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Video: Vendor explains herself as Thai dual pricing drama simmers


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17 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

If you read the first op around this story you will find that is exactly what she said she does. 


There is a discount for thais. 


There is an advertised price on the menus. 


This woman is being crucified and hounded because she is doing exactly what the govt does in the national parks, what a number of the larger shopping complexes do with their sea world or other similar “attractions”.


She sees what goes on around her and responds likewise. 


I do not support what she did, but the media and the netizen pack should turn their ire on the whole system of sanctioned dual pricing and get angry about that. 


They are not critique-ing dual pricing, most are just upset a Thai was the victim. It is pure hypocrisy on their part. 


This woman is not to blame for dual pricing, it is a societal attitude, accepted as long as it’s foreigners suffering, that should be facing all this indignation. 

I think you have hit the nail on the head. In this instance the big fuss has arisen because a Thai was the victim. If it had been a foreigner it would have been a non-issue and explained away with the typical them and us narrative. However, now the issue has been raised, it is a good opportunity to bang on about it in the hope that something good will come from it (but I will not hold my breath waiting). 

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I posted the following in the earlier thread : -

I suspect dual pricing isn't only practiced by Thai food vendors/restaurants.

A few years ago my Thai wife and I were house guests of an Italian expat and Thai wife living in Kamala, Phuket. As a 'thank you' for the friends' hospitality I offered to take them for an evening meal, at my expense. They chose an Italian restaurant, which seemed quite close to Patong,  as we travelled some way on the coast road. We had an enjoyable meal and I asked for the bill, which appeared to be in order. My Italian friend took the bill off me and checked it himself. Next thing he's berating the Italian proprietor, who responded by offering me a 25% discount, which I accepted.

It transpired that I'd been given a 'tourist price' bill as it was my first visit to the restaurant, and  unknown to the proprietor!

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There is a fundamental difference between Thai National Parks, attractions, etc. dual pricing and restaurants dual pricing.

A restaurant charging MORE for farangs is taxing them for their 'perceived' ability to pay more

Attractions charging LESS for Thais are merely offering concessionary rates as they are LOCALS not TOURISTS and are 'perceived' to have less disposable income. I'm ok with this, just as I am with children and OAP's being given concessions in my country.


A restaurant choosing to dual price, however, should CLEARLY DISPLAY THE PRICES (Thai and Farang) first, then the customer can decide if they want to be ripped off! Doing it sneakily should be a criminal offence

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7 hours ago, stament said:

Someone needs to be the full guy to deter others and encourage change. Just her bad luck someone posted on social media

It only got any traction because she is Thai and got charged more than Thai's should have, if you or me had posted this dual pricing on social media it would have got nowhere!

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5 minutes ago, foxboy said:

There is a fundamental difference between Thai National Parks, attractions, etc. dual pricing and restaurants dual pricing.

A restaurant charging MORE for farangs is taxing them for their 'perceived' ability to pay more

Attractions charging LESS for Thais are merely offering concessionary rates as they are LOCALS not TOURISTS and are 'perceived' to have less disposable income. I'm ok with this, just as I am with children and OAP's being given concessions in my country.


A restaurant choosing to dual price, however, should CLEARLY DISPLAY THE PRICES (Thai and Farang) first, then the customer can decide if they want to be ripped off! Doing it sneakily should be a criminal offence

But she said prices are displayed at table

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It wouldn't be fair to go after the lady, since dual pricing is a national sport.

the media should go after the government relentlessly since it is them who are quite willing to allow these things to happen.

And this is not only the dual pricing, as we all know.

Shame, shame, shame, am trying to be nice.


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6 minutes ago, cookieqw said:

But she said prices are displayed at table

as I say, they should be clearly displayed - Thai price 80, Farang price 150 then the customer can decide. If the customer sees a price displayed at 80 they would naturally assume that is a fixed price, not that there might be another price on another menu somewhere else

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8 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

What’s truly amazing to me is it takes a 13 minute news segment to handle this story. Usually something like this would only require 9 or 10 minutes tops.


Three to four would be far better.  But I have noticed how Thai TV news really milk stories - probably just to fill their time slot.  Unless of course, their audience is too dim to get it the first time round and have to have it repeated time after time ...


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7 hours ago, evadgib said:

One of the biggest and most pleasant surprises for Thais visiting our homelands is the total lack of such nonsense and the consequences for any that dare think otherwise.  

That's true, I took my Thai wife and three Thai nephews to Madame Tussaud's in London, if i recall entrance fee £30 pp. i said to my wife and nephews how would you feel if, using the Thai dual pricing logic, that i would pay £30 and you four would have to pay £300 pp to get in, as i would have been expected too had this been Thailand, how would you feel?

I got four blank looks and no answers!

As it happened we did'nt have to pay anything, as we all got in as guests of the buildings Supervisor who lived next door to me in London! 

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2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

If you read the first op around this story you will find that is exactly what she said she does. 


There is a discount for thais. 


There is an advertised price on the menus. 


This woman is being crucified and hounded because she is doing exactly what the govt does in the national parks, what a number of the larger shopping complexes do with their sea world or other similar “attractions”.


She sees what goes on around her and responds likewise. 


I do not support what she did, but the media and the netizen pack should turn their ire on the whole system of sanctioned dual pricing and get angry about that. 


They are not critique-ing dual pricing, most are just upset a Thai was the victim. It is pure hypocrisy on their part. 


This woman is not to blame for dual pricing, it is a societal attitude, accepted as long as it’s foreigners suffering, that should be facing all this indignation. 

You are correct this woman is not responsible for the dual pricing system

But that does not resolve her of any blame in this case, because she and her staffs actions alone brought this on her own head

If you want to cheat people you need to be more aware, especially with all the Chinese around

She alone is responsible for her own actions and the consequences of those actions

She is getting exactly what she was gagging for with hopefully plenty more to come

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3 hours ago, realenglish1 said:

Mark my words This is eventually going to blow up in their faces  and tourists as fickle as they are will find somewhere else to go


It will take just one media event to do it Before this blows up make a positive move and ban dual pricing before it blows up in your face 

I used to think the same but I think you are wrong, tourists still flood in here because it is still considerably cheaper than their home country.

I haven’t been back to Australia ( Sydney) for nearly three years but on the last trip couldn’t believe the increase in the cost of living and compared  with Thailand very very expensive.

Last year did a trip to the UK and two other European countries again the costs compared with here very expensive.

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9 hours ago, robblok said:

I hate dual pricing but I can accept to pay more in nature parks so Thais can enjoy their own country for a cheaper price then we do. Its their national heritage. I can't accept it for normal companies and businesses. 

The problem with that is that if the government operates dual pricing (for whatever reason) then the citizens feel they can operate dual pricing too.

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Not sure if anyone is aware of this, but the Thai rail fare from Thonburi is 25 baht but the foreigners fare is 100 baht.


State sponsored discriminatory pricing of 4 times more for foreigners.  At leas it isn't the 10 times more for national parks.

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2 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

You are correct this woman is not responsible for the dual pricing system

But that does not resolve her of any blame in this case, because she and her staffs actions alone brought this on her own head

If you want to cheat people you need to be more aware, especially with all the Chinese around

She alone is responsible for her own actions and the consequences of those actions

She is getting exactly what she was gagging for with hopefully plenty more to come

I have at no point said her actions are justified.


My point is that the hounding of her is hypocritical.


She is not to blame for dual pricing, that is a societal attitude towards foreigners. She is just reflecting it. 

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I like dual pricing !

My wife and 2 children pay 80 bath and ONLY ME pay 150 bht .Total 390 bht.

It could be 4 times 150 bht ,total 600 bht ! 

Be serious how can they cook for 80 bht?

What do those cheap charlies expect ? 4 x 80 bht ????????

Bahh !!

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35 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I have at no point said her actions are justified.


My point is that the hounding of her is hypocritical.


She is not to blame for dual pricing, that is a societal attitude towards foreigners. She is just reflecting it. 

As posted by others many Thai people are really unaware that  DP exists.

Years ago we were looking to buy a cheap table/chair unit and stopped at a roadside place east of pattaya. My wife got out and picked a unit at, can't remember exactly, say 800 baht.

When it came to loading in the pickup my wife asked me to help load it. The seller instantly said  ' if for farang it's 1400 baht .'

My wife told her to forget it and we drove off leaving the unit at the side of the road.

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29 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I have at no point said her actions are justified.


My point is that the hounding of her is hypocritical.


She is not to blame for dual pricing, that is a societal attitude towards foreigners. She is just reflecting it. 

Nobody said you did

I am putting the blame firmly in her court

If you get caught thieving this is the outcome, as this thread is about her actions

I have already acknowledged she is not responsible for dual pricing as such, only in this case

If you are going to pursue a policy of dual pricing you need to be aware, she is paying the price for her actions

She got caught its as simply as that

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2 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Nobody said you did

I am putting the blame firmly in her court

If you get caught thieving this is the outcome, as this thread is about her actions

I have already acknowledged she is not responsible for dual pricing as such, only in this case

If you are going to pursue a policy of dual pricing you need to be aware, she is paying the price for her actions

She got caught its as simply as that

I am saying you are wrong in blaming her.


What did she steal by the way? 




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10 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I am saying you are wrong in blaming her.


What did she steal by the way? 




I am well aware of what you are saying, but she got caught so I blame her, simple

She has had her hand in somebody.s pocket and removed 70 Baht so to speak, for no other reason than mistaken identity, thats thievery as far as I am concerned

Dual pricing is thievery by any other name

Hope this clears up your confusion concerning taking responsibility for ones own actions and what constitutes thievery 

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10 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

I am well aware of what you are saying, but she got caught so I blame her, simple

She has had her hand in somebody.s pocket and removed 70 Baht so to speak, for no other reason than mistaken identity, thats thievery as far as I am concerned

Dual pricing is thievery by any other name

Hope this clears up your confusion concerning taking responsibility for ones own actions and what constitutes thievery 

Dual pricing is not thievery. It is many negative things but it is not thievery. That is a deliberate accusation, designed to make this woman worse than she is.


Taking responsibility is one thing, having a pack of netizens and media reporters hound this woman is hypocrisy and pathetic.


This woman is being demonized for reflecting common practice here, that is just wrong in my book.


But then, I don't take a simplistic view of issues...especially the complicated ones surrounding things such as dual pricing.



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5 hours ago, maddox41 said:

It's the thai way when the economy is slow put  up your prices 

I may do this when I go back to Australia have a price for Australian people please show( drivers license)  and a price for all other people ! '

I wonder how long I would last before I would be in court or been sued?? And have my Bussiness license revoked not long! 

Thailand as you know is  always changing the goal posts to suit themselves but the first ones to complain when the rules don't suit them 

A country with a child mentality 


I think you are wrong I don’t think it is a country with a child mentality but a country with a Nationalistic Attitude.

If you look at everything Thailand does it is for Thais first they thumb their nose at everyone and in many cases seem to get away with it,  

note the only country in Asia that was not colonised.

Many complain including myself in relation to some issues,however their attitude is that if you want to live here you do it our way and people still want to live here and despite the prophets of doom on this site plenty of tourists keep arriving.

Thailand  for example unlike Australia is not a signatory to the UN convention on refugees therefore they choose who they let stay not paying out millions to  the economic refugees who arrive in Australia

Many complain about the the taxes on imported goods in Thailand  however it creates employment for Thais.

I can remember when Australia applied tariffs to imported goods which was when we manufactured almost everything including plastic buckets and there were plenty of jobs

Then we were told that we needed a level playing field and that we should “ do what we were good at” and buy cheap imported clothing etc ha ha

Perhaps if Australia had a Thai attitude instead of trying to appease everyone else it might be better than trying to support the economy by just supplying

China with minerals.

PS we touched our forelock to the EU and promised to rename our great Australian champagne “ sparkling wine “ do you see that happening here?

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12 hours ago, robblok said:

Yes that was my point.. not for stuff like food and normal commercial services. I can get why natives of a country get discounts on their cultural heritage and others have to pay full price.. but I can't accept it for normal stuff.


The fishing Lake Bungsamram went from bad to worse. First Thai 400 to farang 1000.. then 400 to 2000 now 400 to 4000... they are raving mad. Sure expats can fish there for 400 if they have a Thai drivers license.. but this is just too much of a difference.

A bloody fishing park doing it, now that is way past a joke. Even the top fishing parks loaded with quality fish here in the UK are only £20.00 and my regular visit is just £15.00 for 4 rods and the wife can fish too, she is better than me at it. Stay where I am and keep the money I save for trips to Vietnam and Australia. Burts pool Lop Buri is 100, there is one in Sarburi just north of the town then left a beautiful place 2 lakes and nice fish 40 to 60kg is only 80. love going there but now can say I do not miss the place, maybe the fishing park but not the place.

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19 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

I don’t agree with dual pricing, in fact I hate it and the thinking that lies behind it. 


However, this poor woman has done nothing more than the national parks and other attractions do.


This whole thing is being blown out of proportion, and this woman is being crucified, mainly (I suspect), because the person overcharged was Thai.  


Let her be.


If the authorities really want fair pricing for all, they should clean up their own house first. 



Exactly Right +1 From me !!! ( p.s. I put the last sentence in bold type !! )

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