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New British party inspired by France's Macron seeks to overturn Brexit

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44 minutes ago, oilinki said:

1) Every community have common rules. That's why you can't refuse to pay taxes to UK government, even if you would not agree with the beer taxation. Otherwise why would anyone allow the UK government to say what their local city does?


2) Perhaps you have not heard of the freedoms of movement and work in other EU countries. Not all people want to stay where we have been born. Some like to move around and EU gives the ability for us to do so.


There is probably a lot of other freedoms which EU does for us. Perhaps either EU or your local government have failed to bring the positive sides of EU to your knowledge?

"Perhaps you have not heard of the freedoms of movement and work in other EU countries. Not all people want to stay where we have been born. Some like to move around and EU gives the ability for us to do so."

Most younger people are aware of it and many voted against Brexit.

Most older people do not give a damn about it and many are Brexiters.

As the soured old farts are concerned, all of them are Brexiters 100%    :post-4641-1156694572:


42 minutes ago, billd766 said:


Take out the numbers of people ie those not of voting age and there are not 70 million,, more like 50 million.


Take out those who cannot be bothered to vote and it will be closer to 45 million.


A link for you.




Of the 46,501,241 who were eligible to vote,


Leave Vote share 51.9%

Votes 17,410,742 Votes



Vote share 48.1%

Votes 16,141,241 Votes


Rejected ballots 26,033


That left 12,923,225 or nearly 28% couldn't be bothered to vote at all.


The turnout was 72.2% which is far higher than any general election turnout for decades.



So what? Do you questions the normal works of democracy?

7 hours ago, steve187 said:

everyday day more anti constitutional, anti brexit rubbish


Anti constitutional? What?


Like pretending an "advisory" referendum was binding without parliamentary votes and then trying to by-pass parliamentary procedure, and failing in court, the High Court and the Supreme Court, all at tax payers cost of course. 



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5 hours ago, oilinki said:

It's great to see that you are so keen supporter of democracy. I'm sure you'll be thrilled to support the new referendum vote. After all it means there is more democracy for you and everybody else.


People's voice must be heard - Give the people of UK new vote now! 


Can we throw in Capital punishment, Fox hunting etc too?

NO U TURNS. REF: T614 614

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The last thing the UK needs right now is another so called political party.  It will just split the country even more.


Better to stay focussed on what Davis and May are saying at the moment.  Latest report indicates again that Britain may well stay aligned to the EU after Brexit as far as trade is concerned and therefore abide by EU regulations.


"It also says that the UK, as a “mid-sized economy”, can only maximise its trading benefits by aligning to a larger bloc, with the EU or US being the obvious options."


Davis making a speech today in Austria.  Sometimes you have to read between the lines and let's face it, you never get a straight brief from him.


But lets get our priorities right here.  Wigan Athletic knocked Man City out of the FA cup last night!  Surely that is the news of the week!

4 hours ago, Shackleton123 said:

Yes (LOL) Noticed it. The Torygraph is calling him a communist spy, and the Daily Fail has waded in with similar ludicrous claims. Turns out (according to BBC World News this morning) if he had any  information at all, it was most likely for British Intelligence, with whom he was in contact. I noted (as you have) that there must be a perceived threat for even the Tories to sink this low.

Boulton/UKIPs implosion was no accident either; this whole affair is being officially orchestrated...

 Image result for smileys people

8 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

I smell irony with this Renew party, that seeks to overthrow the democratic will of the British people. One wonders, if the Renew party has electoral success, should there be another vote and another, until the people that did not vote for Renew get their way? Would Renew party support the ignoring of democratic mandates if Renew were winning? What a mess this has all become. We had a referendum, we won, it's over. 

'' We had a referendum, we won, it's over''.....correction, we had a '' We had a non binding referendum, you won, it's not over''


6 hours ago, korkenzieher said:


So, by that logic it was an opinion poll took us in there too? Drivel!


Parliament decided to test the will of the people by asking its opinion. They didn't like the decision they got - but they accepted that as instruction and have since legislated on that 'opinion' to make it law.


Any more straws you want to clutch at?

Not straws, facts.


It's great to see that you are so keen supporter of democracy. I'm sure you'll be thrilled to support the new referendum vote. After all it means there is more democracy for you and everybody else.
People's voice must be heard - Give the people of UK new vote now! 
And if the losers don't like the result, then another vote?

Where/when does it stop?

You must think through the likely consequences.

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4 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

So, you want kids to have the vote as well?  Counting just those of voting age might be more correct.

Kids no, but young voters certainly.  The referendum attracted too few of them to the voting booths and now they have missed the opportunity to have their say.  It is their future we are screwing up after all. 


But again Brexiteers are in fear of a second referendum because they realise that Brexit would be kicked into touch.  Before you all start shouting, I am also against a second referendum.  But I am all for a final vote when all the negotiated deals are announced.  That is what has been proposed and it makes better sense to me to do that.  A second referendum today would mean, once again we are voting on the unknown outcome of Brexit.  Better to not make that mistake twice. 

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Either way it would get the UK and the EU out of this stalled situation.
If the Brexit vote wins again, there is no longer doubt and Brexit can go ahead in full speed.
If the Remain vote wins, then Brexit is cancelled and the kids of the future will read about this silly season from their textbooks.
Either way, this stagnation ends and people & countries can go forward improving their lives.
Sounds fair?
Sounds ridiculous.

The exit vote must be confirmed by a second vote for it to proceed, but one vote can stop the exit??

Sounds nuts to me.

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It was a crazy decision, true, but let's just go with it. See where it leads us. I'm not so stupid as to believe anyone can predict where this is going to go.

Possibly because it was approved by a 2/3 majority of the voters?  That's a lot of people to bang up, house and feed.   Especially when less than 1/3 of the people are out of prison working.
Just as 52% voted for Brexit??

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What a nice bunch of people. A lying war criminal, the head of the most elite global bank and a bloke who made billions from the pound's demise. I'm sure they have the ordinary British people's interests at heart though...

Blair is just trying to make himself relevant again and get back in the spotlight.

The other two are interesting in that they both have large amounts of liquid capital to hand which could be used to make a lot of money from the disruption that Brexit is causing - don’t forget it was the volatility of the situation and a weak government that Soros capitalised on to sink the pound.

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1 hour ago, fasteddie said:

A non binding referendum.


The government sent a leaflet to every house in the UK stating they would implement the referendum outcome.

1 minute ago, chrissables said:

The government sent a leaflet to every house in the UK stating they would implement the referendum outcome.

So you say but I didn't receive one, nevertheless they are breaking the terms of the referendum surprise surprise.

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1 minute ago, fasteddie said:

So you say but I didn't receive one, nevertheless they are breaking the terms of the referendum surprise surprise.

I didn't receive one either but I have a sign saying no junk mail :smile:

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1 hour ago, F4UCorsair said:

How many were below the voting age?

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The closest I can find to the numbers of registered electors for nation elections in the UK for 2016 is here.




Total number of UK parliamentary electors increases

The total number of UK parliamentary electors in December 2016 was 45,766,000, an increase of 2.3%, around 1 million, from December 2015.

The total number of parliamentary electors in each of the UK constituent countries and the percentage changes between 2015 and 2016 are:

England – 38,386,900, an increase of 2.6%

Wales – 2,243,900, an increase of 2.8%

Scotland – 3,930,000, an increase of 0.8%

Northern Ireland – 1,205,700, a decrease of 3%


There are far more statistics than this if anybody wants to dig deeper.

47 minutes ago, fasteddie said:

So you say but I didn't receive one, nevertheless they are breaking the terms of the referendum surprise surprise.


So take them to court and sue them.

6 hours ago, impulse said:


Possibly because it was approved by a 2/3 majority of the voters?  That's a lot of people to bang up, house and feed.   Especially when less than 1/3 of the people are out of prison working.


No, we voted to join a "Common Market", not the Super-Country that politicians have turned Europe into.

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11 hours ago, webfact said:

A new British political party inspired by French President Emmanuel Macron's rise to power launched a national electoral campaign on Monday aimed at stopping Brexit.

I think the inspiration stops at The Channel, the UK's 'first past the post' electoral system isn't as forgiving as the French 'two-round system', the Renew party isn't going anywhere.

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1 hour ago, DefaultName said:

No, we voted to join a "Common Market", not the Super-Country that politicians have turned Europe into.


Fair enough, but I think that's referred to as "sowing the seeds of your own demise". 


Or, using my favorite parable, you voted to turn on the gas jet that would eventually end up boiling the frog- albeit 30-40 years later.   If you don't get the reference, Google "boiling a frog".  (No insult intended by the term frog, that's just part of the parable.  It's not a capital Frog)


  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, DefaultName said:

No, we voted to join a "Common Market", not the Super-Country that politicians have turned Europe into.

That's right we joined the common market and being a major player we helped it evolve into what it is today.  In fact Britain was instrumental in many of the policies that make up the structure of the EU.

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