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Probably that was already discussed but I didn't find any thread. If you know any please post it here.


I often buy vegetable on the klong toey fresh market because it's fresher than in the supermarket and cheaper.

But I am reluctant to buy meet on the fresh market because the way it is often handled in the sun with maybe dirt falling down from the roof etc.

How is your experience with meet from the fresh market? Any problems?


Additionally I also think twice in which supermarket I buy it. I saw i.e. in Villa Soi 11 that the staff took cold cuts out of the fridge to "present" it on a table without cooling. And in the evening the put it back in the fridge.

And in TOPS and other supermarkets they put i.e. unpacked chicken on ice where everybody walks. No, not for me.


Normally I buy in Foodland and I have good experience with them.



I find many products (chicken, pork, some vegetables) are cheaper in Makro than in the market.

The prawns in Makro are kept on ice and I only buy there. fresh pork, live fish, a few other things, only at the market.

Anyway, what's wrong with dirt? You do wash your food before cooking, right? 

An experienced buyer can see if meat / fish is fresh or not and will always go to a seller that he trusts anyway.

Stuff from Makro you may assume to be sprayed with pesticides etc, so take your choice... they first stopped the markets using formaldehyde to keep vegetables looking fresh, then Borax went the same way.

Up to you, if you worry because everything isn't packed in plastic then maybe Thailand isn't for you. 


  • Like 2
59 minutes ago, cooked said:

I find many products (chicken, pork, some vegetables) are cheaper in Makro than in the market.

The prawns in Makro are kept on ice and I only buy there. fresh pork, live fish, a few other things, only at the market.

Anyway, what's wrong with dirt? You do wash your food before cooking, right? 

An experienced buyer can see if meat / fish is fresh or not and will always go to a seller that he trusts anyway.

Stuff from Makro you may assume to be sprayed with pesticides etc, so take your choice... they first stopped the markets using formaldehyde to keep vegetables looking fresh, then Borax went the same way.

Up to you, if you worry because everything isn't packed in plastic then maybe Thailand isn't for you. 


Thanks for your post.


No, I don't expect everything to be packed in plastic. And Thailand is just fine for me, I live here since two decades.


I am not an experienced buyer but I like to learn.


My point is that I think meet should be cooled. Some of the meet "on ice" in the fresh market is high up on that ice and sometimes in direct sunlight. I am concerned that meet maybe get's "too" hot. I know in other countries people think it's important that the meet (and milk, etc.) never gets too hot. Like out of the fridge, out in the heat, in the fridge again, is a bad idea - at least if the product is for too long out of the fridge.


And the problem with dirt should be obvious: If something dirty falls on the meet it might be full of bacteria. And the bacteria are transferred to the meet. Just cleaning it won't remove the bacteria. I guess with BBQ well done that is not so much a problem. But i.e. with a half raw steak I don't want too many of the wrong bacteria in that beef when I eat it.


Maybe many Thais have just a good immune system and they can handle this. Maybe I am too careful, this is why I ask here about other peoples experience.

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We get most of our food from the various small local markets and have done for about 10 years.


We buy all meats, vegetables and fruits etc ... even though sometimes there are flies about and the swishing plastic bags on wires are not keeping them away.  Never got sick once.


The only time we buy stuff form a supermarket is if we want Farang foods like baking products, bread and imported luxury stuff (which is rare now as we mostly eat Thai food).



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We buy meat from shops (not stalls) in the town market. One does pork (refrigerators, AC, clean), the other chicken/duck (not as modern, but families know each other for ages, hence "trusted"). Both work with specific local farms. So far no complaints. We do buy fish and seafood at the  market (if we manage to get up early enough). Vegetables and fruits at the markets, same for many cooked foods. I think you get the hang of which ones are alright after a while. Almost never buy meat at Makro, but sometimes veggies and fruit if they aren't too dated. Growing some yourself is easy and fun, though (well maybe not animals, that is).


  • 1 month later...
4 minutes ago, hathairat2711 said:

I occasionally meet my friends at the fresh market and have never experienced any problems.

Did you check their meat when you meet your friends?


P.S.: Sorry, I am the OP who made that mistake. It happens..

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1 hour ago, sammieuk1 said:

Pork is on my mind but not at this type of market.

On the other market I think more about chicken - obviously only the fresh once.


How is your experience with meet from the fresh market? Any problems?


hmmmh, I can meet a lot of farangs, more Thais. And so far I didn't have any problems....


I buy chicken, prawns, squid and pork from Somphet regularly.  I've never had any problems.  As the ladies have known me for a long time, I quite often have a choice with the chick and the lady with the prawns throws in a few extra.  It all seems to be cheaper than what I can have in Rimping or Tops.


Well having just come back from the market in Phuruea I can safely don't touch it the flies are all over it one girl was resting her hands on some while being served the seller did wear gloves but never changed them whilst taking money nor touching other meats I reckon guaranteed shits, 


It is quite easy to see that you never went to a local butchers shop in what ever country you are from because it has only been in the last 30 years that the carcasses are delivered in refrigerated trucks but then the meat is unloaded and is left hanging from the rail before it is cut up and placed in the refrigerator because no butcher works cutting the meat inside the refrigerator or freezer

There is another thing and that is at Tesco Lotus and at Big C all the pork arrives already cut and it has been frozen, so if you buy from them then you cannot put the meat in the freezer because you cannot refreeze uncooked meat or you will give everybody food poisoning from the bacteria

On 22/2/2561 at 1:36 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

Thanks for your post.


No, I don't expect everything to be packed in plastic. And Thailand is just fine for me, I live here since two decades.


I am not an experienced buyer but I like to learn.


My point is that I think meet should be cooled. Some of the meet "on ice" in the fresh market is high up on that ice and sometimes in direct sunlight. I am concerned that meet maybe get's "too" hot. I know in other countries people think it's important that the meet (and milk, etc.) never gets too hot. Like out of the fridge, out in the heat, in the fridge again, is a bad idea - at least if the product is for too long out of the fridge.


And the problem with dirt should be obvious: If something dirty falls on the meet it might be full of bacteria. And the bacteria are transferred to the meet. Just cleaning it won't remove the bacteria. I guess with BBQ well done that is not so much a problem. But i.e. with a half raw steak I don't want too many of the wrong bacteria in that beef when I eat it.


Maybe many Thais have just a good immune system and they can handle this. Maybe I am too careful, this is why I ask here about other peoples experience.

I meet many people at the fresh market and they usually are not cooled but the meat I buy varies from cool to hot after they have killed it

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4 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

It is quite easy to see that you never went to a local butchers shop in what ever country you are from because it has only been in the last 30 years that the carcasses are delivered in refrigerated trucks but then the meat is unloaded and is left hanging from the rail before it is cut up and placed in the refrigerator because no butcher works cutting the meat inside the refrigerator or freezer

There is another thing and that is at Tesco Lotus and at Big C all the pork arrives already cut and it has been frozen, so if you buy from them then you cannot put the meat in the freezer because you cannot refreeze uncooked meat or you will give everybody food poisoning from the bacteria

Let me just say that is a lie I have refrozen meat many times and when I cooked it no problem

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1 minute ago, moe666 said:

Let me just say that is a lie I have refrozen meat many times and when I cooked it no problem

You take a very big risk by refreezing thawed uncooked meat.

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one place i stay longer term. the short way to my lodging was through the fresh market so i would go through day and night closed or open yes and it was rare to not see a rat or three running about during quiet times yes over the counters where they display the meat too. leptospirosis ever heard of that?

anyhow i didnt have a need to buy meat and bought ready prepared food from the sellers, i figure they know whats what as its in their interest to do so

if there was  need i would go for tesco lotus or one modern butcher type place away from the market

dont know how different it would be as i had on one early morning occasion before dawn seen the place where all the eviscerated belly open pigs were laid out on the open gravel ground after slaughter and there was a rat running over those carcasses too




cooked chicken from those 5 star chicken kiosk is probably as safe as you get never had a problem from those

packed in plastic ham from the modern shops similarly no problem perhaps get your uncooked bacon similarly

2 hours ago, madmin said:

Well having just come back from the market in Phuruea I can safely don't touch it the flies are all over it one girl was resting her hands on some while being served the seller did wear gloves but never changed them whilst taking money nor touching other meats I reckon guaranteed shits, 

Yup they all do that, also the fishvendor, frogvendor, turtlevendor...But it's (well was) even worse in the Makro where they all grabbed chickenmeat from a pile with bare hands..to continue shopping with their cart...lately i didn't see that but they still grab the fish to check them with bare hands.


Once i bought spareribs on the market, when we ate them it was full of bonesplinters from the axe.

That happened also in a very good bangkokian restaurant which sold spareribs, guess they buy them from the same market.


For vegy we only eat from the Royal Farms....tastes better and we think it's cleaner..

On 22/02/2018 at 9:37 AM, tutsiwarrior said:

I get fresh chicken and pork from my fresh market (no refrigeration) and never any problems...maybe because most of what I buy has been slaughtered that day in the early am...mostly get all veg from there, usually fresher and cheaper than any supermarket...sometimes get spuds from tescos...


I wash and freeze most of the meat...use as needed...get frozen ground beef from makro in 1kg blocks, use about 500g at a time, works OK...



Shouldn't wash your meat just spreads nasties around washing area and when you cook meat the heat should be OK to kill bacteria mate.

10 hours ago, dotpoom said:

What's with the "meet"... I overlooked it in the OP's post but then seen it in replies so felt the need to correct it....it's spelt..... " meat".

o yeah  whats this nothing better to do than pick up spelling 

4 hours ago, Media1 said:

Only a person with a death wish would buy there lol. Please there's every problem you can think of

silly comment most  early wet markets are ok is what  think in your mind 

use commonsence oif u have any 


Most markets have fresh  and if u use them regulary then you know and the thai know what to get /Give u 

1 hour ago, Wang Lalker said:

yes cherry tomatoes from the royal shops, and only place to buy jalapenos, some times have avocado there too at a good price

Please where to buy Jalapeños? I even tried growing my own with no luck

Tomatillo’s would be nice also. 

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