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Issaan II

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I met my gf in Pattaya and she moved to stay with me in Bangkok. I visited her father's village and her sister's village a few times over the years and every time I go there I get bored within hours. I think the main reason is that life up-country (mostly farming) is so different from my life (working in offices in the big city) that we have little to talk about. I am not interested in farming and they are not interested in life in the city. We might agree on the food we eat but that's about the biggest nominator.

When they start drinking I like to join them for a beer or two. But I definitely don't want to get as drunk as possible all the time - which seems usual for at least some people in the family. Thanks but no thanks.

And then there are the mosquitos, long ways (basically impossible to walk) to the next shop, lots of crazy and drunk drivers, etc.

I can't imagine living there.


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35 minutes ago, giddyup said:

My partner comes from a small village near Yasothon. Have visited her rellies there several times, but the idea of living there full-time will never happen. Nothing to do and nothing to see.

Pity that your partner not comes from KK. Lots to do overthere i have read. 


Btw, where have you met him/her ?

Edited by Been there done that
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I was helping a friend in Buriram Province when I first made contact with my gf.  I came to Khun Han for a weekend to meet her.  That was about 15 months ago.  Have been back to Oz for a couple of months in that time.  I was raised on a farm and the old saying, “you can take the boy out of the farm but you can't take the farm out of the boy” applies to me even though the “boy” is closing in on 72 years.  We are still setting up our small mango, banana, veggies, various other fruits, fish and poultry farm.  My gf owns this land and another building block in the village where we live.  We also grow rice on a jointly owned family farm.  Always something to do which keeps me active and never bored.  I've seen too many retired blokes drink themselves dead in a few years.


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"After a slow start the Issaan topic finally got going"


Not any longer, it is closed? why? I don't understand, was it not flowing along nicely with a bit of humour and a rather pleasant input from the Isaan guys with very little trolling and negativity? 


I question your reason opening for this thread is it to really ascertain where guys met their Isaan wives and why they live/stay in Isaan? or an attempt to open up a shooting range for the trolls who would start to offer the usual plethora of negative 'advice'? we shall see :whistling:


I met my wife at a birthday dinner for her, at my friends house, in the village. No doubt there was intention on the part of my friend and his wife.They did me a great service for which I will always be grateful :wai:

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hi i live in wang noy a little village of 2000 people  i have been coming here for 6 weeks at a time for the last 6 years i have allways felt wellcome here if i need to go shopping its only 50 km away chaiyapchum yes we live here because my wife family are here  we do own a house in bangkok but i like it here a lot safer

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23 minutes ago, lindlake said:

hi i live in wang noy a little village of 2000 people  i have been coming here for 6 weeks at a time for the last 6 years i have allways felt wellcome here if i need to go shopping its only 50 km away chaiyapchum yes we live here because my wife family are here  we do own a house in bangkok but i like it here a lot safer

"a little village of 2000 people" that's an interesting definition of a little village ;)


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Well i live in deepest Issan,small village ( about 60 families ) love it, no other farangs in the village.

Met my Issan wife on the internet. Yes it does work when meeting ladies on the internet.

Never been happier in my life, fantastic/loving/ caring wife, what more could a man want?

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22 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Well i live in deepest Issan,small village ( about 60 families ) love it, no other farangs in the village.

Met my Issan wife on the internet. Yes it does work when meeting ladies on the internet.

Never been happier in my life, fantastic/loving/ caring wife, what more could a man want?

Was she living in that village, and only in that village, before you met her? I ask because I guess it would be a BIG culture shock for both of you if she never lived anywhere else.

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26 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Well i live in deepest Issan,small village ( about 60 families ) love it, no other farangs in the village.

Met my Issan wife on the internet. Yes it does work when meeting ladies on the internet.

Never been happier in my life, fantastic/loving/ caring wife, what more could a man want?

More or less the same for me Colin - except the village bit.

My wife is loving, caring & patient ( needs to be with me) :laugh:

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1 hour ago, 55Jay said:

Also don't understand why he started a new thread, this time taking the question a bit deeper.  Maybe the first one wasn't specific enough.  Been there done that.   You guys have fun.  C YA.

Not enough slagging and too many people enjoying Issan. Let's try again.....

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9 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I met my gf in Pattaya and she moved to stay with me in Bangkok. I visited her father's village and her sister's village a few times over the years and every time I go there I get bored within hours. I think the main reason is that life up-country (mostly farming) is so different from my life (working in offices in the big city) that we have little to talk about. I am not interested in farming and they are not interested in life in the city. We might agree on the food we eat but that's about the biggest nominator.

When they start drinking I like to join them for a beer or two. But I definitely don't want to get as drunk as possible all the time - which seems usual for at least some people in the family. Thanks but no thanks.

And then there are the mosquitos, long ways (basically impossible to walk) to the next shop, lots of crazy and drunk drivers, etc.

I can't imagine living there.





Amen, Brother!


"I can't imagine living there."






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2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Was she living in that village, and only in that village, before you met her? I ask because I guess it would be a BIG culture shock for both of you if she never lived anywhere else.

Answering your question,my wife was born in a house 50 meters from here, only moved when we built this house.

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5 hours ago, 473geo said:

"After a slow start the Issaan topic finally got going"


Not any longer, it is closed? why? I don't understand, was it not flowing along nicely with a bit of humour and a rather pleasant input from the Isaan guys with very little trolling and negativity? 


I question your reason opening for this thread is it to really ascertain where guys met their Isaan wives and why they live/stay in Isaan? or an attempt to open up a shooting range for the trolls who would start to offer the usual plethora of negative 'advice'? we shall see :whistling:


I met my wife at a birthday dinner for her, at my friends house, in the village. No doubt there was intention on the part of my friend and his wife.They did me a great service for which I will always be grateful :wai:

The thread was closed by the moderator, NOT upon my request.

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2 hours ago, Kadilo said:

Not enough slagging and too many people enjoying Issan. Let's try again.....

Sad to read that projection rears it voice again and again. As stated above, it was not upon my request that previous thread was closed. I was surprised too as it was going on nicely. Maybe a moderator could reopen it again.

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15 hours ago, faraday said:

Doubt you've ever been here.




You can doubt all you like but you would definitely be wrong.


I'm happy people live there as it allows for the population to be spread out somewhat.




Oh yes,  besides living there for many years, I've visited most if not all the major cities in Issan.


We all have a right to our preferences.      Do you find that hard to understand?





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I'm not with a woman from Issan etc. Not looking to meet a woman from Issan or even Thailand in general for that matter...., but for some strange reason, it's a topic that I find really interesting. It makes me wonder if potentially I could cut the mustard in making a life up there. I think I love my farm in S/W Oz too much. Cheers guys.

Edited by Sandy Freckle
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12 minutes ago, Sandy Freckle said:

I'm not with a woman from Issan etc. Not looking to meet a woman from Issan or even Thailand in general for that matter...., but for some strange reason, it's a topic that I find really interesting. It makes me wonder if potentially I could cut the mustard in making a life up there. I think I love my farm in S/W Oz too much. Cheers guys.

Hi Freckles - - if you are enjoying and more importantly, making a living on your farm now, to jump all the hurdles to farm here seems like it would not likely be nearly as profitable, if that is a motive... 


As to the "living" part of being in a small village - I would guess that a good %% of my life here is similar to a life in Bkk... to visit here might be boring, but the living part is somewhat comparable most hours of the day. I sleep in my own bed, have my morning coffee in the very green back yard gardens, my office is fine with great internet connection, most meals are made at home, we have a very pleasant small city nearby for walking around, restaurants, foot massage, .. nightlife & number of restaurants surely favor Bkk living, but otherwise, home and ease of country living has advantages too. 

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29 minutes ago, Sandy Freckle said:

I'm not with a woman from Issan etc. Not looking to meet a woman from Issan or even Thailand in general for that matter...., but for some strange reason, it's a topic that I find really interesting. It makes me wonder if potentially I could cut the mustard in making a life up there. I think I love my farm in S/W Oz too much. Cheers guys.

Come on Sandy you can do it. Look at the weather today. Glorious blue skies and sunshine, and you can grow things all year round. Just make sure you've got a good well or irrigation canal.

You can't beat Issan women, or if you do they'll probably tell the village headman, but apart from that they are wonderful. Lots of humour and fun. The sheilas down under are lovely gals but they do tend to get beer bellies after a couple of years of knocking back the old Fosters.

BTW mods,.please bring back the old thread,.... bring back the old thread, .... all together now,...... bring back the old thread. (I want to know if sirineou has sobered up yet).

Edited by bannork
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"beer bellies after a couple of years of knocking back Fosters"

To the best of my knowledge Fosters is not sold in Australia.  If it is it's very well hidden.  I think it's only for the UK.  But you are right about the beer bellies or fast food bellies or whatever makes them overweight.

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Isaan is such a large area it's not accurate to label all the area in one topic. There's Isaan and then there's "Super Isaan"

Downtown Udon is not same as Sakon  and so on. You can live in a city or in a rice paddy.

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16 hours ago, bannork said:

Come on Sandy you can do it. Look at the weather today. Glorious blue skies and sunshine, and you can grow things all year round. Just make sure you've got a good well or irrigation canal.

You can't beat Issan women, or if you do they'll probably tell the village headman, but apart from that they are wonderful. Lots of humour and fun. The sheilas down under are lovely gals but they do tend to get beer bellies after a couple of years of knocking back the old Fosters.

BTW mods,.please bring back the old thread,.... bring back the old thread, .... all together now,...... bring back the old thread. (I want to know if sirineou has sobered up yet).

Ha ha..., I'm hearing you..., but apart from 3 months of a 'real' winter, here in south west WA is the best(Iv'e been here too long. Growing food..., I can do that quite well now and the water, soil and air is as absolutely unpolluted and as good as it gets. I have thought of spending part of my future years in Northern Thailand..., with a good dark skinned woman...., on a few acres with a good clean water supply plus a house and food forest/garden in Northern Thailand(someones gonna chime in soon and say "tell him he's dreaming" !). I do like Issan women..., it seems if you get a 'good one'..., well let me put it this way..., they seem to be very 'can do' and down to earth. Great for a rural life...., but are they low maintenance ?
Anyway, I'm planning to be in Northern Thailand in May/June(yes I know that it's not the best timing but I "always try to take the weather with me"). I'll be discretely celebrateing 62 years..., but I'll not be in the market for anything other than to enjoy the countryside, people, culture, food and an afternoon frostie or 2. Please excuse me but while in on a ranting roll..., there's 1 main deal breaker re moving to LOS..., I still like to get out on the Ocean and catch a wave or 3..., and last time I checked there weren't any point breaks along the Mekong....., but, here around Margaret River it's a different story ;-) 
Who knows what the future brings...., "if enough is not enough..., more will never be better".
Happy New Year to you all...., I'll be over on the side..., sandbagging. 

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On 12/30/2017 at 6:53 PM, Been there done that said:


Where did you meet your current wife/gf and what has she done to persuade you guys to try it and live there ?


Met her online and we connected immediately.  As far as inducement to move there,  she was just her self, I would live in Antarctica if I had too  I guess.  I am not far from a decent sized isaan city,  can be in BKK before lunch for 1200 baht and enjoy the slow pace of village life.

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