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SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?


SURVEY: Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?  

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31 minutes ago, riclag said:

Consumer Confidence at a 17 year high....

"U.S. consumer confidence jumped to a 17-year high as optimism about employment prospects grew and Americans began seeing additional money in their paychecks from recently enacted tax cuts, data from the New York-based Conference Board showed Tuesday".


Yeah, Republicans like to generate temporary prosperity by running unprecedented deficits.

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18 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Yeah, Republicans like to generate temporary prosperity by running unprecedented deficits.


Not just politicians running deficits. Consumer credit is expanding very rapidly now too. That always gives a bump in the short term. And of course downturns always start from high water marks and upturns when nobody is confident about anything. Everything is cyclical. Short, medium, long term cycles with cycles within other cycles. Everybody so involved disecting the pixels here each day and no one takes notice of the picture.

Edited by lannarebirth
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What is in the toolbox to deal with an obviously criminal president?





Can Donald Trump be indicted while serving as president?

With 19 people charged by special counsel Robert Mueller (including five cooperating witnesses), some believe a case against Trump is imminent. "I'd bet against the president," a lawyer for a target of the Russia probe told Politico. But even some of Trump's critics assert that, unlike governors or foreign leaders, the president of the United States cannot be indicted while in office. Many scholars like Yale professor Akhil Reed Amar insist that "The Framers implicitly immunized a sitting president from ordinary criminal prosecution."



Or did they? :stoner:



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The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday(2/27/17) shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove. 


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22 minutes ago, riclag said:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday(2/27/17) shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove. 


How nice.


" Phone surveys by the company are conducted via the use of automated public opinion polling involving pre-recorded telephone inquiries. The company generates revenue by selling advertising and subscriptions to its polling survey data." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rasmussen_Reports


Telephone surveys have been known to be unreliable since "Dewey Beats Truman" in 1948.  Rasmussen Reports is known for a conservative bias.  What do the reputable polling businesses say?

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12 minutes ago, heybruce said:

How nice.


" Phone surveys by the company are conducted via the use of automated public opinion polling involving pre-recorded telephone inquiries. The company generates revenue by selling advertising and subscriptions to its polling survey data." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rasmussen_Reports


Telephone surveys have been known to be unreliable since "Dewey Beats Truman" in 1948.  Rasmussen Reports is known for a conservative bias.  What do the reputable polling businesses say?

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday(2/27/17) shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove. 


CNN Poll: Trump approval slides, matches lowest point of presidency



on the 25th all time low,on the 27th all time high. Hmmm

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13 minutes ago, riclag said:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday(2/27/17) shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove. 


CNN Poll: Trump approval slides, matches lowest point of presidency



on the 25th all time low,on the 27th all time high. Hmmm

Why did you reply to my post with this?  It doesn't address anything I wrote.


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4 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Why did you reply to my post with this?  It doesn't address anything I wrote.


The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday(2/27/17) shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove. 


CNN Poll: Trump approval slides, matches lowest point of presidency



on the 25th all time low,on the 27th all time high. Hmmm

"Why did you reply to my post with this?  It doesn't address anything I wrote"


Sure it does Conservative vs. liberal  bias.

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48 minutes ago, riclag said:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday(2/27/17) shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove. 


CNN Poll: Trump approval slides, matches lowest point of presidency



on the 25th all time low,on the 27th all time high. Hmmm

"Why did you reply to my post with this?  It doesn't address anything I wrote"


Sure it does Conservative vs. liberal  bias.

You neglected to address the suspect polling technique of Rasmussen, or identify a credible poll to compare Rasmussen with. 


I don't go to Rasmussen or CNN for accurate polls, you apparently look for the polls that tell you what you want to believe and ignore the rest.

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4 hours ago, heybruce said:

You neglected to address the suspect polling technique of Rasmussen, or identify a credible poll to compare Rasmussen with. 


I don't go to Rasmussen or CNN for accurate polls, you apparently look for the polls that tell you what you want to believe and ignore the rest.

Can you give me one of your choices 

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Well this is refreshing! It's also the same judge who listen to the Trump Uni case.


SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Tuesday sided with President Donald Trump’s administration and rejected an attempt by the state of California and environmental groups to stop the government from building a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico


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17 minutes ago, riclag said:

Well this is refreshing! It's also the same judge who listen to the Trump Uni case.


SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Tuesday sided with President Donald Trump’s administration and rejected an attempt by the state of California and environmental groups to stop the government from building a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico


So what's refreshing ? You mean that you now realise that Judges are actually meant to "judge" on matters of law impartially and objectively? And when they do and it goes your way it is refreshing, and when they do and it goes against Trump they are left wing libtard conspirators. It is refreshing that you might actually be seeing a glimpse of the light of day.


If a piece of legislation is well constructed and does not break any other laws then a Judge will accept it. If the same legislation is not well written and breaks other laws already in place then a Judge will not accept it. And if something is criminal a Judge will rule it as such. What is so hard to grasp about that? When a Judge rules against Trump's executive actions it is not because he hates Trump  - as much as you would like to think he does, it is because the legislation being proposed is flawed OR because it is illegal/criminal.

Edited by Andaman Al
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On 1/28/2018 at 7:17 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

I hear that people do not want Pence to take over if Trump were to leave, but I say let Trump finish.


The reason that I want Trump to finish is that I think he will do so much damage to the Republican party brand that they will not be able to be elected again for a very, very long time. Think of it; now the Republican party is one where 'Pussy-grabbing' is okay, where it is okay to harass and abuse women (17 at last count), it is okay to demonize people based on the colour of their skin, it is okay to discriminate against people based on their religion, it is okay to violate every political norm out there, it is okay to lie several times a day, it is okay to screw over the people who voted for you, Etc. Etc. Etc.


The above is what Trump supporters have allowed.


Let all Republicans everywhere have Trump's name tattooed on their forehead for life! 


The majority of the working class don't give a damn about that fluff they want jobs and financial security. Regardless if the growing American economy is the result of Trump or not he is currently the POTUS and will get the credit.

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

We are back to poll's :w00t:


Trump is such a universally globally hated character (apart from with his own equally loathed supporter base) that if you want to convince yourself that 50% of the US population think he is doing a good job by using whatever poll suits you, then just carry on, because in general once someone enters La La Land there is very little that can be done to persuade them to come back out and face reality. Good luck, a lost soul if ever there was one.

While a face value you are correct Trump is hated. However, considering human nature those haters may be Trump voters at the polls. People by nature want to fit in currently Trump haters are in, the media is getting big viewer numbers attacking Trump, students, government workers, welfare recipients, minorities they all want to be part of the club being politically correct. 


In this climate would you publicly admit you don't like Muslim's? How about admitting that you have made remarks about a woman's large breasts to your buddies(Can't imagine there is a hetro. male on this planet that hasn't made a comment around his buddies)?


The point being that on the outside humans want to fit in, few have the guts to face possible alienation by speaking their mind we are all somewhat sheep. 


However, when it comes to voting at polls the ballot is secret nobody knows who you voted for. Like I said in my previous post I will bet many working class families couldn't give a damn about all the politically correct fluff issues. They want to take care of their families and couldn't give a rats ass about Muslims or Mexicans. Whoever brings jobs and prosperity will get their vote? 

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2 hours ago, riclag said:

Can you give me one of your choices 

Gallup is a professional polling organization that does nothing but polls, has many years experience, and that needs to be as unbiased as possible to protect its credibility and reputation.  Trump's approval remains below 40% in the Gallup poll.   http://news.gallup.com/poll/201617/gallup-daily-trump-job-approval.aspx  

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50 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I hear you, but you seem to fall into the trap thinking of that what Trump says is calculated to buck the PC system and everyone says "he just says what we all think". The truth is, he doesn't. Trump is ignorant on every level of the meaning and definition. He is just plain stupid. He has always been used to being his own boss and getting his own way in his own company. As my mother would have said, Trump has never needed to "watch his P's and Q's" (some reference to bad and stupid language I recall). He has always been a bully and ignorant and importantly in his eyes he is ALWAYS right, no matter what he says. If you don't like it then leave the company. Unfortunately he is not running USA.Ltd. He says what he says because he is an unthinking, semi illiterate sex pest. That is all there is to it. If the US population want to accept that in the belief their families will prosper then good luck to you all. Please build the wall - all the way around and keep everyone out not just people who are trying to get there as their own lands and homes have been bombed to dust.

Trump is certainly not a refined politician and he can be crude. He certainly has self-esteem issues and doesn't like criticism. Having said that I would not throw out labels like "stupid", "illiterate" or "sex pest". Stupid he is certainly not I think he is very clever. Illiterate I also disagree with just look at posts in this TV forum when people get excited about a topic. Some of the posts look like they are from illiterate people but it is simply a matter of the thoughts racing faster than the penmanship. Also, his public speaking isn't the best either but keep in mind hundreds of millions of people are watching him. It's hard not to make mistakes under that kind of pressure(hell I can't drive off a tee if there are even a few people watching me). He is not a seasoned politician who has done a lot of speaking to constituents. His public speaking has always been straight never having to hold back. I will bet the longer he is in office the more refined he will become until he is a lying polished turd like most politicians.


As far as sex pest again I see no reason to label him that way. With all the Trump hate mania If there was any real evidence, he is a sex pest he would have been fried in it by now. Being rude and crude doesn't neccassarily make a person a sex pest. 

Edited by Sakeopete
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22 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Gallup is a professional polling organization that does nothing but polls, has many years experience, and that needs to be as unbiased as possible to protect its credibility and reputation.  Trump's approval remains below 40% in the Gallup poll.   http://news.gallup.com/poll/201617/gallup-daily-trump-job-approval.aspx  

Do you honestly think Trump's deplorable's participate in gallop or CNN polls(LOL CNN poll is like asking nuns if they like sex)? They are the working class who are too busy and don't give a rats ass about participating in polls. We all know how accurate the polls were predicting Hilary's win.

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Do you honestly think Trump's deplorable's participate in gallop or CNN polls(LOL CNN poll is like asking nuns if they like sex)? They are the working class who are too busy and don't give a rats ass about participating in polls. We all know how accurate the polls were predicting Hilary's win.
That's true. They were very accurate. They predicted she would win the popular vote by 2 to 3 percent. As she did.

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56 minutes ago, Sakeopete said:

Trump is certainly not a refined politician and he can be crude. He certainly has self-esteem issues and doesn't like criticism. Having said that I would not throw out labels like "stupid", "illiterate" or "sex pest". Stupid he is certainly not I think he is very clever. Illiterate I also disagree with just look at posts in this TV forum when people get excited about a topic. Some of the posts look like they are from illiterate people but it is simply a matter of the thoughts racing faster than the penmanship. Also, his public speaking isn't the best either but keep in mind hundreds of millions of people are watching him. It's hard not to make mistakes under that kind of pressure(hell I can't drive off a tee if there are even a few people watching me). He is not a seasoned politician who has done a lot of speaking to constituents. His public speaking has always been straight never having to hold back. I will bet the longer he is in office the more refined he will become until he is a lying polished turd like most politicians.


As far as sex pest again I see no reason to label him that way. With all the Trump hate mania If there was any real evidence, he is a sex pest he would have been fried in it by now. Being rude and crude doesn't neccassarily make a person a sex pest. 

Trump is a refined and seasoned populist who thinks he only needs to satisfy his core supporters - he is the one who treats them as stupid and illiterate.    

Edited by Opl
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1 hour ago, Sakeopete said:

As far as sex pest again I see no reason to label him that way. With all the Trump hate mania If there was any real evidence, he is a sex pest he would have been fried in it by now. Being rude and crude doesn't neccassarily make a person a sex pest. 

There is as much evidence (if not more) against Trump than there is against Harvey Weinstein. i.e a group of women have come out and said "he did this to me". Weinstein denies any non-consensual activities and he is facing jail and his multi billion dollar movie empire is about to declare bankruptcy. Trump denies anything and has a group of 35 million rednecks supporting him and ....................nothing.  Let's not even start with the payments to silence and bullying to prevent court cases. 35 million Americans and several right wing media outlets have set one standard for Weinstein and a completely different standard for Trump. Being rude and crude does not make someone a sex pest, but screwing a 13 year old in the presence of the adult woman who sourced the 'child' does. What goes around comes around.

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35 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

There is as much evidence (if not more) against Trump than there is against Harvey Weinstein. i.e a group of women have come out and said "he did this to me". Weinstein denies any non-consensual activities and he is facing jail and his multi billion dollar movie empire is about to declare bankruptcy. Trump denies anything and has a group of 35 million rednecks supporting him and ....................nothing.  Let's not even start with the payments to silence and bullying to prevent court cases. 35 million Americans and several right wing media outlets have set one standard for Weinstein and a completely different standard for Trump. Being rude and crude does not make someone a sex pest, but screwing a 13 year old in the presence of the adult woman who sourced the 'child' does. What goes around comes around.

The way the media and the Democrats attack Trump daily any proof would have him in court already. The 35 million blue-collar works haven't stopped the Russia probe. If there was anything substantial to hang Trump on his supports couldn't stop it.  Even Monica Lewinski is getting on the Me Too bandwagon she will have a hard time making people believe she is anything more than an attention seeking slut.

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24 minutes ago, Quidio said:

It's interesting that sanctions on North Korea are implemented so quickly and easily, but sanctions against Russia never quite materialize, even though overwhelmingly approved by Congress.   

Russia hasn't publicly  threaten to send nukes to America lately 

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11 minutes ago, Credo said:

That's a nice deflection.   So somebody WANTS sanctions on NK, but DOESN'T WANT sanctions on Russia?   I wonder who that somebody, who isn't implementing the approved sanctions on Russia could be?



"After briefing senators in a classified setting, the State Department announced that the sanctions regime currently in place was acting as a “deterrent” against Russian aggression and that, therefore, new measures will “not need to be imposed” as required under the law".



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