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Trump denies vulgar remarks about Haiti, African countries; condemnation mounts

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Love this guy....he should run for office...a real straight shooter..
Typical lefty interviewer, unprepared, ill advised, and took on somebody he couldn't match, so cut it short. It's what we've come to expect.

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People are focusing too much on the obscenity which he obviously DID say. What's much more obscene though is the context of the obscenity and that it came from the president. He doesn't belong there. He's a disgrace to all decent Americans. As he said of Haitians 'Take them out' paraphrased -- TAKE HIM OUT! 





No, what should sadden every American is to have someone living in the White House with so little respect for the courage of women and men who have been coming here from “shithole” countries for centuries — and who have built the United States into the great nation it is today. The Jews who fled the shtetls, the Irish who escaped the potato famine, the Italians who left hardscrabble farms in Sicily, the Vietnamese who crammed onto rickety fishing boats, the Afghans and Eritreans and Nicaraguans who ran from bloody civil wars — each and every one of them could have been turned back to their “shithole” native lands had U.S. leaders then been as obtuse as Mr. Trump is today.



Trump is a racist, it is in his jeans...


On Memorial Day in 1927, the Ku Klux Klan marched in Queens to protest that "Native-born Protestant Americans" were being "assaulted by Roman Catholic police of New York City". Fred Trump was one of seven men who were arrested that day "on a charge of refusing to disperse from a parade when ordered to do so."

 In 2016, Vice magazine reported on their investigation of earlier newspaper clippings and found that Trump was the only person arrested who was not charged with any crime, leading them to conclude that he could have been a bystander; they also speculated that Trump may have been a member of the KKK, which had gone through a revival in urban areas after 1915.

All seven men arrested however were declared to be wearing Klan attire according to several sources cited in the Vice article. When asked about the issue in September 2015 by The New York Times, Donald Trump, then a candidate for presidency of the United States, denied that his father had been arrested, or that he had been in the KKK.


1 hour ago, selftaopath said:

I hope you are correct in "He will be responsible for his own fall."  I am not as confident. I really fear he is edging toward dictatorship daily. He is mimicking Turkey and Russia's dictators. He has neutered Congress, while undermining our institutions. The Russians hacked the DNC, but they also hacked the RNC. Maybe the Republicans are afraid of being exposed?


Trump listens to Fox - that broadcast opinions as facts. He ignores US intelligence agencies, and will not embrace any form or fact finding. Trump has hoards of sheep who spew out Fox's party line repeatedly.  His defenders don't seem bothered by Trumps authoritarian dismantling of rule of law/democracy. I really hope I am being an alarmist, but fear I am not.

You are really stretching things don't ya think...edging toward dictatorship... I sure he watches all of the news channels...fox news just seems to be the only network supportive of him.....the rest are like the tabloids out for his blood on anything since their candidate Billery wasn't elected....

1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

People are focusing too much on the obscenity which he obviously DID say. What's much more obscene though is the context of the obscenity and that it came from the president. He doesn't belong there. He's a disgrace to all decent Americans. As he said of Haitians 'Take them out' paraphrased -- TAKE HIM OUT! 






But Obama wasn't a disgrace when he said similar in an interview a couple of years ago??   The democrats certainly have a jaundiced way of looking at the world.

19 minutes ago, Basil B said:

Trump is a racist, it is in his jeans...


Are they Levis jeans or Texwood?   giggle...giggle.


Anybody who uses wikipedia as an authoritative source, without other sources substantiating the information is looking to make a fool of himself.   Anybody can contribute/amend the information.

20 minutes ago, crankshaft said:

You are really stretching things don't ya think...edging toward dictatorship... I sure he watches all of the news channels...fox news just seems to be the only network supportive of him.....the rest are like the tabloids out for his blood on anything since their candidate Billery wasn't elected....

He is definitely not stretching things at all!

If trump fully achieves his goals, the American democracy is finished. 

The same as Erdogan ruined Turkey.

He's already done a lot of damage.






Want to see where Trump is taking America? Look at Turkey under Erdogan.

The only hope is to continue to try to check his power. We know how the story ended in Turkey. We must not let Trump write the same ending here, one tweet at a time.





3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He is definitely not stretching things at all!


If trump fully achieves his goals, the American democracy is finished. 


The same as Erdogan ruined Turkey.

He's already done a lot of damage.







If trump fully achieves his goals, the American democracy is finished. 


Be serious................please!!  That is the stuff of a drama queen, no less.


Perhaps you can enlighten us on what 'his goals' actually are???

1 hour ago, F4UCorsair said:

If trump fully achieves his goals, the American democracy is finished. 


Be serious................please!!  That is the stuff of a drama queen, no less.


Perhaps you can enlighten us on what 'his goals' actually are???

He can't fully impart his goals to this board until the major media finishes his brain washing....


trump's goals are obvious. Just watch him. They are very similar to "populist" authoritarian demagogues in history, from the left and right, but he's from the right. He really is a serious threat to American democracy. Only vigilance from citizens can stop him, and the way it's been going isn't all that encouraging.


To expand a bit --



9 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

Are they Levis jeans or Texwood?   giggle...giggle.


Anybody who uses wikipedia as an authoritative source, without other sources substantiating the information is looking to make a fool of himself.   Anybody can contribute/amend the information.

Well he keeps his balls in his jeans most of the time...



10 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

Anybody who uses wikipedia as an authoritative source, without other sources substantiating the information is looking to make a fool of himself. 

OK but there are other sources...



On Memorial Day 1927, brawls erupted in New York led by sympathisers of the Italian fascist movement and the Ku Klux Klan.

In the fascist brawl, which took place in the Bronx, two Italian men were killed by anti-fascists.

In Queens, 1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through the Jamaica neighbourhood, eventually spurring an all-out brawl in which seven men were arrested.

One of those arrested was Fred Trump of 175-24 Devonshire Road in Jamaica.
This is Donald Trump's father. Trump had a brother named Fred, but he wasn't born until more than a decade later. The Fred Trump at Devonshire Road was the Fred C. Trump who lived there with his mother, according to the 1930 Census.






Whether you like it or not he is a racist just like his farther...


It is in his genes (or jeans)



On 12/01/2018 at 11:31 PM, mtls2005 said:

No doubt he's had very bad few days this week, and that's saying something...too much Fox & Friends?


Flubbing the national anthem at CFC

"Stable genius"

U.K. visit/new embassy

Payment to porn star

FISA confusion

Immigration/DACA confusion

F-52 confusion

Sh*thole remarks

Repeating "no collusion" seven times in one answer



One assumes the staff turnover and maybe lack of full-time day-care is negatively impacting his grasp on reality?


Any responsible family member would figure out a way out of this mess, much like we all eventually have to do when caring for aging parents.


Eh .! Flubbing the national anthem at CFC .. What was he making a cock of himself at Stamford Bridge as well .? 

And what's this about paying Pornstars .? Ain't heard 'bout that one .. 

On 1/13/2018 at 11:13 AM, gamini said:

I guess you are the same as Ttrump with your ugly ignorant racist views. 

Why is calling a country a shit hole, racist? Very few countries have a single 'race' of people living in them. :coffee1: Calling a country a shit hole is diplomatically stupid and rude, but it is not racist. Does anyone actually remember what the definition of racism is anymore? :unsure:

1 hour ago, SABloke said:

Why is calling a country a shit hole, racist? Very few countries have a single 'race' of people living in them. :coffee1: Calling a country a shit hole is diplomatically stupid and rude, but it is not racist. Does anyone actually remember what the definition of racism is anymore? :unsure:

I doubt he would have pulled it off, but his remarks about bringing in more people from places like Norway pretty much nailed it as racist.   Norway is as white as Africa and Haiti are black.   


And other than race, I can be pretty sure that the politics of the average Norwegian would not set well with Trump.   

3 hours ago, SABloke said:

Why is calling a country a shit hole, racist? Very few countries have a single 'race' of people living in them. :coffee1: Calling a country a shit hole is diplomatically stupid and rude, but it is not racist. Does anyone actually remember what the definition of racism is anymore? :unsure:

"Cause he specifically linked his thoughts on immigration policy intake to the peoples of those countries, thereby placing them in the same category. One notes Trump has not claimed he didn't make the 'shithole' comment re African countries, only Haiti. One assumes attempted to exempt Haitians due to their prior support which is likely to have now vanished.


It is interesting to note the following in the light of Trump's comments...


African immigrants to the US are among the most educated groups in the United States. Some 48.9 percent of all African immigrants hold a college diploma. This is more than double the rate of native-born white Americans, and nearly four times the rate of native-born African Americans.




Jeet Heer (‪@HeerJeet‬)

15/1/18, 13:38

This week in Kettle Logic: 1) He didn't say that. 2) If he did say it, Dems shouldn't have repeated it 3) He said shithouse, not shithole. 4) What's wrong with calling those countries shitholes? 5) Obama once used the word shit.

On ‎1‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 3:54 PM, F4UCorsair said:

Typical lefty interviewer, unprepared, ill advised, and took on somebody he couldn't match, so cut it short. It's what we've come to expect.

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All the interviewees seem to be as anti Trump as the presenters so it must have been a shock to him that one that isn't was able to sneak in. Some poor soul will be getting it hard now for not vetting him well enough.

Anyway, the job has been well done as everyone is rabbiting on about his vulgar remarks and not talking about the subject. Deflect, deflect deflect seems to work every time.

Doesn't even matter if he actually said it or not now, the mob has ruled he did, so it must be true.


The condemnation is near universal, except for trump supporters, who are either making excuses, rationalizing, or lying that it didn't happen. 

But, some groups of people really LOVE it. Now who would those groups be? Hmm.




White Nationalists Just Loved Trump’s ‘Shithole’ Comment


Richard Anglin of the Daily Stormer called Trump’s comments “encouraging and refreshing,” and noted that they indicate that “Trump is more or less on the same page as us with regards to race and immigration.” He went on to rant about “shitty brown people who come to our country exclusively to parasite off of us.”







On 1/12/2018 at 6:04 PM, greatwhitenorth said:

what did you expect a liar to do but lie.  leopard don't change from dots to stripes.  


his supporters know he said it and are proud that they have a racist in the white house.


one can't help wonder how much more danger he has put the 6000 US troops that are currently stationed in Africa?  

Dick Durbin is the person that made the claims about what Trump allegedly said.  

REPORT: Dick Durbin Has A History Of Lying About Private White House Meetings


On 1/13/2018 at 1:49 PM, DrTuner said:

Trump, the glorious champion against PC rot. Shithole countries are shithole countries, he just shot it straight.

Wait a minute, Trump claims he never said that.  Are you calling Trump a liar?

52 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Wait a minute, Trump claims he never said that.  Are you calling Trump a liar?

I myself am completely anti-PC but there is a difference between not being PC and just being vulgar. The man is without an ounce of class, is only semi-literate and has no grasp of international politics. I would go out on a limb here and say that his vulgar remark wasn't necessarily racist, he didn't refer to the people living in those countries but more to the way those countries are run, corrupt to the core, but it could have been a little more elegantly expressed. He exacerbated the racist attribute of his remark by saying he would prefer more people from Norway, why anybody living in Norway would want to live in the USA is beyond me.

1 hour ago, radiochaser said:

Dick Durbin is the person that made the claims about what Trump allegedly said.  

REPORT: Dick Durbin Has A History Of Lying About Private White House Meetings


Maybe but several people at the meeting confirmed his statement and although two GOP politicians denied that he said it the majority of their colleagues have remained silent.


I have no doubt that Trump "thinks" he's not a racist, certainly his repeated use of the phrase "I am the least racist person ever" is a giveaway. 




Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List


Donald Trump has been obsessed with race for the entire time he has been a public figure. He had a history of making racist comments as a New York real-estate developer in the 1970s and ‘80s. More recently, his political rise was built on promulgating the lie that the nation’s first black president was born in Kenya. He then launched his campaign with a speech describing Mexicans as rapists.


The media often falls back on euphemisms when describing Trump’s comments about race: racially loaded, racially charged, racially tinged, racially sensitive. And Trump himself has claimed that he is “the least racist person.” But here’s the truth: Donald Trump is a racist. He talks about and treats people differently based on their race. He has done so for years, and he is still doing so.





Trump’s history of racial controversies


President Trump has stuck to blaming "both sides" for the violence in Charlottesville after a counter-protester was killed, allegedly by a white supremacist. That won him praise from former KKK leader David Duke, and criticism from others for not harshly condemning racism.



39 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Maybe but several people at the meeting confirmed his statement and although two GOP politicians denied that he said it the majority of their colleagues have remained silent.


To clarify, they didn’t deny he said it, just that they don’t “recall” him saying it. The first official WH statement in response also did not deny he said it.

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