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Video: Nurse thrown in the air 30 meters as "brakes fail" - but somehow she lives


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9 hours ago, worgeordie said:

I wonder if the cops ever check the brakes,after someone

has had an accident and blamed brake failure, when really

it's obvious that its Brain failure.

regards Worgeordie

You can hear the brakes being applied before impact

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6 minutes ago, yogavnture said:

the germans bring thier laws and customs here and expect the world to obey german laws in thailand.

Very likely he was obeying Thai laws and regulations, and expecting Thai people and you to do the same. Not necessarily his fault that nobody really does. I see that all the time in China. Most traffic-rules are the same as in Germany. On paper.

Oh how silly of us Germans to expect people to actually follow them.


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3 minutes ago, dinooz57 said:

Sorry ,just don't get the information from the local Nongbua news as they reported her dead.

Can you give us any information as to your step-daughters condition that you know of

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1 hour ago, jenny2017 said:

Shouldn't all drivers be able to stop, no matter of what's on the road? You don't have to contribute to an accident, I got hit twice, once when a motorcycle became airborne. 


          The left lane was occupied with a lot of other bikes and she wasn't on the fast lane, that's the right one. She's on the left lane and the driver should never drive again. But a 500 baht fine will do it. 

I suggest you look at the video again. You seem to have problems with eyesight.

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2 minutes ago, badischer Barde said:

Very likely he was obeying Thai laws and regulations, and expecting Thai people and you to do the same. Not necessarily his fault that nobody really does. I see that all the time in China. Most traffic-rules are the same as in Germany. On paper.

Oh how silly of us Germans to expect people to actually follow them.


or he was drunk perhaps. this is not the place to discuss this. thoughts for the woman. most traffic rules are the same as in Germany . proves my rigidity theory

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1 minute ago, yogavnture said:

or he was drunk perhaps

get your story straight! "Drunk" is not really "German rigidity"


2 minutes ago, yogavnture said:

most traffic rules are the same as in Germany . proves my rigidity theory

No.. but proves that your have your opinion and refuse to even consider you are wrong. You know you could check and compare, instead of whining?


3 minutes ago, yogavnture said:

this is not the place to discuss this.

And yet you keep doing it. What you mean to say is "this is not the place to contradict me!", am I right?


But yes... this *is* not the place to, so this argument is over.

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9 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I suggest you look at the video again. You seem to have problems with eyesight.

My apologies. She was on the fast lane and then turned left when she saw that the car in front of her stopped. At high speed. Really frightening to see that. 

Edited by jenny2017
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25 minutes ago, retirementenquiry said:

the motor industry setup in thailand was given an incentive to sell cars to natives through easy finance with no driving laws or training in place makes thailand one of the most dangerous places to drive

The motor industry in the US paid incentives to various municipal governments to allow their dealerships to build their showrooms on corner lots. This was so that drivers waiting at traffic lights at intersections could see the new cars for longer and unconsciously be 'pushed' into buying a new car sooner. That's a fact.


Thailand's 'first car buyer' incentive was a government incentive and not a motor industry incentive. It didn't do anything to make the Thai road safety any worse than it already was. That's a fact too.

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2 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

The motor industry in the US paid incentives to various municipal governments to allow their dealerships to build their showrooms on corner lots. This was so that drivers waiting at traffic lights at intersections could see the new cars for longer and unconsciously be 'pushed' into buying a new car sooner. That's a fact.


Thailand's 'first car buyer' incentive was a government incentive and not a motor industry incentive. It didn't do anything to make the Thai road safety any worse than it already was. That's a fact too.

It might have put more idiot drivers on the road in their new cars, so it is possible that it could have made things worse

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6 hours ago, jackdd said:

The first question would be: Is there a law in Thailand that prohibits using your phone while driving?

I don't know about the specific laws in the UK, but in for example Germany only using (touching) your phone is prohibited, so if you are using a speakerphone and don't have the phone in your hand, this would be allowed, so in this case checking the phone providers records wouldn't provide any evidence.


But it's academic because where do you ever see the police rigourously prosecuting any traffic infringements (other than the helmet rule which makes them instant money)?
Where do you see them going after speeding motorists, or motorists failing to stop at a pedestrian crossing, or motorcyclists going the wrong way travelling against the traffic?

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2 minutes ago, dinooz57 said:


I best not, seems Thai Visa will supply the updates on her condition. I will say this, she is out of ICU, no breaks ,spleen damage but has had surgery, she can move her arms and legs and can speak a little bit and can take water and medicine orally, has no memory of what happened. Time will tell regarding any brain damage. Yes her helmet came off, but I would say saved her life from the intitial impact on the cars windscreen, I have drummed into the family of the importance of wearing a helmet at all times and fastening it, she is a sensible young woman and would have had it fastened but we all know thai helmets and only I wish she had taken the fullface helmet.

Doctors seem confidant she will make a full recovery and be able to resume her nursing career but only time will tell.

OK, thanks for that mate, if you need anything I am Khon Kaen and No problem going to Udon. Just PM me if you want

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12 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Accepted. Disgusting how the victim was left in the road while the damage to the car was inspected.

It's almost impossible to survive such an accident. I hope that she'll make it. It is disgusting and I can't watch it again...

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4 minutes ago, midas said:


But it's academic because where do you ever see the police rigourously prosecuting any traffic infringements (other than the helmet rule which makes them instant money)?
Where do you see them going after speeding motorists, or motorists failing to stop at a pedestrian crossing, or motorcyclists going the wrong way travelling against the traffic?

I would say that they reason that you do not see them going after speeding motorist is because they do not have anything that will catch the motorist with, they cannot catch anyone without the right equipment.

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Glad that the nurse made it; the Nissan driver should be locked up for quite some time, settle the hospital bill and a tidy amount and never allowed ever to sit behind a steering wheel. 

Even if the brakes "failed" I could not hear the horn or anything. Jeeezzzz! 

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6 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

I would say that they reason that you do not see them going after speeding motorist is because they do not have anything that will catch the motorist with, they cannot catch anyone without the right equipment.

You are joking of course? They only have to stand outside their own police station on Beach Road and flag down the hordes of motorists that you see tearing down the Beach Road freeway and clearly travelling far in excess of the 40 km speed limit which is painted in red on the same road:giggle:

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6 hours ago, jackdd said:


Friends have been sharing them on Facebook. Two clips from a helmet camera on one of the kids on the bikes who don't have licences. In the first part the cop asks them how they want to clear it and asks for 2,000 baht each. They offer 200 but he doesn't go for that. On the second clip, after the accident, he goes back over to them and takes 500 baht each.

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1 minute ago, midas said:

You are joking of course? They only have to stand outside their own police station on Beach Road and flag down the hordes of motorists that you see tearing down the Beach Road freeway and clearly travelling far in excess of the 40 km speed limit which is painted in red on the same road:giggle:

I'm talking about Thailand not just one place

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4 minutes ago, KhaoNiaw said:

Friends have been sharing them on Facebook. Two clips from a helmet camera on one of the kids on the bikes who don't have licences. In the first part the cop asks them how they want to clear it and asks for 2,000 baht each. They offer 200 but he doesn't go for that. On the second clip, after the accident, he goes back over to them and takes 500 baht each.

How low can u get???


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11 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

I'm talking about Thailand not just one place

and I'm just giving one example which shows their complete apathy towards enforcing any traffic laws even on their own doorstep. Lack of equipment is a complete red herring

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13 minutes ago, midas said:

You are joking of course? They only have to stand outside their own police station on Beach Road and flag down the hordes of motorists that you see tearing down the Beach Road freeway and clearly travelling far in excess of the 40 km speed limit which is painted in red on the same road:giggle:

Beach road in Pattaya is only a very tiny part of the country....

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