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I go diving with a buddy, Michael Mackevicius all round the world.

Once went to Palau (Micronesia). Honolulu Airport- he had a Whopper. Guam- ditto.

Spent a week in Palau, then a few days in Truk. I'm eating the freshest poke (Polynesian sushi), etc. He's bumming, bigtime.

Back to Guam. Burger King Heaven! Repeat in Hawaii. We land in LAX after a trans-Pacific flight. Nope, gotta hit Burger King.

Thank God when we go to Cozumel, Yucatan they have a 24 hr BK there.... :o

Also, I'm excited about BK being here. Whopper with cheese coming my way, I wonder if they deliver? (like McD's)

BK opens till 2am, so you can replace spent calories furthur down Loy Khroy :o


used to be the Fillmore had the best burgers anytime day or nite,, has it moved,, used to be in Loi kroh,,

I believe the Fillmore East is no more, but i could be wrong. It's not in Loi Krowboy anymore that's for sure. I used to like the fact he had some great concerts on DVD and the food was alright as well..It was always a good laugh unless Yoshi the great was there.. :o

Loi Krowboy? How did it get a street named after me? How did I get mixed up in this discussion.

I liked the old Filmore next to he river - was a good venue, played there only twice and have lost the photograph which is my claim to fame of being on stage at the Filmore East :D

Last I heard, Yoshi had to go back to Japan, he retired here but lost all his money. His missus owns the Guitarman but now (fortunately) has nothing to do with the running of it. He was a harmless and funny old excentric. That Yairi Alvarez guitar of his is a handmade model and is a work of art and craft. It may not have the name (in the west) of a Gibson or Martin but is a truly beautiful instrument. In case you are interested - that model would set you back about US$5,000 if you can get hold of one. Made of Indian Rosewood back and side, Ebony fretboard and a Ivory nut. Only model similar to it outside of Japan is the Martin "Eric Clapton Signature"

Yoshi used to wander around with his teddy bear and bottle of Jack D playing in bars. I was in the InterBar one night and he came in and played. He put his bottle down on the table and they wouldn't let him drink it. In he end they served him his own JD with their soda and still charged him full price for the priveledge. He was a nice guy but really sad. She was and is a real bitch who did him over for everything.

I miss him because he was an interesting character with a gentle soul. He sat in with me a couple of times at the old Guitarman and played a totally different song to what I played but it was still funny.


Last I heard, Yoshi had to go back to Japan

The story is that he ripped off Mourice of True Blue - big time - and had a contract put out on him.

Never saw him after that. :o

Last I heard, Yoshi had to go back to Japan

The story is that he ripped off Mourice of True Blue - big time - and had a contract put out on him.

Never saw him after that. :o

I have no idea if that is true. Are you saying Yoshi put out a contract on Mourice or a contract was put out on Yoshi to recover the money he borrowed from Maurice?

I do know he lost all his money and had to go back to Japan.


Last I heard, Yoshi had to go back to Japan

The story is that he ripped off Mourice of True Blue - big time - and had a contract put out on him.

Never saw him after that. :o

I have no idea if that is true. Are you saying Yoshi put out a contract on Mourice or a contract was put out on Yoshi to recover the money he borrowed from Maurice?

I do know he lost all his money and had to go back to Japan.


They both caused their share of crap around town. Both gone now......no real loss.

Last I heard, Yoshi had to go back to Japan

The story is that he ripped off Mourice of True Blue - big time - and had a contract put out on him.

Never saw him after that. :o

I have no idea if that is true. Are you saying Yoshi put out a contract on Mourice or a contract was put out on Yoshi to recover the money he borrowed from Maurice?

I do know he lost all his money and had to go back to Japan.


They both caused their share of crap around town. Both gone now......no real loss.

That's the Yoshi i remember ,certainly no "gentle soul". But that was 6 years ago, maybe he mellowed out.

Last I heard, Yoshi had to go back to Japan

The story is that he ripped off Mourice of True Blue - big time - and had a contract put out on him.

Never saw him after that. :o

I have no idea if that is true. Are you saying Yoshi put out a contract on Mourice or a contract was put out on Yoshi to recover the money he borrowed from Maurice?

I do know he lost all his money and had to go back to Japan.


They both caused their share of crap around town. Both gone now......no real loss.

That's the Yoshi i remember ,certainly no "gentle soul". But that was 6 years ago, maybe he mellowed out.

We have to be taliing about two different guys here or one with a split personality.

The Yoshi I am talking about is unmistakable:

1) Japanese in his late fifties

2) Plays an acoustic guitar

3) walks around town with guitar, teddy bear and bottle of Jack Daniels

Can you guys put up your description or verify if this is the same guy?



From what I remember, Yoshi told Maurice that he owned The Wall and collected a bunch of money from him to rent it.

Maurice hired some contracters to fix it up and was half finished when the REAL owner showed up and asked him what he was doing! :o

Last I heard, Yoshi had to go back to Japan

The story is that he ripped off Mourice of True Blue - big time - and had a contract put out on him.

Never saw him after that. :D

I have no idea if that is true. Are you saying Yoshi put out a contract on Mourice or a contract was put out on Yoshi to recover the money he borrowed from Maurice?

I do know he lost all his money and had to go back to Japan.


They both caused their share of crap around town. Both gone now......no real loss.

That's the Yoshi i remember ,certainly no "gentle soul". But that was 6 years ago, maybe he mellowed out.

We have to be taliing about two different guys here or one with a split personality.

The Yoshi I am talking about is unmistakable:

1) Japanese in his late fifties

2) Plays an acoustic guitar

3) walks around town with guitar, teddy bear and bottle of Jack Daniels

Can you guys put up your description or verify if this is the same guy?


Must be a different bloke CB. The Yoshi we are on about was mid to late thirties, half Japanese half American and claimed to be some kind of pilot. Very violent tendencies.. :o

Last I heard, Yoshi had to go back to Japan

The story is that he ripped off Mourice of True Blue - big time - and had a contract put out on him.

Never saw him after that. :D

I have no idea if that is true. Are you saying Yoshi put out a contract on Mourice or a contract was put out on Yoshi to recover the money he borrowed from Maurice?

I do know he lost all his money and had to go back to Japan.


They both caused their share of crap around town. Both gone now......no real loss.

That's the Yoshi i remember ,certainly no "gentle soul". But that was 6 years ago, maybe he mellowed out.

We have to be taliing about two different guys here or one with a split personality.

The Yoshi I am talking about is unmistakable:

1) Japanese in his late fifties

2) Plays an acoustic guitar

3) walks around town with guitar, teddy bear and bottle of Jack Daniels

Can you guys put up your description or verify if this is the same guy?


Must be a different bloke CB. The Yoshi we are on about was mid to late thirties, half Japanese half American and claimed to be some kind of pilot. Very violent tendencies.. :o

Ahh now I know who you mean - didn't make sense the way this was going. I haven't seen your guy for ages and don't know him personally by only by sight and reputation.

thanks for straightening that out.

LKB - I think I need to change my Avatar too :D btw how did you two wombats come up with that nick for me? I almost NEVER even go to Loi Kroh except to the #1 Bar which is off the main drag and nothing like the street bars.

btw how did you two wombats come up with that nick for me? I almost NEVER even go to Loi Kroh except to the #1 Bar which is off the main drag and nothing like the street bars.

(Cough....sputter....tears of laughter......) :o

btw how did you two wombats come up with that nick for me? I almost NEVER even go to Loi Kroh except to the #1 Bar which is off the main drag and nothing like the street bars.

(Cough....sputter....tears of laughter......) :o

Just for you and Aussie I started a new thread



Must be a different bloke CB. The Yoshi we are on about was mid to late thirties, half Japanese half American and claimed to be some kind of pilot. Very violent tendencies.. :o

That's the one. He was married to Bua who was the owner of the original Linda's when it was on Moon Muan 15-16 years ago .

He was/is a real character but hardly a night went by when he was either being whacked by somebody or he was whacking somebody. Pity Reasontobecheerful wasn't there to help save the day for the innocent party.



Sounds like that prick I saw in a kareoke bar, maybe he owned / ran it but he sounds like the same guy. Total cockscker, but I'm sure that karmas coming around like a wrecking ball.... BASH!


Sounds like that prick I saw in a kareoke bar, maybe he owned / ran it but he sounds like the same guy. Total cockscker, but I'm sure that karmas coming around like a wrecking ball.... BASH!

That's the one. Many folks share your sentiments.


Sounds like that prick I saw in a kareoke bar, maybe he owned / ran it but he sounds like the same guy. Total cockscker, but I'm sure that karmas coming around like a wrecking ball.... BASH!

That's the one. Many folks share your sentiments.

One night 7 years ago i was drinking at the old Harley Bar (now Thai Country), when i hear this almighty bang, i ran outside to see Yoshi's 4WD bent like a banana with shrapnel and blood everywhere. Anyway, after asking someone to call an ambulance (i am a fully trained Diver Medic by the way), i try to firstly help Yoshi out ,as he seemed not to have any spinal injuries then wham the plick takes a massive swing at me..I was shocked as any other "human being" would have been grateful at least. Then his wife started abusing me for no reason.. So like the rest of the Thai crowd around me we just left them there. I have yet to meet a bigger **** than Yoshi in all my days here. Oh to keep this thread on topic, after that incident i went to Burger King (the old one at Chang Inn Plaza) and had a Double Whopper with Cheese and a chocolate thickshake ...snack.gif

One night 7 years ago i was drinking at the old Harley Bar (now Thai Country), when i hear this almighty bang, i ran outside to see Yoshi's 4WD bent like a banana with shrapnel and blood everywhere. Anyway, after asking someone to call an ambulance (i am a fully trained Diver Medic by the way), i try to firstly help Yoshi out ,as he seemed not to have any spinal injuries then wham the plick takes a massive swing at me..I was shocked as any other "human being" would have been grateful at least. Then his wife started abusing me for no reason.. So like the rest of the Thai crowd around me we just left them there. I have yet to meet a bigger **** than Yoshi in all my days here. Oh to keep this thread on topic, after that incident i went to Burger King (the old one at Chang Inn Plaza) and had a Double Whopper with Cheese and a chocolate thickshake ...snack.gif

Austhaied at Burger King..........nba0132l.jpg

Must be a different bloke CB. The Yoshi we are on about was mid to late thirties, half Japanese half American and claimed to be some kind of pilot. Very violent tendencies.. :o

That's the one. He was married to Bua who was the owner of the original Linda's when it was on Moon Muan 15-16 years ago .

He was/is a real character but hardly a night went by when he was either being whacked by somebody or he was whacking somebody. Pity Reasontobecheerful wasn't there to help save the day for the innocent party.

"Snap" yes got it - know who he is and yes different guy. This Yoshi is a definite worry. Not seen him for ages and not missing the lack of contact.

thanks for sorting out my confusion


Oh to keep this thread on topic, after that incident i went to Burger King (the old one at Chang Inn Plaza) and had a Double Whopper with Cheese and a chocolate thickshake ...snack.gif

I went to the one under the TV Screen at the Night Bazaar and Loi Kroh (used to be the Konica Shop). Burger Double Cheese and Bacon, fries, and a Fanta. Burger was so good I can still taste it every time I burp :o 194Baht. I hate Maccas but the occassional BK is fine, however until they put Beer Singha on the menu instead of Pepsi I will stick to my CM Saloon Burgers.

Have they opeed up the original one where it was near the PizzaHut in the Night Bazaar as well?


Oh to keep this thread on topic, after that incident i went to Burger King (the old one at Chang Inn Plaza) and had a Double Whopper with Cheese and a chocolate thickshake ...snack.gif

I went to the one under the TV Screen at the Night Bazaar and Loi Kroh (used to be the Konica Shop). Burger Double Cheese and Bacon, fries, and a Fanta. Burger was so good I can still taste it every time I burp :o 194Baht. I hate Maccas but the occassional BK is fine, however until they put Beer Singha on the menu instead of Pepsi I will stick to my CM Saloon Burgers.


Is there some sort of 'secret sauce' in BK burgers that makes them far more acceptable than McD's?

I ask because I tried the Baconburger and strawberry shake at Mike's In and Out place on the Hang Dong road a few weeks back and forgot to report in - the shake was really the best I have had and the burger was definitely up there in the ratings, I am sure I could detect a sauce that seemed to reproduce the BK taste - okay, that's my choice for lunch today sorted, glad I remembered!



Sounds like we need a 'Whatever happened to Yoshi?' thread, in two versions.

American Yoshi used to own Voodoo Lounge. The VL stopped operating after Yoshi drove his car through it. That space is now called The Wall.



Has anyone had the "Triple Whopper with bacon and cheese" at Burger King? It came out as a promotion when King Kong was at the cinema - they dont advertise it now but at most BK's in Bangkok you can still get it if you ask... not sure about here as havent tried yet. Might just have to now though.

It is, quite simply, stupendously amazing... and the utimate hangover meal.

Has anyone had the "Triple Whopper with bacon and cheese" at Burger King? It came out as a promotion when King Kong was at the cinema - they dont advertise it now but at most BK's in Bangkok you can still get it if you ask... not sure about here as havent tried yet. Might just have to now though.

It is, quite simply, stupendously amazing... and the utimate hangover meal.

I have tried them a few times. Totally agree with regards to a hangover cure..



I might have seen wrong, but it looked like a burger king sign on that road where the Mac shop is ... just off heay gaew... or it could be a knock off??

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