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Don’t Resign, Plead Prawit Wongsuwan Fans


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51 minutes ago, ramrod711 said:

7-696x435.jpgThe guy in the white tee shirt looks as though he wants more money. I won't question whether he's willing or not, but he definitely isn't eager to be there.

Dunno about him, but look at the guy front centre, holding the sign and the lotus. Now look at the other fella to his immediate left also holding a sign and the two to his immediate right. They've got State Security written all over them.

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2 hours ago, Zooheekock said:

^ Probably soldiers and/or their families....so nothing.

Staff from the G4 branch of the headquarters were instructed to turn up in "casual/scruffy plain clothes" on Thursday?

Edited by JAG
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The guy in the polo shirt is the first person I noticed and I instantly thought 'Hmm, they're not making much of an effort here, are they?' but then again, if you're someone who genuinely thinks that Prawit is a great guy who is being unfairly hounded by the Thaksin-funded media (and they do exist), then you're almost certainly going to look like an off duty soldier with borderline fascist beliefs, an estranged family who were unable to tolerate your all consuming OCD, and strange sexual preferences. So maybe that's all it is.

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If popularity was the criteria for being a Lawmaker, there would be many more who would take precedence over this "Gentleman".  There are two issues that have been reported in the Press.  Did he buy these watches and if so where did he get the millions of baht to do so, bearing in mind he was on a soldier's salary and then a politician's salary?  If he did not buy the watches and was loaned them, this according to the Press is also illegal and the matter should be properly investigated by the appropriate authority and preferably not by someone who should be excluding himself from being involved, due to his previous relationship with the "good" Minister.  Loving him or hating him is totally immaterial and due diligence needs to be done to investigate the case either to dismiss it, or to prosecute him if he is found guilty of wrong doing.  The longer this case goes on, the stranger it becomes due to the comments/actions of the Government and the Minister.  It has made Thailand look politically incredibly immature, and has failed to answer to the people, whom they are appointed to serve.  Personally, in the same position, I would have resigned because by my actions, I would have placed myself in a position of suspision and would have lost respect as a Lawmaker, also to protect my  Superior from contining and strong criticism from the electorate, thereby allowing the leaders to get on with the important business of running the Country.

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Only people that have a vested interest in keeping him afloat with their tea money could possibly be interested in keeping him on! What use has he been other than promoting business with the yellow army. His boss must spend hours editing press releases to save his skin over chewing on lobster claws. Can only imagine Pra Twit must have some decent juice on him.

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25 minutes ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

I don't mind the junta being in power but this guy needs to do the right thing and resign.

What about his boss who knows the corruption and do nothing about it. Malfeasance and  dereliction of duty? Does have a familiarity of a similar case.  

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