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Pope, on Christmas Eve, says faith demands respect of immigrants

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When are the illegal immigrants that try to enter Australia by boat going to realize that country shopping is gone.

Tax payers are tired of paying to house, feed, educate, provide medical services, transport and many other things.


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1 hour ago, Scouse123 said:

When are the countries that these ' refugees ' originate going to show the same tolerance and respect for other religions and welcome their followers and not attack them, ransack their places of worship, kill them as apostates, etc. ??


Answer: Never.


There are 57 Muslim states, that surely is enough to look after their own? After all, don't they allegedly follow the same values and believe in the same rules and laws?? They would not have to accept or look at the shameful Western ways.


Ah, that's right, they can't even agree amongst themselves which is the right and true path.


The right and true path, for them, is to export as many of their people and their backward, medieval religion to as many first world countries as they can. It's called invasion by colonisation.

12 hours ago, lungbing said:

South America being mostly catholic, and the Pope being Argentinian by birth, how many immigrants have  South America taken.

South America already has a large amount of internal refugees / displaced people from regional conflict, gang warfare and so on. As an example there are currently 3.5 million internally displaced persons inside Colombia, while another 500,000 – 750,000 are seeking refuge in neighbouring countries. However, some countries are taking in vetted refugees from overseas via the UN resettlement program.



7 hours ago, Credo said:

They have a long history of taking immigrants.   Look at all the former Nazis who long and contented lives there.


As noted in previous posts, the Vatican has taken refugees.   I suppose that the Pope  could tell all the Churches to become sanctuaries for refugees.   That would cause quite a stir.   

Yes closer examination of the details of the "refugees" they have taken shows the shallow, artificial nature of their actions.


And as for the Vatican State being a nation of immigrants, they are all hand-picked and pre-vetted and do not bring an endless line of dependents with them. Another example of the sham, mickey mouse, toytown state that it is.


I sure don't remember where in the Bible it said that the shepherds were the scourge of society, forced to live on the edge because they were despised and unwelcome. I seem to recall them being personally invited by an angel of God.

What can you expect from a hypocrite that just presided over the funnel of 1 of the biggest pedophiles in the catholic church.

Maybe by Easter we'll find out it was immigrants that dug the cave and carved the stone for Jesus after he was nailed up on the cross. :whistling:


Christianity will never recover from this abominable pope. As the western world developed and basic science was learned by all kids, it is only natural that Christianity would become less popular, but surely a pope should be trying to unite Christians and put out positive messages to attract newcomers to the religion. But, no. Just virtue signalling and incredibly hypocritical statements, clearly he is aiming for some nobel award because if his goal had been to ruin Christianity he couldn't have done a better job if he tried. What a disgrace he is.


22 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

Another thing Mary was pregnant and Joseph went back to his birthplace with her to register for the census and then was returning back home .

Except they didn't return home; according to Mathew they fled to Egypt to escape the massacre of the innocents by Herod the Great


Which makes them refugees.


After Herod's death they, again according to Matthew, returned to Judea (or Judah or Israel depending on which translation one reads).


Herod died in 4 AD and was succeeded by Herod Archelaus. Historically, Archelaus was such a violent and aggressive king that in the year 6 AD he was deposed by the Romans, in response to complaints from the population. Galilee was ruled by a much calmer king, Herod Antipas, and there is historical evidence that Galilee had become a refuge for those fleeing the iron rule of Archelaus. According to Matthew, the Holy Family were among these.


Refugees, again.


8 hours ago, steven100 said:

as an atheist .. it mean nothing.

Right.  It means about as much as the old guy down the hill, who spends all his waking hours making charcoal from gathered sticks, ....making some statement about something.  The charcoal-maker probably has more wisdom, and certainly doesn't harbor/promote old men who sexually molest children, as the Popes do.

19 hours ago, Scouse123 said:


There are 57 Muslim states, that surely is enough to look after their own? After all, don't they allegedly follow the same values and believe in the same rules and laws?? They would not have to accept or look at the shameful Western ways.


Ah, that's right, they can't even agree amongst themselves which is the right and true path.

Unlike Christians?

2 hours ago, welovethailand said:

atheists were created out of the catholic (pope) church.

Sorry to hear your anger....

Only you mentioned the word 'anger.'

Indifference is more to the point, from my perspective.

3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Unlike Christians?


I refuse to bite at this remark. You and I know there is no comparison.


Let's just say not all Muslims are terrorists but it certainly appears all terrorists are Muslims hell-bent on destroying the fabric of the Christian countries allowing them to take refuge, feeding, and clothing and giving them shelter.


Would the 57 Muslim states do that for Christians?

2 hours ago, Scouse123 said:


I refuse to bite at this remark. You and I know there is no comparison.


Let's just say not all Muslims are terrorists but it certainly appears all terrorists are Muslims hell-bent on destroying the fabric of the Christian countries allowing them to take refuge, feeding, and clothing and giving them shelter.


Would the 57 Muslim states do that for Christians?

People such as you should really stop echoing proven falsehoods.


In the OP the Pope is articulating core Christian values. Aiming hateful commentary at the Pope by some on this forum is only aiding the messengers of hate by those seeking to rip the fabric of Western societies, be they Islamists, the far right and so on.



10 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Except they didn't return home; according to Mathew they fled to Egypt to escape the massacre of the innocents by Herod the Great


Which makes them refugees.


After Herod's death they, again according to Matthew, returned to Judea (or Judah or Israel depending on which translation one reads).


Herod died in 4 AD and was succeeded by Herod Archelaus. Historically, Archelaus was such a violent and aggressive king that in the year 6 AD he was deposed by the Romans, in response to complaints from the population. Galilee was ruled by a much calmer king, Herod Antipas, and there is historical evidence that Galilee had become a refuge for those fleeing the iron rule of Archelaus. According to Matthew, the Holy Family were among these.


Refugees, again.


Soooooo, they fled to the first safe country, and didn't keep going till they found a country that would give them stuff for nothing.

1 hour ago, simple1 said:

People such as you should really stop echoing proven falsehoods.


In the OP the Pope is articulating core Christian values. Aiming hateful commentary at the Pope by some on this forum is only aiding the messengers of hate by those seeking to rip the fabric of Western societies, be they Islamists, the far right and so on.



Hmmmmm. Just what "core" values would they be then?

Sell all you have and give to the poor; it's easier for a rich man to pass through the eye of a needle than to enter heaven; if you have 2 coats give one to someone without; etc etc?

Do I need to point out the hypocrisy of the catholic church?



16 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Hmmmmm. Just what "core" values would they be then?

Sell all you have and give to the poor; it's easier for a rich man to pass through the eye of a needle than to enter heaven; if you have 2 coats give one to someone without; etc etc?

Do I need to point out the hypocrisy of the catholic church?



As a Westerner I'm surprised you're unaware of the core values of Christianity. There is criminality and hypocrisy committed by the minority in all religions/faiths, (e.g. look at the daily examples among Thai Buddhists), at the same time I do respect the good deeds and charitable work by many,  including by members of the Catholic Church, with billions of dollars spent annually in charity.



4 minutes ago, simple1 said:

As a Westerner I'm surprised you're unaware of the core values of Christianity. There is criminality and hypocrisy committed by the minority in all religions/faiths, (e.g. look at the daily examples among Thai Buddhists), at the same time I do respect the good deeds and charitable work by many,  including by members of the Catholic Church, with billions of dollars spent annually in charity.



I am very much aware of the core values of Christianity- love your neighbour as much as you love yourself, forgive those that do you harm, turn the other cheek, obey the commandments, help the poor, and judge not others.


"There is criminality and hypocrisy committed by the minority in all religions"

Not a minority in the catholic faith when the pope lives a life of luxury and lives in a big house filled with worldly treasure, then tells the poor that they must have more children than they can support.

The rot comes from the very top of the catholic church, IMO.



10 hours ago, simple1 said:

People such as you should really stop echoing proven falsehoods.


In the OP the Pope is articulating core Christian values. Aiming hateful commentary at the Pope by some on this forum is only aiding the messengers of hate by those seeking to rip the fabric of Western societies, be they Islamists, the far right and so on.



I was christened Catholic, I really don't need you or the Pope to remind me at my age what my Christian values are.


There were no proven falsehoods in what I stated, if so please enlighten!


It isn't the Islamists creating ghettos in the West, it isn't the Islamist attacking and raping young boys and girls at public swimming pools, it is the so-called ' mainstream  Muslims '  from these backward uneducated countries.


It is a backward, hateful, intolerant cult, not a religion, and needs wiping from the face of the Earth.I would ban any religion that promotes misogyny, beheadings,  burning in cages, throwing gays from tall buildings and stoning female victims of rape, whilst the mainstream Muslims say little or nothing because it is written in their twisted interpretation of their Koran.

34 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

There were no proven falsehoods in what I stated, if so please enlighten! <snip>


Your BS statement - "appears all terrorists are Muslims'.

Far right ideology has led to murders and attempted murders (domestic terrorism) in many  countries. Your echo chamber messaging of hate speech has been thoroughly condemned by professional counter terrorism experts. Time for you and your fellow travellers to grow up and comprehend the damage you cause.

2 hours ago, simple1 said:

Your BS statement - "appears all terrorists are Muslims'.

Far right ideology has led to murders and attempted murders (domestic terrorism) in many  countries. Your echo chamber messaging of hate speech has been thoroughly condemned by professional counter terrorism experts. Time for you and your fellow travellers to grow up and comprehend the damage you cause.

Liberals like you make me puke. All is rosy in the garden until it isn't with these ill thought out ideas.You then resort to blaming everything except the ' root cause ' which is unvetted and uncontrolled mass immigration.  If they were not let in in the first place, there wouldn't be ' domestic terrorism '

3 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

I was christened Catholic, I really don't need you or the Pope to remind me at my age what my Christian values are.


There were no proven falsehoods in what I stated, if so please enlighten!


It isn't the Islamists creating ghettos in the West, it isn't the Islamist attacking and raping young boys and girls at public swimming pools, it is the so-called ' mainstream  Muslims '  from these backward uneducated countries.


It is a backward, hateful, intolerant cult, not a religion, and needs wiping from the face of the Earth.I would ban any religion that promotes misogyny, beheadings,  burning in cages, throwing gays from tall buildings and stoning female victims of rape, whilst the mainstream Muslims say little or nothing because it is written in their twisted interpretation of their Koran.



10 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

Liberals like you make me puke. All is rosy in the garden until it isn't with these ill thought out ideas.You then resort to blaming everything except the ' root cause ' which is unvetted and uncontrolled mass immigration.  If they were not let in in the first place, there wouldn't be ' domestic terrorism '

Right - counter terrorism professionals advice makes you 'puke'. You and others apologist posts for right wing terrorism are appalling and shows what you and your clique are - terrorist sympathisers. Accordingly the same level as sympathisers for Islamist terror - traitors to our home countries.

1 hour ago, simple1 said:

Right - counter terrorism professionals advice makes you 'puke'. You and others apologist posts for right wing terrorism are appalling and shows what you and your clique are - terrorist sympathisers. Accordingly the same level as sympathisers for Islamist terror - traitors to our home countries.

Yeah, yeah, whatever nonsense you want to roll out. If it makes you feel better-carry on!

2 hours ago, simple1 said:

Right - counter terrorism professionals advice makes you 'puke'. You and others apologist posts for right wing terrorism are appalling and shows what you and your clique are - terrorist sympathisers. Accordingly the same level as sympathisers for Islamist terror - traitors to our home countries.

Did you ever wonder why those monstrous blocks placed all around our Christmas markets and city centers are called "korancrete" or "Merkel Lego" ?? Why, if the so called far right terrorists are the ones causing mayhem and gore are these blocks not called Nazicrete or AryanLego? Simple answer for you, my friend, is there is no point discussing a misguided Pope's missives that serve to embolden the islamic takeover of Europe, with supporters of the Caliph.


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