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To snitch or not to snitch that is the question

Once Bitten

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well a smaller turnout this time but never the less one interesting topic made every one think , one of the regular guys did not turn up , I was told he was back home attending to some personal business , this guy I will call Tom .


Tom has been married to a Thai woman for a few years . Many of us had seen Tom's wife when she brought him to the ex pat get together as Tom did not want to drink and drive. 


Tom in every body's view is a kind decent likable retired local ex pat guy who seems to be more than happy to go out of his way to offer help and advice to other local expats in any way he can. 


When I inquired about Tom's return date one guy made the comment in about three weeks and then added how he felt sorry for Tom.  Of course I had to ask why .


It seems that the guy who made the comment that he felt sorry for Tom , had found out that it looks like Tom's Thai wife is being un faithful .  This guy is a big bike enthusiast and regularly goes on motorbike trips to other parts of Thailand . While Tom is away the guy went on a long bike trip and on his first night  he decided to stay at a rural resort . It was late at night when the guy arrived and paid for 2 nights in one of the cabins. The following morning the guy went to eat breakfast at the resorts food place . As he sat alone eating his food in strolled Tom's wife accompanied by a Thai gentleman . In the guys words it  soon became obvious that they were  more than just good friends , and Tom's wife seemed not to recognize the guy . 


The guy went back to his rented cabin and waited to see where the couple went next . The couple came out of the resorts food place and strolled further along from the guys cabin and then went into another cabin , there parked down the side of that cabin was Tom's car that has an unmistakable distinctive side stripe logo on it and  parked next to it was pickup with a Bangkok number plate.


So after being told that story every one who sat around the table including my self wondered what if any thing should they do , should the guy who actually saw Tom's wife at the resort and by the way took a photograph of Tom's wife with the mysterious Thai gentleman together , tell Tom what he saw or should he just keep mum or should the next time we all meet up together along with Tom , just tell him what had been seen .


Personally I would more than appreciative to be told by a friend some thing that is going on that I am oblivious to especially where partner relationships are concerned . Some may think its none of any ones business but Tom's and let things run their natural course or don't stick your nose in sort of attitude. 


 Having said that every one sitting around the table that had listened to the guys story of Tom's wife felt in some way sorry that Tom such a nice kind man is being made a fool of . 


In the end we all just said our see you next time goodbyes and nothing really was concluded about what if any thing should be done . 


 So if you were sitting around the table with us and heard that same story about some one you personally know what would you do or suggest :thumbsup:



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Snitch is a pejorative word.

I think you've already made up your mind and you're just looking for vindication.


If it was the other way round, would you tell his wife?


Maybe it was her brother, or her uncle, or her father.

Maybe she's trying to earn his medical bills.

Maybe whatever.


Maybe your acquaintance was exaggerating. 

Would you be happy at a friend of your spouse taking the word of an acquaintance over their faith in your honour and fidelity?




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7 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Post Tom the photo anonymously.

That way nobody blames you, and you did Tom a good turn.

I don't think that will work now after a couple of Tom's friends heard the story already.

Tom will likely suspect that one of his friends sent him the picture. And then Tom will ask himself who might have done that and he will probably ask himself who else knows already.


I think now it's too late that a couple of people pretend they never heard the story.

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Unless you witnessed it with your own eyes I would let it be for all you know it could be just hear say and you never know Tom and his wife may well have a long standing agreement that when the cats away it’s alright for the mice to play ?

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On 2/9/2018 at 10:15 AM, MaeJoMTB said:

Post Tom the photo anonymously.

That way nobody blames you, and you did Tom a good turn.

similar to what i was thinking, if you tell him you will possible lose him as a friend cos if he says something to his wife which of course she will say NO its not true he will want to believe her hence make you the trouble maker, let he know anonymously letter dates time pictures locations she been seen etc.

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1 hour ago, twix38 said:

I would tell him.


He deserves to know the truth rather than to continue being decieved and milked financially.


It's up to him what he does with the knowledge but I prefer to know than live in oblivion. Plus eventually this thai partnership will seek to extract money or worse, when the lady obviously has finance as a motive for deceipt to stay, rather than be with her thai bf. If kids are involved is the only issue for pause for thought, otherwise tell him the facts/truth.


Let him know and then whatever action he decides is his and then stay out of it completely .


I would want to know even though it would be painful. It would probably be more painful later on when he finally gets to realise.

Often, people suspect but don't want to know as it would force them to do something they don't want to do, like get divorced.

IMO, stay out of it, unless the man is a good friend and one knows what he would like.

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38 minutes ago, Once Bitten said:

Tom is a well respected and genuine guy that in my view should be alerted to what was recently seen , should nothing be pointed out to Tom right now then at some future date things could get even worse for Tom not only in the relationship area but all so with the financial aspect of things .


The guy who saw Tom's wife at the resort is convinced that there was no mistake , the couple spent the night together in a cabin and from their obvious actions  they were not just good friends or family relatives. 


 How are we the guys who knew all about what was obviously going on regarding Tom's wife going to feel because we decided to keep it to our selves and then Tom finds out that all along we all knew but did not tell him.


Tom's not only going to feel betrayed by his wife but by his friends as well :sad:


Which is why one should never let on that one knew. That secret goes to the grave.

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7 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Why do you think money has to be involved? Maybe it is, but it does not have to be involved.

I remember a friend who had a hot sexual relationship with the girlfriend from someone else. He told me she told him her boyfriend's idea about sex is a hand-job under the shower, that's it, nothing else. But apart from that she really loved him.

So she had sex with my friend (no money involved) and a relationship with the guy she loved.

I guess that is not a solution for everybody but some people find interesting solutions to interesting problems...

Way too much information here 

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