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Video: Police slammed as ten wheel truck plows into car at country "checkpoint"


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Video: Police slammed as ten wheel truck plows into car at country "checkpoint"



video screenshot


A video posted to Facebook showed dash cam footage from a car that slowed down at a police checkpoint after an officer jumped out.


But the car had the back plowed into by a ten wheel truck that could not stop in time.


Pictures of the damage were revealed by Thai Rath who said that the police high command had ordered such impromptu road stops to be banned.


They commented on their own page that the police were only "doing their job" a phrase was was met with derision by posters tired of roadside extortion.


Many said the truck was understandably unable to stop.


Many blamed the police.


Thai Rath said that the woman cheated death - but asked who was to blame for the accident.


Source: Thai Rath Facebook

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2018-01-29
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Saw the dash cam, cars are travelling at high speed and no way the truck can brake on time even the smaller cars managed to. Seeing the drivers, I would say they didn't look at rear mirror and anticipated the braking distance needed for the truck.

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1 minute ago, cornishcarlos said:

Truck drivers fault but <deleted> do the police expect, when they just walk out onto a main highway and try to flag cars down !!!


As posted above, this was supposed to have been stopped by the police higher ups :)

".......when they just walk out onto a main highway...." 

Did you watch the video? Nobody just jumped out. This was probably a controlled highway check , mainly for trucks and as you can see there was a cop standing in the road warning drivers to slow their speed for a stop ahead.

The higher ups stopped random police checks mostly in the cities where a gang of cops usually gathers to extort money from helmet -less motorbike riders and hapless car drivers.

This was a controlled highway police stop and that is where they can check trucks overloaded and in poor condition. If they aren't on the highway we complain, if they are, we complain. What's it to be? The cops were doing their job IMHO.




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nothing to do with the police even if it was a tea money set up, its the drivers, these idiots never look to see what is happening in front and behind them, all they care about is getting where they are going at there own pace, usually way over the speed limit. The cop in the middle of the road was able to be seen for a good distance, drivers should have already been slowing down  but these idiots just maintained their speed and closeness to the car in front, when taught to drive one of the big things was always allow enough stopping distance between you and the car in front, these people really need to learn this, we also were taught never to simply cut in front of a truck but saying that truck drivers are supposed to be taking more care due to their size and weight, here that simply doesnt apply and they have no idea about safe breaking distances

Edited by seajae
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Eh? Policeman jumps out and you expect to be able to look in your mirror at the same time and calculate the stopping distance of the guy behind? Lol

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That's why deadly accidents happened in country with so much amateur drivers. Depends how experienced driver are you. I always look at mine every 5 to 10 secs. I bet those 2 ladies never did.
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Anyone who ever did a driving test might point out the flaws in plod jumping out in the road and expecting the worst drivers in the world to conform ! they all need to go on a slag course sighting lighting and guarding with about 1-2km of advanced warning to allow for the  Thai driving style i.e. getting off the phone brake failure and general lack of big pedal knowledge.

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16 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:


When you change what I said to suit your opinion, it doesn't work...

I never mentioned anyone "jumping out"... The officer walks out across the inner lane and looks like he is about to walk in front of the car....

Obviously I watched the video, or I wouldn't be commenting.

How do you know it was a controlled highway check ? Controlled means posting a warning in advance and possibly cones to direct the traffic.

I see it all the time, cops just pull over, get out and start trying to flag speeding vehicles down. If you just keep going, they can't be bothered to pursue or even radio ahead. Clearly it is a money making operation.


Next time just read what people post, don't try to interpret it the way you want....


Edit, just double checked the video... No warning signs, no cones, just 2 cops doing their own thing :)

I apologize for altering your meaning. I was quoting the word used in the OP.

"A video posted to Facebook showed dash cam footage from a car that slowed down at a police checkpoint after an officer jumped out."

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1 minute ago, ratcatcher said:

I apologize for altering your meaning. I was quoting the word used in the OP.

"A video posted to Facebook showed dash cam footage from a car that slowed down at a police checkpoint after an officer jumped out."


Fair enough... Apology accepted

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Highway robbery.


I slow down but never stop at these extortion roadblocks. Pretend to stop, then just continue driving and the gangsters never bother pursuing me. They would have to abandon their lucrative hold-up roadblocks. Who will protect us against these gangsters? Please don't answer: "the police".

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In my country we are taught to drive ''within a safe braking distance'' of vehicles in front of us.   When you look at charts showing required braking distances it can be surprising just how much space one needs at different speeds.


Of course; trying to explain this to Thai's is like trying to impress knowledge on a brick wall.  Their only thought is me, me,me !

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1 hour ago, Airbagwill said:

These checkpoints have been a source of concern for decades. They are essentially a shambles - little thought seems to be givein positioning with regrds to traffic the main criteria seems to be how close to a police station.

there appears also to be little thought as to the benefits that each blockade might bring to addressing Thailand's road safety problems.


As they seem to operate these poorly marked and delineated checkpoints through the night too, it is a wonder that more policemen haven't been killed or injured.

anyone who has seem the little red stick waving in the middle of the road must realise what a fine line they have drawn for themsleves when it comes to officer safety.



And in any case these stops are illegal by recent specific decree of the national police chief.

But the cops ignore / act opposite to their own regulations 

So what chance is their that ordinary citizens will get serious to obey the law? None.


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Almost crashed the bike twice stopping for these idiots jumping out. One grabbed my arm as I was finishing an emergency stop to comply.


Third time I kept going and got a jumping punch to the shoulder as he attempted to knock me off.


Third world policing.



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2 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

When you look at charts showing required braking distances it can be surprising just how much space one needs at different speeds.


I agree in principle but if you have a half decent car the breaking time will be a lot less. Even if you are not very good at breaking, the ABS takes care of it anyway.

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23 minutes ago, alien365 said:

I agree in principle but if you have a half decent car the breaking time will be a lot less. Even if you are not very good at breaking, the ABS takes care of it anyway.

When you create or design an obstruction in a road, you don't design it within the limits of the most advanced vehicle, you design it for the least capable and then some.

Edited by Airbagwill
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Many moons ago I clipped one of these idiots in brown with my wing mirror. He leaped out from behind a parked car in one of these "ad hoc" road blocks signalling me to stop. I did indeed stop and told him what an utter idiot he was and he was lucky to still be alive. He just grunted and waved me on, nursing his arm. These road blocks need warning signs, but sadly the criminals will see them and do a U turn.

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