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Australian child sex abusers on notice in Thailand


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5 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

Yeah thats correct, it's all down to the girls making it available.

You cant blame the old men can you.



It's a two-way street... availability creates demand.. demand drives availability... 
it needs to be tackled from both directions..

unfortunately the "availability" is operated by lets say "influential" people, some of whom dress in civvies others who done the "brown" !!

The monies too good to stop the rot & as far as a directive from the government to put an end to it.. that will never happen as it has a direct bearing on Thailands GDP !!!!

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16 minutes ago, Thaidaddy said:

Sorry, but I am offended that the article targets Aussie pedo's.

Whilst I am sure they are around, why were the Aussies targeted on this occasion?

It is just that Australia is the closest western country so from a western point of view this is Australia's back yard - and more trash gets tossed here..... It does not mean that there is not more trash in Europe or North America, just that due to location -- less of it gets tossed this way - while some gets tossed in other directions.


But I know what you mean... I cringe everytime I hear about "swirly man".


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5 hours ago, greenchair said:

Well no you can't blame the girls. But who are the people providing the girls. 

12 year old girls don't just mosy on up to pattaya nightlife by themselves.  Thai adults are seducing them into the trade with promises of a golden life. 

I recall a few stories on tv where Thai parents either sold their children into prostitution or similar situations. In any case, it shouldn’t matter who does it they should all be strung up

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56 minutes ago, fantom said:

I wonder if any posters so far actually read the article. The headline is at best misleading.

The focus of said paedophilia is young boys.


No it isn’t.... young boys being the main victims in Pattaya according to a Thai cop, is mentioned at the very end of the link. The article is about pedos in general (unless by not reading all 11 pages of comments, I missed an update).... with the focus on highlighting efforts to stamp it out.


33 minutes ago, Thaidaddy said:

Sorry, but I am offended that the article targets Aussie pedo's.

Whilst I am sure they are around, why were the Aussies targeted on this occasion?

Lol... there’s the misleading bit.... the story,in its entirety, is based on Australian efforts as world leaders in fighting pedo tourism... it’s really an attaboy, so be proud, not offended, in our countries leading position on this subject.


thailand is bouncing of Australia’s work.... with someone gobbing off that there may be Aussies involved.... no evidence... just opinion, despite Aussie pedos being banned from travel. Ergo, if aussies, they are not convicted yet (unfortunately.... but not to our national shame, as no nation does more to prevent it, than others)





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42 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

What do you think the police here would do? I saw a woman in Jakarter offering her 12 year old daughter for sex in front of my hotel, I know it was the mother because I asked her what she thought she was doing and if she wasn't ashamed, her response, ''you rich foreigner you no understand poor people''. The girl seemed quite casual about it all.

Not my Intention to criticise you here, but I guess you were in Jakarta/Indonesia ??


   A friend of mine was given the 15 year old daughter from a CM hotel owner, because he thought that a businessman shouldn't sleep alone. Of course did he deny. 


   P.S. That was 20 + years before. God, now I feel very old, it seemed only a few months ago.....


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4 hours ago, Just Weird said:


"...if there is no supply, there can be no demand. Simple economics".

Simple economics?  Sounds much more like couldn't-be-more-wrong economics; if there is no supply demand can grow, if there is no demand there will be no supply!

If  the chicken didn't lay the egg first, there never would have been a never ending debate about that either.

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19 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

It's a two-way street... availability creates demand.. demand drives availability... 
it needs to be tackled from both directions..

unfortunately the "availability" is operated by lets say "influential" people, some of whom dress in civvies others who done the "brown" !!

The monies too good to stop the rot & as far as a directive from the government to put an end to it.. that will never happen as it has a direct bearing on Thailands GDP !!!!

Underage sexual predation is a very sick and insane situation. It's very distressing to know that just by the fact of living here that I am associated with such criminal behaviour. Very sad for the victims. Even sadder is the fact that my 45 year old GF takes a rather neutral attitude toward such perversion. If ordinary Thais feel this way, what is the answer??  Very troubling.

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The main problem is that children are available for foreign paedophiles, but unfortunately no one will go after the local Thais who are providing the children.

That won’t make the headlines, ‘Foreign Paedophiles in Pattaya’ that’s a headline ‘Thai pimp arrested’ that won’t make the inner pages.

And sorry for being so cynical, but there is money to be made out of foreigners: several hundred thousand Baht and you can go free, how much will a Thai pimp have on him, couple of hundred Baht? not really worth the police wasting their time!

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1 hour ago, jenny2017 said:

Well, I'm honestly not drunk, but busy with other stuff. Onto is already into, my apologies for that/


  Yes, they could be traced, found, and then arrested and deported. But knowing Thailand, there'd be people who lose some face, be it the immigration that let them in first place.


   But to find all of them would be a lot of police work and we both know them don't we?


   Okay, agreed, if it's only preventing one sicko from raping a child, round them up and arrest them. 

Hey don't applogise, I found it amusing, "not let enter them....." reminded me of Tony Hancock's 'The radio ham' (showing my age now) "What is the weather like over there?....., in English you fool,..... yes, yes, good,  it is are not raining here also"

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10 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Hey don't applogise, I found it amusing, "not let enter them....." reminded me of Tony Hancock's 'The radio ham' (showing my age now) "What is the weather like over there?....., in English you fool,..... yes, yes, good,  it is are not raining here also"

Brrr, the whiskey on the 31st must have destroyed more cells than I thought. I don't get it, where does the "not enter them" come from? Gossh, it's time to retire. 

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10 minutes ago, phil2803 said:

What is the legal age for sex in Thailand?

Thailand statutory rape law is violated when an individual has consensual sexual intercourse with a person under age 15. However, sex with a minor under age 18 is a compoundable offense, regardless of consent.





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2 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

Thailand statutory rape law is violated when an individual has consensual sexual intercourse with a person under age 15. However, sex with a minor under age 18 is a compoundable offense, regardless of consent.

Keep it simple, 18

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Ive not seen anything on here said about the indian perverts that ogle young children. I was in pattaya 6 yrs ago with my family and witnessed an indian man on his balcony of the hotel room watching my 10 yr old daughter swimming she was the only one in the pool later another 2 men from the same tour group came on to their balcony and watched her. One went in and came out with a camera. We left immediately and complained to the management. So its not only farangs that are to worry about with regards to paedophilia 

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Flush Out the Scumbags from their sewers and LOCK THEM UP HERE IN THAILAND. instead of sending them back to do time in an Aussie "Resort Prison."

Let the inmates in Thai Jails give them a serve of what they deserve every time they turn around.

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9 hours ago, greenchair said:

Well no you can't blame the girls. But who are the people providing the girls. 

12 year old girls don't just mosy on up to pattaya nightlife by themselves.  Thai adults are seducing them into the trade with promises of a golden life. 

Nothing in Thailand is black and white, some of these underage girls have older sisters in the game and willingly want to follow their footsteps.  However I doubt the really young girls are promised the golden life.  More likely they are threatened with a beating if they don't obey.  But like I said there will be hundreds of different stories and scenarios.  Bottom line motivation is money but who get's the lion's share?

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9 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

That's odd, I thought they would all be in Cambodia. Look at some of the 1000's of Pattaya nightlife vlogs, if you can bear the mindless boredom, and inane commentaries, and you will be hard pressed to  spot a working girl under the age of 25, or under the weight of 60. It must be a safety in numbers thing. I guess the cheap food, and the chance to endlessly swill beer while watching the 'footy' appeals to all types.

ive been going to pattayas since 2004 and i have never seen any girl even remotely underage working in a bar or gogo,

not that im 'looking' for young uns, but surely the pervs who do this will be targeting in the sticks villages with nearby schools that due to poverty may be vulnerable to exploitation




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11 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

Yeah thats correct, it's all down to the girls making it available.

You cant blame the old men can you.



Yes, if a pickpocket steals your wallet the blame is all on you for brazenly going about with a wallet in the first place.


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repeated headlines in the Thai news....uncle raped 5 year old............father molested 13 year old for years, monk abuses 30 boys,some of the casual lines in newspapers without us,  the public ever knowing if these pedo's are registered and watched cross country.

My guess is that local predators are the vast majority spreading all over the country, without a foreign skin , teachers license or passport.

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10 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

Man, it would be great if Thai customs could connect with the Interpol system for pedos and track them at the airport.


It is a problem in every country it is too bad that countries cannot stop people they suspect or at least warn other countries but that would not be pC



how they going to track them are they going to hide in wardrobes in bedrooms with a camara 

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11 hours ago, greenchair said:

Well no you can't blame the girls. But who are the people providing the girls. 

12 year old girls don't just mosy on up to pattaya nightlife by themselves.  Thai adults are seducing them into the trade with promises of a golden life. 

 Still called Child abuse, which ever way you Dress it up. Women are usually the Victims.

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