stop when starting to drink ? It should be 0.0. And 1 month automatic jail for any offender !


I have no problem with people drinking or even taking drug IF THEY DO IT AT HOME and no not endanger anybody's life.



I am able to pace myself. Some people are able to exercise self control over their alcohol intake.

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10 hours ago, dpdp said:

It has always been 0.5 but I consider this stupid. Who is able to stop when starting to drink ? It should be 0.0. And 1 month automatic jail for any offender !


I have no problem with people drinking or even taking drug IF THEY DO IT AT HOME and no not endanger anybody's life.



You must really have a drinking problem if you think no one can stop once they start drinking. I drink socially and quite a lot sometimes. I rarely get drunk, because I do stop. I do not like getting drunk. In forty years, my wife says she has seen me drunk twice.

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I was randomly tested at a checkpoint back in BKK around March.  Nothing to put your lips on, just blow into the air towards the device.  After that, there was a snap from the device and I was on my way.


Not that I drink anymore anyways.  Once had acute pancreatitis... decided to remove anything from my life that could recreate that pain.

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